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Show 2 b. The president shall of the student body Executive Board and preside over all and all meetings Student Council. assemblies of the Student The president shall be an ex-officio member of Finance, c. d. e. The vice president shall assume, temporarily, the duties of the president during his absence. The vice president shall be a member of the Assembly committee. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all Student executive board and Student Council meetings and general assemblies in books which shall be accessibl e to all members of the association. The secretary Shall handle all correspondence received and sent by the Student Body Officers and student committee s, The secretary f. Social, Assembly, Election, and Pep Assembly committees, He will also be an ex-officio member of all Clans, The president has the right to vote as a member in student council, student executive board and all committees of which he is an ex-officio member. shall be a member of the Assembly, and chairman of the Elections Committee. The historian shall keep a record of all associated student activities held during the year. The books shall serve as a history of student activities and Shall be filed with the Ben Lomond High School librarian. He shall serve as chairman of the Social Committee. Article III. Class Officers Section a Officers of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes shall be president, vice president, and secretary elected by their respective classes as prescribed in Article VIII. Section a1. The duties activities Section ITT. The for of the class officers shall be to encourage relative to their respective classes, Principal shall appoint one or more each class to serve as advisors. Article Section Section IV Boys! members Association All boys of Ben Lomond High School shall be members of the Boys! Association. aI. faculty automatically The officers of this organization shall be presiden t, Vice president, and secretary; who shall be elected by the members of the Boys' Association as prescrib ed in Article VIII, Starting with the year 1955-56, they Shall be seniors. |