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A collection of yearbooks from Weber Academy which comprise the years 1905 to 1918. Included in the yearbook are photographs of students, class officers, faculty, Board of Education, athletics, and departments within the academy. It also contains sections on the clubs and organizations within the Academy, literary pages, student poetry, and advertisements from local businesses |
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Show That is why they've cause to show Their loyal and glad elation. They have had some jolly parties- This happy merry crew- And all the things that happened- They are numbered with the few, Which stay within their memories Till they're Seniors tall and learned. Although they're only Freshmen, And often joked and spurned, By their upper classmen-cruel foes, Who have had cause to forget That they were once but Freshmen, And aren't grown up as yet. They will always keep on striving With a purpose firm and strong, To do all within their power To help their friends along. Tho' the girls are rather bashful And the boys are somewhat gay, Yet, they are still progressing. In an excellent sort of way; And day by day they're striving To do their level best, And tho' 'tis sometimes very hard They're sure to stand the test. With brilliant hopes for high success, And a purpose great in view, With faith in each succeeding year, They bid you all adieu. The Home Economics Club The Home Economics Club was organized by Mrs. Lydia H. Tanner, the instructor of Domestic Science, in Weber Academy. This is the first year that the girls have had a club of this kind in Weber. With the help of Miss Clarie Parrish, of the Agricultural College of Logan, and the lady members of our Faculty, we have had some very successful meetings and also had many good times. We have had many eminent women of Ogden and other cities of Utah, to speak to the girls of the importance and beneficial results of this club work. Many of our club girls have joined the Woman's Federation League. We wish the next year officers and club members much success with this work; that they might accomplish their ends in the Home Economics Club of the Weber Academy. The officers of the Club for 1915 were chosen by acclamation, with Emma Barlow, President; Irene Scoville. First Vice President; Elda Ririe, Second Vice President, and Julia Wade. Secretary and Treasurer. The Agriculture Club The Weber Agriculture Club has been quite a live wire this year. Their officers were: Earl Nixon, President; Lawrence Wilde, Vice President; Victor Critchlow, Secretary and Treasurer, and Elvin Wilkinson, Publicity Agent. Much has been accomplished by this club, through the able assistance of Brother Manning and others. It was through their efforts and those of the Home Economics Club that we were able to hold a Farmers' Institute this year. We feel that much good will be derived from having these prominent educators, along the lines pi Agriculture and Home Economics, come and instruct us. We hope that this will be a permanent thing in the future, and that each year we will be able to have a better Institute. |