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Show THE HAT is the finishing touch to correct attire. It is the inimitable, knowing touch of the master hand that produces a finished hat that makes or mars your entire appearance. Permit us to provide your hat and you'll have reason to rejoice in the wisdom of your choice. KNOX, STETSON and IVES' $3.00 Hats in all the new styles & olors $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 and up C. D. IVES LOUIS WEBER MANAGER THE MODEL STUDIO Photographer and Portrait Artist Ogden, Utah Peery Annex, Washington Avenue Entrance at Big Clock Typewriters BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED AND EXCHANGED L. H. BECRAFT CORNER OF GRANT AND TWENTY-FOURTH F.C. Woods & Co. Architects Ind. Phone 310 Bell 310-K Now is the time to get plans for spring building special rates. Come early Culley says There's a big difference in Prescription work. There is a mighty big difference. All the Doctors say and they know the best results come from the medicine when the prescription is put up at Culley's Drug Store Watson-Flygare Hardware Co. Fine Hardware Mechanics Tools Silverware WASHINGTON AVENUE STUDENTS Save you money on X-mas presents Call and inspect our extensive stock before buying Greatest assortment in the city. Utah Stationery Co. OGDEN's CHRISTMAS STORE N. O. OGDEN CO. MEN'S COMPLETE OUTFITTERS 236 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Sole Agents for the famous Nettleton Shoes Ladies' Misses and Children's Fine Shoes a Specialty Exclusive Agents for L. Abt & Sons High Grade Clothing for Gentlemen Christmas Suggestions Look over our immense stock of Men's fine furnishings before buying your Holiday gifts. We have everything the choicest, that will sure to please hubby. C. W. Cross Co. Fine Harness and Saddlery, Whips, Robes and Blankets 2250 AND 2252 WASHINGTON AVENUE BELL PHONE 642-X W. L. PORTER, Florist Cut Flowers Floral Designs a Specialty Opposite City Cemetery Ogden Feed & Sale Stable J. F. EVERETT A CO., Proprietors LIVERY AND BOARDING 2219 Washington Avenue Bell Phone 319-K Ind. Phone 500 TRANSIENTS A SPECIALTY A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AN Edison Phonograph THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND RECORDS IN STOCK Proudfit SPORTING GOODS CO. |