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Show This information was copied by me from the book quoted which I borrowed. I was unable to obtain the book in Horgan on the first try. Wm E Rounds · -.-"' f1'oz. 11 :,:oun tc1 ir,.s Conqu,s:r· E-6 t, ?-1. F. h. C~ !1IorgEn, Utah. compiled D!'.',niel lJilli2r.s loc2tE'c l1en? in 1861 but res<Cined only a fn·" ~onJ;hs. :ls l?. tee !~::)ved to lk:irth :-rorgs n c=;nd built the f'irst house on the noTth side of the river. :-:eJson .t::-2v2 end George :H5.gley built e flr, t b.)tton b::ia t to cross -Che rfver-;-2 t tnis point ~ ~ Bnu c,ur:.r ng ·.c ..: 1e 1... . i. rst. c:rossi.n .1 t'n 2 b DE. .t,_. cr·:_)s. izec. , t . . 11 5 .1.t? '[1.Dg 2- Hbonrd into t~:e cb.u:rning ·veter. Fortu.nstely no lives. '\'7-ere 1~,~t. l·~&ny r::inin2 cl&i!lis were st2kf'd U'J Cotton-r.::c::d C:re:e1: but nE'VE'Y- prodUCEC ~'tlfi'icient to cov,::::r c,:~c!'lse of O;):oration6 (L,::r·<l &nd Zink) At one ti:'..e ne~rly 150 people livEd h2re but sho:r·trgE' oi' land for so r-.sny f2Dili0s c2used D::,ny to sell out. 2nd by 1900 only a half dozen fa~ilies recaincd. * DaniEl l1illi2ns, 1/yr:r-m P2-r1~er-, Hillin: Geo!'ge, .John I-Ie2t?-1 Iddinrt:)!1 G:rist ]:ill l~ovJ str·nds. Tr:.Ey built ~ S,!'\-::.:ill Pnd flo?trd logs dcun river to a pond in the b~c~. Nelso~ Arave 2nd George :Iig:ley also built e sl::L:.sle nill €8 st of t:·le nrc ~E"nt site of the L. D. s. Se1:1in2.ry building. In 1364 thG settlers IT.8'::l"OEd a chsnnel :fro::-, \·'.cb~r Bi ver 1 called "Big Ditch" on the ea~t side of the Deniel Villiass ~eadow end vest to the Stood.ord cec::doi.-J. D&niEl \·;illi2r::s vas err:nloy<cd to do the sonstruction from t£·;e river to the to·.m. 3e 1;.·Es uaic1 200 bu::".:1.r;:ls of vb.Eat for bis \.·or::. In 1364-5 Daniel \-;. built £'. t\.;o sto:ty liD.e End concrete building e ~ho1·t o is tr-nee €:f' st of the :r:rin SE"ttlcr::ent. Tl1is we s a bu2inE'ss buildinv as i.,;ell as a :no:se for the Dilli~ns fPcily. It ues 2 lcdzing h;use for trPvelers, a sKall store c:l1.d. :?ost Of.:.~ice. J . sturdy fort zdjoir:Ed it on tn.e north as protcetion 2g~inst Indi2n,uprisings. In 1863 the u. P. Eailroad \cic·s COG:Yl<?tE:d t::iru :-I0:r~·2n. Th€ town r,r':'v ranio.ly f!nd was s0on the __ tr~ding.ccntEr o: the ~~unty. The ~illia~s intsre~ts ~oved scross t~e tr2c~s to the pr~~cnt loc?ticn. It hPs the distinction of being a=ong ths e2rlicst serchen~isi~z Vintur~~ iG Utah e~d perh~us one of t:12 fe11 still under ;rrm:: gec0nt of it's founJ.ers fEr:-;ily. . Notes concerning the Morgan pioneer families of Abiah Wadsworth, William Rounds, N Nelson Arave, and Daniel Randall Williams.] P. 158-161 Submitted by Email to Morgan Daughters of Utah Pioneers by Randy Rounds, April, 2017. ; ; FOREWORD: 159 M OUNTA I N S CO N QUE R E·.D W E Rounds June 1969 See Footnote p 2 In 1947 as part of the Horgan County observance of the. i\About ... l!:!63,_ George W Taggart o! SLC and Morgan and Henry Hinman of Farmington Utah State Centenial, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W Epperson, publishers built a grist mill there. School teacher received $h5 per mo. Sawmills and o! tne Morgan Countr News at the time, edited a souvenir History lumber for housing, also ties for the RR became the demand.and logs were entitled "Pioneering Morgan County. 11 They used the manuscripts hauled by ox-team out o! Hardscrabble Canyon. (Formerly called Mill Creek of Mary Chadwick as the basio reference tor their work. In October Canyon) Hunting and fishing were abundant. Candles were used until the oil o! 1956, Dais1 Crouch, a charter mnber ot the Fine Arts Study lamp came. They were afraid o! oil lamps and some lighted them with a long Group, agreed to fe,ster another_· fjdition, resulting in the above stick thru a. crack in the door. name_d. Contributqrs:.to ·hen:i.!1anl)ri:pt were: RR Fry, Fred W Clark, Wm Dickson, CA Condie, George Heiner, Alice B Whitear, Alonzo FI"anois, Daniel O Heiner, Electa Porter, 'l'riomas Rich, W E Criddle, Martha R Mecham, George Q Robison, David Coolbear, Thomas Palmer, Hyrum Geary, Janet Bridges, Matilda Peterson, Mrs. H C Smith, Dorothy N Marker, Thomas Grover, T U Butters, Sophia Anderson* Annie S Dickson* Ema B -Butters, Iqon Toone, S B Dunn-it- 0 B Gilson, Hannah G Hegsted, Reinhardt Olsen, Fred W White, James Compton* O S Kilburn, A.my Heiner*- Lois Chard,1- Vera Carter* Enid Phillips* Arlene Irwin, O R Stuart* Maude Peterson1t- Milford Mech!- John Heine SylTester Heiner,f Kate tittle!ield{f. Sophia Grasse* Flaurie E White* Ernest Little* R H Richit- ••• * Indicates person living. BRIJ<:F' QUOTES ON PIONEER SETTLEMENT IN MORGAN COUNTRY: Thomas J ThW'ston or CenterTille, Dayis County was the !irat to recognize the possibilities o! Weber Valley in 1852. He persuaded his friends 1'hn Porter d J B Nobel. In the winter of 1855·he.; with Charles S Peterson, two o.f his sons and a son-in-law, Rosweli SteTens, they attempted a road thru the canyon. Another son, with John Cousins, Thomas Bebington and Elder Jedediah M Grant, who sent three men with teams, augmented the project. Peterson Charles Shreeye Peterson and fami1y settled here.1852 · In 1875 a delegation or non-Mormons met Pres. U S Grant at the station and accompanied him to Ogden and Salt Lake Citr • . Milton, Thomas J Thurston settled here and until 1863 he was the Presiding Elder ot the Entire Valley. John Thurston was the first boy born there. Littleton, Col. Jesse G Little was the early rounder. Richville was settled in 1859 by Darld E Henderson and Isaac Morris. In 1860 John Rich, Gillispie Waldron,and Johnathon Hemmingway came. Mountain Green GEORGE HIGLEY built a cabin there in 1859. Indians were friendly but they contested him and found him guilty o! ntrespassing" by Chief tittle Soldiers Indians because he picked some service-';.·.:. berries. He was sentenced to be whipped. Next came Gordon Beckstead.(Gordon Creek named) ABIAH WADSWOJiTH, Bills came in the spring of 1860, John Robinson Jr. that !all. Ira N Spaulding, Eli Spaulding, Thomas Higley and the Mc Lean and ARAVE families, also three ffamond and BYBEE families were among the !irst to settle there. DANIEL WILIAM3 located there in 1861 but remained only a few montha. Mc Lean built a sawmill on Weber River at Strawberry RidgE NEISON ARAVE and GEORGE HIGLEY built a boat to cross the river at'this point and it oapsized. Indians killed two threshing hands on the Peterson farm. 150 people lived here at one time but by 1900 only about six families remainec because it was too small a place to support so many. Enterprise In 1864 DANIEL WILLIAMS was employed by the town to dig the "Big Ditch" on the east side of his tarrn from the Weber River to the town !or water. He was paid 200 bushels of wheat. MORGAN has a. history o! -it's own. The RR augmented it's growth. It became the center o! culture in the valley. About 1889 the Morgan Dramatic Co. came into being with ED WADSWORTH, Director and male lead. The county was allotted a delegate to the State Convention and the 1st Monday in August 1868 the first city election was held and WM EDDINGTON was elected Mayor and ABIAH WADSWORTH as Counselor, among others. For Church Wards, Stakes, Bishops, etc sea the book. p 74. Relief' Society p 78. The old Rock Stalce Hous.e was built iR 1877 by wheeling the rock by hand at a cost of $8,000 GEORGE CRIDDLE was ono of the masons. AMBROSE WELCH wheeled rock. It was remodeled in 1937 at a cost of $28,000. The new Stake Center was dedicated 25 Sep 1955 at a cost o! $105,00. p Bo. CHAROO A WELCH and Mary A, among others, le!t Morgan to pioneer Big Horn Basin, Wyo., by call from Lorenzo Snow and at the invitation to him from Gov. Richards of that state. The year, 1900. p 82 South Morgan was founded in Sep 1860 by,Richa.rd Fl'Y1 Richard Norwood and Daniel Bull from SLC. Macy 'Ann Eddington was the first child born there, Feb 1861. This area flooded when the snow melted and they moved to the base o! the hills at East Canyon Creek where the Clark dry farm is at present. It is now known as the Fry, Harding and Turner farms. I .Mountains conquered p 2 North Morgan was settled first in 1861 by John Heath, Wyman Parker, .~ Pictured in the book is DANIEL WILLIAMS with his 4th wife, Eliza Anderton. DANIEL WILLIAMS and Wm George. Dsniel Williams built ~ · ·-·He · was born in Monmouthshire, nea.r Newport, Wales 22 May 1824. He was a. coal . the first house on the north side of the -river. AB~H WADStiORTH, ? . ·miner. In 1849 he became a convert to the LDS Church. He wa~~ ~h-~.~~:P.· or left handed carpenter, GEORGE HIGLEY and NELSON ARAVE, with their .: ·.. .. ·Daniel Williams and Maria Rawlins. He married Eliza Ames, date· unknown·, but f · .. families, settled where the EDDINGTON GRIST MILL now stands. Thay they lived in Gardifr unt11 ·1860 when they migrated to the US with seven built a sawmill. Logs were floated down the river. Nelson and .George children, aboard the SS Underwriter. From NY they went to Scranton, Penn. also built a shingle mill east of the present site or the LDS where his wife died and presrunably two children. In 1861 he moved west with Seminary building. In 1864-5 DANIEL WILLIAMS built a two story lime five children, Mary Ann, Joseph, Jane, Hynun and Harriet. His sister_, Anna and concrete building a short distance east of the main set·blement., Willia.ms (Olsen) accompanied him all the way from Wales. In Morgan County he ·· This was a business building as well as a home for the Williama fam.ily married (2) Harriet Thurston~ daughter of Thomas Jefrerson Thurston. She was pl11~ lodging, a store and a postoffice. A fort for protection against a school teacher. She died .within a few years. He married (3) 18 Jan 1873, the Indians was built adjoining the north of it. In 1868 the UPI1R Jane (Carter) Southam and she died in 1897. In late years he married (4) was completed thru Morgan and the Williams interests moved across the Eliza S Anderton and tq,y lived in San Diego, Calif, and he died there 11 Jun tr~cka to the present location. 1907 but was buried in Morgan. Eliza returned to Morgan and died there 16 Apr 1922. Their children married: PORTERVILLE was pioneered by Warriner and Sanford Porter, sons of · Sanford Porter Sr. • They packed sawmill equipment over the mountain by mules, 1854-60. In 1861 Sanford Sr. cam.e, then his sons John and I.zyman. Wm White built a sawmill, Sam. Brough a Shingle and Lath Mill. · Joseph ·R Porter taught school in 1862. Thomas Brough came in 1864 and briclonaking was his trade. The first brick made there was in 1868. Then came the Woods, Cottam, Norwood, Stoddard, Taylor, Cherry, Spaclon.an, Phillips,, White, Smethurst, Carter, Florence, Mikesell, Mortenson, Creechley, Smith and Kilburn. Warriner,·,Porter was Presiding Elder. Schools were bu.ilt. Two Wards appeared. Bishops Thomas Brough, West and Joseph R Porter, East. 22 Aug 1897 the two wards combined and a brick church was commenced. Johnny Smethurst and L H Durrant were carpenters; James Neville, Henry Rock and. Andrew Martin, brick-layers. Hyrum Phillips mixed the mortar. It was dedi- ~cated 21 Jun 1908 by Joseph F Smith. ·samuel. S Florence was sustained . as Bishop with John Riley Porter and Alfred Carter as counselors. In .: . ::: , -· 1898 a dam was built in East Canyon, seven miles So~th of Porterville~ It•s height was raised periodically then a new one built in 1915. Round Valley opens into Morgan Valley. No settlers are left there but North Round Vall~y is owned by Joseph E Rees. · MARY ANN WILLIAMS - NELSON ARAVE Joseph " Eliza. Mc Caustla.nd b Cardiff;md lS Jan 1874. This line/ Jane n Joseph Hale /pictured several gen. Hyrurn " Maggie Williams Harriet " Thomas E Jones .,r 'f ~ ., • t '. i ~ • .. ' . .~ . . . - .. t 'ti. l: 1 ,~·= I tr~ ,~.. ~ t t 'J::. l- )f."• If r tr · fr · !" .f '-; rr· it.:·: fr~;·-_,_: .. ..: [. t . ,[,. .· !/:·,_: f it- Stoddard was started by Judson L Stoddard of Farmington. He noti-fied Br.igham Young of the entry of Johnson's Army and with Lot Smi t1' impeded thei:r progress. {Capt. Smi t h of the M Battalion .. ) . f<· .. Footnote: · The front titled book gives a good account of Morgan County f; pioneers with many pictures and biographies and dates. It is not ,,.. :· Croydon is on the bank of Lost Creek,or Plumber Creek, two miles · . east of Devil•s Slide in Weber Canyon, so named after the town in Surrey, Eng. Near the junction of the creek and the river stood the famous 1000 mile tree marking a spot thus distant trom , Omaha, Nebr. See book for names of families. now available and since I have the loan of one ~his is my attempt to brief · · . ·:. 1,f·:.-:"."_ the points that interest me in-as-much as my great grandmother was a Williams, .. I~(~ my wife a g grandaughter of Nelson Arave and I a grandson of Wm Carmer Rounds f./...-. He went to church in ;porterville and was buried there. He was a sawmill man J'.~ ·· · i~ Hardscrabble Canyon with hi.s wife, Amelia Ann -Longhurst as evidenced by f .his diary of 1873. No mention is made, they were res of Bountiful, Utah. r 160 ,· . (1 ) l "'• 161 Norgan. is up Weber ?i.iv-cr Ca;1.yon about 22 li.:'..lG.s out of Or;d,m an:l i$ mo:re of a. vallcr in tr.a moimtains thn I had imagined, boint; hit;hel anrl coldur thnn tho valley. It. is quite· tlu·i.1'ty, h,wj.. :- som nio:;lc--:n oddi ti:ms o.t new i101:ws . H, i.s on ·.tho r.mi.ri !t. :.z. line 1:.o Ev:,i.o3ton, l!yo . A:i.'l'1.vii1 ln"tc 3 ...... turdar a.'itet'noJ;1, 1.:1 .r.ront, of a barber shol), the propr1.t.or, 3r(). Euttt)I'G as\wd if 1'.le could h«3lp . The Grocer".{ on the co:i."t1iJ 1· is still opet> at.ed . by 11.eirs o t Dani.el Will.iarr,, the first rnei•chnnt in Utah. (Grand.C'at(WJl" Am•on William Beach line) (Tod-:l,. they ar1; not LDS ). \ He w-:nt to the Tucker I·:arket, nea:by ().ncl found th.0111 t,o br: LDS. Sundny· W.'.l ou.r !,.:,th vl Anaivn.i'Sl'.; ::111d wo celebi"atl!ld it by ;cig t,o p, SS, a.1d. s .:re0tins, it 'bt. !.:11!1 F Sund.<i;". Ho:·:;,.n tako co111prise s )tVl1 'lt;a·<l.s e.nd ir1cl·,.uc.:;, so I w.1s in'i or:n1'Hl, Poz•tm·vilte, Pet0rson, .Stodd.?..1.·dJ Hount.J.:ln Green .i.nd Uinta, The la·tter two beinl! the ho1rv of· :irt wifa rs anco=; "toi·;; . ?hPorig1. nal b-aaut:Lful ro,:k chq•!h is otill n p;n"'t of tl'w S·l.t).ke · centor. 95 % of.. the population are LDS. We mot Sig . Ju.no Little who 1-Tol·k:. at tho Co11rt.hous0 ac,Po::rs froli\ the ch1.u·cl1 , FO:t7.ERVILL'G Thir. s;1mJ.l a;1d seemingly oldci" pioneer ct·.r.rrnnity ltcs south. .four milno on ?)tot. C.:tnJ\)n Cr,:-ck, a sl-z.c1b"'i.e s·t,•ccm co11trlbt1tD,ry to .the Webe1• Rivr. HCl"'t-) the Porter ond the Cal'."tcrB and··thi1• po:.tJ·lty nt.Ul dom:5.n:. t.0. l.,h,'} t.<nm. !'h0y l'-l•:J'.l'e tl,e O.i'lg:lna.l.. :le'.;tle1'0, t:,llir1:; t.i·l"lu tbf ;n,:mnt.:dn; ft•om t,hc Sa.lt Lake Valliy, disaovrina til• valloy ,TJ:·,d ,rc;1:,e; u1- i.."lG;. I ·:-,n.lkecl to Cl3..1'R ?ort.or Ci:i.rt.1', y:ou la her 80 1 u ,'.\1xi hor d,1.ught<n· ir1 Po;:•t,:r-:ville an.-l hat· . d:.:iu in 10r!;.tn . Cl,tt-a is thi: ::;:1·and.'.'lnt;ht,:;r oi' t,hr:J founder &nd :; till li Y<:1$ 'li'l the 1101·;.-1 oh was lJ(.1:cr: in, whi,;-t is C!lllt1 ,labot·tu :ind ;,1,Jll pro1;,;;-:.;d . C1tl;l r0r11?;':'11'Jer0d Will:lmn Ga:tnoY' and (2) Ameli.1. 1n.n s.1·:l J:trm K:tano-J. She Vl)l1mteered th,1.t J,J.Ti ) 1-m::i 11 ;-r,)'! S()1)h'.l::iticr."!',(;d. " '1h0 a child ;rhf: ronremb.:n'0d r,er ur.c le r:;a a.:J a ·gcod man w:10 fo1.L·,·,.(! in t.h, sP.1,.!'1.1i.ll buzineso . Sba re111e11iho,·cd Irr:n•'. ad Jim, a.11 .rtild1·cn of -1Jm C-.:; . ..''1·1dt· :,n,1 J,tn•'.! Klm1er, hc:' ·::r :h<;,:r- thf ,ov· <l"'-·; I 1·cc.:t::lva.:i a l,t ,t-.3r f1·1)•n 1":rG , C:;i,;!.lr! C . Kid;·;an, da,;.hter of li.r\'iD.e, tho elrl.et in th abo•:e family and she s.1ys h1r k.nnt Clar,.\ h.d c.1l'Led 011 ili=r rrnd. told. h,'!r of ir.e . She ick?ntli'"le3 he1•.:;elf C}! dau o.f Arvillst G1d;,.te Round:::, dan of Writ Cai·,n£:;r m.<l izi\ Jar,e Kitm;;,r R.otmda, and s:iy:; her mother cliecl when $ho wr;:; c\C tW() n.nd :;ho was 1·aiscdo.7 h1n• fth,';t• 1 V ( J.:>e C,1:i.··tet"' } l110P? ., He \.l. .rit•!:d the ?,,.:i•·;tr'!'vi.:Ue Cem·i(:.l... .Y wh0-.:a ·wi.r C,1.!'.'!Tiil!l' :t3; 'bi..1'.icd. It io on a rocky p.i·c,mitoi'.Y 1<.1)0'v?t th:? ·l,oirn. I t is u;rl{Gpt, i)ut e·.J'ldently 111,sy still b8 us;d tho it is 1.mr,:,vpul.;1r b)CJ.US•:) it if; so h;.t'd to l'.;cc::ivs.tcI r0co1.·d,:r, ool7 the f.ollot·Lnc : iUr.m. f:;-rt.e.- & rl:i.fe J,::1e C, 15 Dec 1834 - 27 Oct 19-0J. Oi;h1;ii:- Po1·tel'Z : J.yi;1n.a, ::.f33J , - S1:\nford 18w5 - Ivc.1,<>.:1 0 . 11352 & An.n 1B57 Al3o E.:1. W. Phillip:; & wi.fo !inn - 22 r·!a;r 182),. . 25 A1t3 1832 . Cl:·1·a Car·bor r.:li<l oh, mieht rm<)i;',.>er w1.re \im C::n.'mar was 1)ur:ecl bu't, nho dc.11lbt:, it. A aubstun1v:Lal hi;)\, w1ll don 't r-d b.r:!.o:},c Clm:cch stlll st,ml:: in Porer/viJ.lr.: h1)'1:,· :!.: nn t. in 1:.:0. I d."!.dn • ·c record th year but thi.1:.k it W:\ bu"5.lt, 1874. I -1en:-notl b:l;r thnt }lrn . Kilburn who live3 cro::-s 1,he c, t,c-cet ,mu.ld hn th,3 be.cit infornH,,nt. Accord:lue io Wm Carme1"s hist.ory he r,:r0()!\e<l n. ood se1.•mon in th:l.s chw:·ch. iIJl.rdscl"abbl er.von ·w)c1.--e ri:i.·,=:;.,::.rz.th:)1• OI:>err.,te:d is !1·:.ill a roug!1 road t,<:>d!:i.y. The name Rouf.ldy wr.c 1,11rt.icncd l:\olmd ?or-t\:n·vlll0 <1.n<l Clar:,, 1r;,;1rU..:med a !Jll l1oundy. Clru.·a is LO o;': con:ril, liirnwisc 1'11·:; . Cecile Ki c.i;'nn.:·l, :lout, 'l, .I3ox 13, but chc doeo not, have - ... . _ . . much f ru,d.ly record. Sh is ai<r: 70 IOI-IA CE.l·JE'rgRY Th.:y t;.ill Jr.•? it u&J to b0 sha1)by bri it is nr)w .to ;.'J. i>o<\1.rtilul cond1.tlon, b0:i11:; ci:lt·o;?c t.\)d 'b:r Bco . Rile;r (iGst.re.J,r·d, Idaho Pall. s, R.:f3 . Tho coin. is l.Y.;ato,.i ;-.;U\• i.n.Ji,,;;J o.lrs· of. Idaho F.lls t,.rkln;r P.:ir.5t St. au,1 he . .13·.r 't nti l e Hnort:1. Eiutt p1ace3 ara of 1•ecord in the n,'.ilri,:i o.f \·Jiii. Henr;r .Rot!t:d:;, .'.1; 20 :.: Z1i plot, Block 7 Row 3 Lot l adstones ar,:i erou1t1;1d as follows : I.-O!·DrttmST, Wm. H:mry - T!,on:;=8, :E1,•111 B:o,.,:h, Ra11)h - Jos.,;ph, I,r(1la D,1.-·1-:)'lit, - S.Oi.J:i.DS, Ar.11:,lic. Ann, ur:n L, dtr. Amb:i·ose & Blanche ,- Btu·:e, rfa.t.h .t.x1 18.90-1932 . - HaxL"l.·3 Moa<lows, d,\u ?rank Long. Victor Lc:'.1eh\.U'.:Jt - Alverda Lrmz. Tho.t·nton. ROU1{0S, 1u1ibroseJ li1:;.nche,A1:tc,: C-,.mni.J1.e;ton his da.u. |