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Show pected this particular species developed from an embryo inside an egg, but we never had proof.” National Park Service scientists identified the fossilized remains as vertebrae, ribs, limbs and a shoulder bone. The embryo probably measured only 9 inches long, said Dan Chure, paleontologist at Dinosaur National Monument. An adult camptosaurus measured about 25 feet long and weighed about 1,000 pounds, he said. It had a long, heavy tail, long back legs and short forelegs. This is the first dinosaur embryo discovered at Dinosaur National Monument and one of the few dinosaur embryos ever found among rocks of the Jurassic period, Dr. Chure said. Geologists define the Jurassic period as starting some 210 million years ago and lasting 65 million years. “This is a good example of rea serendipity in paleontology,” Dr. Chure said. “There was no hint on the surface that an embryo was buried at the site. If Dr. Ash had not stopped to look for plant fossils, the embryo never would have been found.” & Speaker Decries Decay of Morals in America Utah philanthropist Spencer F. Eccles asked Weber State graduates last summer to “care enough” to take personal responsibility for the future of America. “The fundamental problem now challenging the American dream is not a government that doesn’t govern, workers who don’t work or schools that don’t THE OGDEN SYMPHONY-BALLET ASSOCIATION 2580 Jefferson Avenue 399-9214 peta el Pak UTAH SYMPHONY eB eT BALLET WEST Browning Center Weber State University aa science, which will then collectively reverse the problems of America.” & teach,” Mr. Eccles said. “The | problem is not ‘crack’ cocaine, teenage suicide or babies hav_ ing babies. Those are but the symptoms. The disease is moral decay — a moral degradation — that blurs the meaning of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and condones, encourages and per| petuates individual irresponsibility.” Mr. Eccles, chairman and chief executive of First Security Corporation, spoke to some 2,250 students — one of Weber State’s largest graduat_ ing classes — at the University’s 103rd commencement. Mr. Eccles said the United | States is faltering politically, economically and socially because too many Americans believe they can buy solutions to their problems rather than work for them. That has produced “the entangled, openended, out-of-control system of entitlement programs enacted and annually funded by Congress,” he said. “Not only do these entitle| ment programs create huge _ budget deficits, but they siphon money away from education, infrastructure investment and _ other public needs. Deficit_ fueled prosperity has weakened government, corporate and individual discipline and has dangerously increased social instability.” The only solution to those | faults is a return to the fundamental American ideals of “moral rectitude, hard work, educational opportunity and individual rights balanced with individual and community responsibility,” Mr. Eccles said. “To change America, we must first change ourselves, our families and our neighborhoods. Our challenge is to individually raise our moral con- Graduation Rates Worry Officials University officials are trying to reverse a disturbing trend that finds students take nearly a decade to earn a four-year degree. Students who graduated in June 1992 spent an average of 9.9 years to obtain their degrees, according to President Paul H. Thompson. That compares to only 6.3 years by 1972 graduates. Dr. Thompson said Weber State’s enrollment now includes some 100 students who have amassed more than 250 credit hours and no degrees. Only 183 credits are required for a bachelor’s degree. Dr. Thompson said factors contributing to slow graduation rates include: ¢ Frequent changes of academic majors by students. The average Weber State student changes majors five to seven times before graduation. ¢ Rising costs of tuition. Tuition has climbed 78 percent faster than inflation for the last four years. That has meant more Utah students have had to work full time and attend school on a part-time basis. In 1972, part-time students made up only one-third of the University’s enrollment. Today that figure has risen to 37 percent. ¢ Mormon missions. About 17 percent of Weber State students interrupt their studies for up to two years to serve missions for the Mormon Church. ¢ Career and family pressures. Many students leave Weber State for a period of months or years before returning to complete their degrees. The average 1992 graduate attended classes for only 21 quarters during their nearly 10year college careers, indicating an average break of nearly three years. Also, many women interrupt their college education to have children. Women make up more than half of Weber State’s enrollment. ¢ Failure by students to understand graduation requirements. More than 25 percent of the 3,250 students who applied for graduation last spring were denied because they had not accumulated proper credits. Dr. Thompson said the University has intensified efforts to provide more frequent and thorough student counseling to increase graduation rates. The University also is considering mandating that students confer with counselors on a regular basis. i Students Prepare to Build Rockets Weber State is going into the rocket-building business. Faculty and students will participate in a joint venture with Brigham Young University, the University of Utah and Utah State University to construct rockets with enough power to launch tiny satellites into Earth orbit. Robert Twiggs, director of the Weber State Center for Aerospace Technology, said this year students will build smaller rockets as test models for future crafts. The joint effort was recommended by scientists from Thiokol Corp. and Hercules Aerospace Co. to provide students with practical experience _ in aerospace engineering. The project — nicknamed “Unity 4” — will involve primarily seniors, Mr. Twiggs said. Some 20 scientists will help student teams assemble the rockets. Researchers from General Dynamics and Rocketdyne will share their technology and the U.S. Air Force will provide Hill Air Force Base’s Testing and Training Range as a launch and recovery site. Mr. Twiggs said Weber State will handle communications systems and ground-support equipment. BYU seniors will build the rocket cases, nose cones, fins and other external parts. The University of Utah will design rocket motors. Utah State will assemble the fuel system and act as the engineering team. & Seshachari Named interim Dean of Arts College Candadai Seshachari, chairman of the English department, has been named interim dean of the College of Arts & Humanities. He succeeds Sherwin W. Howard, who resigned last February to become president of Deep Springs College in Deep Springs, Calif. Dr. Seshachari will serve as dean while the University con- Summer Theater Tops 2,000 Mark in Season Sales Utah Musical Theater is running out of room for patrons. The 1992 season opened last summer with 75 percent of its tickets sold. By the end of the first week, most tickets were gone. The reason, said Artistic Director Jim Christian, is the summer theater’s growing reputation for quality performances. Utah Musical Theater began in the ‘70s as the Golden Spike Repertory Theater. The name was changed in the mid ‘80s. Patron interest fluctuated in the first two decades of the theater group. By 1989, Utah Musical Theater attracted some 300 season patrons. This year, more than 2,124 season tickets were sold before opening night. Mr. Christian, who also is managing director of UMT, said the theater’s reputation is making it possible to hire some of the nation’s finest student performers. That, he said, will ensure even better productions in the future. “The funny thing is we have a stronger reputation outside of Utah than inside,” Mr. ducts a national search to find a permanent successor. Dr. Seshachari joined the English faculty in 1969. He has Edward B. Walker Of Note: Chemist Receives Governor's Award Edward B. Walker, professor of chemistry and director of the University’s Center for Chemical Technology, received the 1992 Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology last July. Dr. Walker won the award for a variety of research projects completed in conjunction with Weber State’s chemical center. He was one of 14 who received the honor. Dr. Walker joined the chem- Candadai Seshachari been chairman of the English department since 1985. His 40 years of teaching experience include 16 years on the faculty of Osmania University in his native India. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Osmania University and a doctorate from the University of Utah. & istry faculty in 1981. He was appointed director of the chemical center when it was created under the state’s Centers for Excellence Program in 1990. The center has explored ways to remove oil and other hydrocarbons from sand, extracted elements from cranberries for medicinal uses and conducted other research projects that have commercial possibilities. Dr. Walker involves students in the center’s research to give them experience and provide them with jobs. Dr. Walker graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Weber State in 1976 and earned a doctorate at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, in 1980. In 1981, he completed postdoctoral studies at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Society for Photobiology, the American Society of Plant Physiologists, Sigma Xi Research Society and Phi Kappa Phi. # (continued on next page) 31 |