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Show Ee Sd wig eee Fle use ; Fe. ' is tte ns ee fn ; é2 Ri % Thube : ve * of it $ eB dei ait} a ly $ \ ti Ps ens a ieee is| ail SRE a pe iis ene ieee ay Judy Hodson’ ©! 4. ‘row. SoprEs | cation ” Jase: wee touri ter er ae waiting for thesbi ; mornin, oe fa ‘eel the bookmobile that «visited Ber go and the house: dee ae yee Lomond ;' Wednesday ee ee jim” day night at|nesdays before schoo _ | eonsotes oy: the Utah ‘State: Liigh School for the ir aictiecs! will, eee iro omply, at brary, the. bookmobile cis: adibrary mance of “Brother | 8 for each group. On RANE a. 1l eduction by the | | Bpm. Walter Durfee and the | orn-|on wheels and contains books of all. | ings at the same timé, t utiire: types for all ages. The sight of a | choir will-rehearse, Besides practicing for the saad Christmas. con- “bookmobile was something new for Dec. 16, the choir most Scots who agreed that it’s a cert ‘nub fi s have spent many | must practice pr for “two other sched- ereat, thi pine ae a ; aers. in rehearsal and ‘ances are Plies xc sche perform-| uled pe 1 be admitted on. ac-| Dec Oe 7, apn. the® first night only. fesion Wi adults either perform- fessional 2S SAGES aa Lai kee Me, » Lomond. The talk con-| Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Lawson, with Orchestra last Thursday. gard with 181 points. for a. special day, | Maestro Maurice..Abravanel AS se, Dec. 10.|his Orches year , the home economics de- | with selecti ant spons ors an open house. | by: Milha rn op P dis lay oes Bc } the publiew~as*well Uae | | "the sross pt i fe vored au the and}_ Scots). Thought Francaise’) Mozart's and the as stu- ‘orchestra for taking. pps, to! BOVIS. | play for us. Stude are Mrs. | appreciated the music.,ma d and, spars ‘ ee oe for McAllister, principal, reminded crane of the day. servedod“ National Edu-. NOVEMBER 19 Ben Lomond ROTC) Rifle Team Beat _ Winner of permanent t he matches Ea gain poSsession of the Epa Total. scores” for’ the first. m were: “Ben Lomond, 1,7695 nt den, 1,76h.° ae ) le score. for wach: pa “is..2,( Cadet Major Lawson, son and Mrs. Carl wae on, | ired, high score | Ben "Lomo a ced up the eight-' eo margin ‘in the last order % —" acts ES the honors ere Qa a Week: Teen- agers do brighten up a home. Who phony in “Mino electric light. The Scots. would publicly like to; ‘will‘be | thank Maurice Abravanel, rd Sanc en's Concert Girls’ Scots of the begin ea ly morning secni ng tomor- : be |. cE ut dent place “Sym- ever saw one of them turn off an . Tolton is substi-| In honor of Veterans’. — Wedor Mrs. Shirley'*Hyer unt. nesday, students met. in the audilyer returris’to school Nov. | torium between first and second et eee far re oe oe for a short assembly. Ellis es second Utah Sym-| were Mike Sutton and Lee ial os phony in” the: ‘rifle m ch, High man on the Scots’ dtel Ben sae was Carl Lawson, son of, 85 points. ithe eee ae for news. Scotties - aS ‘sali a hod of Christmas plans is plenti-| were Pe ——_— ast week in an ROTC and Pro-' 1,761. Miia, by Bic may be purchased from: stu-| Lomond. eo to have. | both Thureda y| Members’ will sing for’ the Ogden. Ben Lomond’s sharpshooters deHigh 1,789 points to ee Dee, 8, and on feated AGH AE Sage tee. . 5 COTaR ie |