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Show A. LEON WINSOR LYDIA H. TANNER ANNA STARK EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY-The Department of Education and Psychology, stressing character and ideals in addition to methods and problems of teaching, supplies the prospective teacher with tools that equip him for classroom leadership. Besides instruction in child psychology, principles of education, hygiene, educational organization and administration, the candidate receives teaching experience. Mr. A. Leon Winsor, head of this department, is on leave of absence at Cornell University, where this year he will receive his Ph. D. Miss Anna Stark, who has direct supervision over sixty-four teaching cadets trained in her department, impresses them with the fact that school teaching is becoming more scientific every year. Through educational subjects, students become acquainted with principles of learning and teaching; through training, cadets acquire "practical control of the principles by using them." Her work demonstrates that teaching is an art acquired; her cadets sense their responsibility in preparation for the guidance of future citizens. HOME ECONOMICS-That the Weber woman may scientifically prepare herself for domestic life, that she may also receive training for a possible professional career, the Home Economics department provides balanced courses in Home Nursing, Dietetics, Foods, and Household Management. But more permanent, perhaps, than this practical experience acquired in laboratory and class room, is the influence of Mrs. Lydia H. Tanner who, in her true conception of life and service, has taught that the joy of the homemaker is the most real and profound. A. RUSSELL CROFT F. C. VAN BUREN LUCILLE O. CLARK BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE-Biology is the science of life. It is the one study vital to a complete understanding of the beauty and divinity revealed in life processes. It is a subject to which the nature lover can always respond, in which any student who desires to know truth can find the answer to his many questions concerning natural processes. Mr. A. Russell Croft, guiding his students to intelligent observation, influences them to the development not only of a scientific attitude, but also of a reverent one. PHYSICAL EDUCATION-In Dr. Frederick C. Van Buren, director of the Weber Gymnasium, is found devotion to the development of community recreative activities in an age when three attributes are co-ordinately emphasized: "A clear mind, a strong arm, and a brave heart." Conducting the men's gymnasium and swimming classes and also supervising special educational features, he is interesting the students of Weber and the people of Ogden in physical welfare, inspiring their interest in its practical and in its artistic expression. In charge of the women's department of physical education of Weber College, Airs. Lucille O. Clark, has, through a year of intensive instruction in swimming, gymnastics, and personal health, provided opportunity for development, physically, that will serve as a basis for greater mental efficiency and spiritual balance, and that will constitute a preliminary preparation for leadership in a field wide open to those capable of maintaining its standards, who have community welfare at heart. |