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Show MEMBERS of the assembly committee are chosen from the faculty by the administration. Their main purpose is to establish and maintain a high standard of assemblies not only through Weber's student entertainment but also by bringing public speakers and outside talent to our planet. Heads of the committee include Thelma Mercuris, student chairman; H. E. D. Redford, production chairman; and Delmar Dickson, scheduling chairman. THE Standards Committee, under the direction of Dr. Dello Dayton, faculty advisor and Kent Lundquist, student chairman along with its members are active in making and upholding the standards that should be set by the students of Weber College. Committees Left to right: Thelma Mercuris, Paul Farr, Mickey Pemberton, Larry Beck, Larry Chandler. Earl Smart, faculty chairman, Martha Hollist and Dennis Peterson, student chairmen and other students, chosen because of outstanding achievement, form the Awards Committee. This group check the elegibility of all Weber students to see they are given special recognition for outstanding achievement in scholarship, service, and activities. Spring quarter the committee sponsor an awards assembly at which time these awards are presented. Left to right, front row: Dave Ward, Paul Tullis, Kent Lundquist, Dr. Dello Dayton, Barbara Crosby, Jack Atkins. Back row: Dean Black, E. Carl Green, Jim Dalley, Doyle Strong. Student officer Bruce Cole and co-chairman Brent Harris headed the Social Committee in rounding off Weber's World with social events for the entire student body. At the Christmas Party, students sang carols, played checkers, danced, and ate barbeque. Men and coeds won't forget the Christmas "fun night" complete with dancing and pie alamode. At the annual Dinner Dance, Weber's students stepped right out of their world into society. Left to right, front row: Marjorie Somers, Margaret Blair, Beverley Pratt, Earl Smart, Martha Hollist, Kathleen Shurtleff, Ada Carol Piercson. Left to right, back row: Bruce Cole, Lyly Davis, Stanton Taylor. Front row: Suzanne Parker, Carolyn Nelson, Marva Gregory, Karen Pyner, Ken Rothey. Inter-club, a council of representatives from all social organizations on campus, kept Weber's World on a smooth orbit by coordinating all club activities. They played an important part in the success of all student activities, especially Homecoming Week, and in giving special recogniton to our championship basketball team. Left to right, back row: Alan Christenson, Dave Hendrickson, Dick Nicholas, Richard Pace, William Okamoto. Front row: Pat Wells, Dennis Garner President Deanna Parker Secretary. The Elections Committee, under the direction of Martha Hollist, held one of the most important jobs in "Weber's World". They saw that nominations were carried out properly and ballots prepared for all elections. Each election was carefully supervised by the Elections Committee and all ballots were carefully counted to determine competent and efficient leaders for our World. Left to right: Martha Hollist, Ray Bramble, Folrianne Barlow, Sue Ellen Affleck, Sherolyn Rogers, Larry Beck, Nedra Thordeson |