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Show Comments on the 14's Ephrium Poulter.-Very business like in manner. President of the mighty Seniors. Always ready for class parties anytime, anywhere. Member of Senior Dramatic. Eva Cragun.-Our Vice-President. Always on hand with the "eats." Has a mind of her own. Class debator in 1912. Associate Editor of Acorn, 1914. Roxey Robson.-Writes all the Senior Class checks; has a charming personality and sees good in everybody. Assistant School Notes Editor, Acorn, 1914. George Croft.-Works so hard he seldom has leisure to laugh. Lee Purrington.-Editor of the Acorn, 1914. Talks some, thinks much of Acorn and Member of Senior Dramatic. La Rene Zitzman.-Tall, graceful and interesting and of few words but many kindly deeds. Cora Volker.-Knows what's what. Has a winning smile for every one, especially George (?). Lawrence Clark.-The Senior song bird. Desires to become a canary. Parley Lindford.-A flirt (?). Lillie Oborn.-Small in stature; but great in thought. Isabel Grow.-Loves everyone, even Dr. Lind. Member of Senior Dramatic. Susie Jacobs.-Has learned the value of time. Doesn't believe in wasting it on English so spends the time tatting. Member of Senior Dramatic. Kate Squires.-Laughs at everything. Perfectly contented. Lloyd Millar.-Very fatherly to the Senior Girls. Senior Dramatic. Secretary of Student Body 1913. Vice-President of Agricultural Club, 1914. School Notes Reporter, Acorn, 1914. Assistant Business Manager, 1913. Ammon Bartholomew.-Silence is golden. "And still the wonder grew that one small head could carry all he knew." Lorenzo Richards.-Always in the right place at the right time for the eats. President of the class 1910, 1911. School Orator, 1912. School debator, 1913, 1914. Business Manager Acorn, 1913. School basketball, 1914. President of Student Body, 1914. Arthur Grix.-A blue-eyed baseball fan. An architect, always drawing plans for---(married life). Ora Engstrom.-A cute little Miss. Ever changing, but ever constant in that change. She knows how to win the boys with a smile. Senior reporter, Acorn. School Declamation, 1914. Member Senior Dramatic. Florence Mitchell.-Thoughtful, ever smiling, makes the world better for having lived. Lizzie Lofgreen.-A frank and open-hearted maiden. Wilford Wheelwright.-"Still water runs deep." Thine eyes are as the stars in heaven. Member of Senior Dramatic. Ardel Stratford.-Young in years but that matters not. Vera Tracy.-Her philosophy is great. Her ambitions are high. Debator, 1913-14. Editor School Notes, Acorn, 1914. Member of Senior Dramatic. Vice-President of German Club, 1914. Mary Hopkin.-Motherly, good-natured and always happy. Mod- est as a lilly. Member of Senior Dramatic. Glen Gould.-Knows all, says much. School debator, member of Senior Dramatic. Vandy Layman.-A basketball star, interested in athletics and marriage. School baseball player. Wilmer Jensen.-A shining light in oratory. Junior debator. Katheryn Volker.--A nifty little girl, who loves English and Music. Arthur Brown.-Excells in yells and continued stories. Member of Senior Dramatic. Irvin Poulter.-Always hunting" for Ads. "Through with wimmen." Member of Senior Dramatic. Debator 1910, 1914. Business Manager, Acorn, 1914. Fielding Barlow.-A Jew from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. He thinks and his thoughts are reflected. Assistant Business Manager, Acorn, 1914. School basketball team, 1914. Member of Senior Dramatic. President class, 1913. Bertha Wheelwright.-Precise and determined, she declares. Leads her class in knowledge. State Champion in declamation, 1912. Member of Senior Dramatic. John Bowen.-Prof. Ballantyne, the Second. Enjoys jokes and classical music. Member of Senior Dramatic. Sgt.-at-Arms of School. Helen Taylor.-Very popular. Bestowes a smile with every word. Especially is she fond of her cousin. Vice-President and Secretary and Treasurer, 1913. Member of Senior Dramatic. Iva Steers.-Aims to be a pedagogue. Will travel soon to Brig- ham City. Member of Senior Dramatic. School Orator, 1913. Debator. 1912. Rose Mitchell.-Doesn't tell all she knows, but knows all she tells. Ellen Price. -A good worker. |