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Show Physical Ed Seodies to be sold at auction. _ White elephant” sales were f conducted ‘im all home rooms good share of the eo as by offer- ing to carry school books for a price, or putting away musical in“This makes an over-al] averstruments—again for a price—all of which went into the fast grow- age of about 70 cents per student ing fund. : : : per year,” Vernon Mordaunt, teacher in charge of the drive, | 6TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR said. “We are very proud | het - This is the sixth. consecutive Students, hecause they year that students at Wah have participated * ; Ee x REE: Ai ohana aR) PNET Bue daunt /a march 8; tumbling acts by tiga “from all three grade S5 routine by ninth grade is tase ot ie | girls and-relays by boys from the eighth grade. The ninth grade said _ boys and girls will do a waltz re _ routine as well as calesthenics. year | neon ARES roger my a ae " uy ae i | i rope routine by come through each year,” . ‘The winning home room whic h Sathered up the most money will} be awarded a. prize, Mr. Mor- in ¢t Mifious pupils sold “thei f 0 _to other students who. and amount gathe red each Lift in catching up ona is as follow s: De biked. In 1953, $225; 1954, $542.70; 1955, $534.89; 1956, $423.89; 1957, $436.54; 1958, $373.86. cag ee ORE ek The PTA meeting, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. will be in the form of a Founder’s Day program and all past presidents will be honored. This will include Mrs. Mrs. Buckway, Maria Melba Favero, Mrs. Irene Parker, Mrs, Mrs. Roberta Storey, Wanda Thompson and Mrs. Isabel Gooch. The physical education review will follow immediately with it 680. students participating. jing presentation of colors, ern dance will be given by 4 group of girls. The rest of Coffers few lessons. Teachers contributed POS OT: ly PTA meeting. : FARR WEST. — The annual: ee tt aR De Sete BN aN MONEY GETTER—Ranae Brown admires the handsome cake the Melodetts at Wahlquist bought from John Rhees during the school’s polio fund drive. Ranae is president of the Melodetts and the cake cost the singing group $12.50. The money was added to the school’s polio fund. WE FARR WES —T The annua] | physical education review of the | Wahiquist Junior High will be | presented tonight and tomorrow night in the gymnasium and’ will _ be preceded tonight by the month- oon polio drive in Weber County will be nearly $375 richer because students at Wahlquist Junior High School conducted their own private fund raising campaign this week, . ee The drive started Monday with students contributing cakes, cook1€s, candy, popsicles and other A cts _ ; Teachers in charge are Mrs. Vivian Boyington and Wayne Cot- i tle. They will be assisted by stu- | dents, Kay Giles and Gordon Bel- ips _ ea a al Fe ne _ nap. Following the popcorn’ balls and review candy, cupeakes will be sold. All money cleared will _ be turned into the Weber County Parent Teacher Assn. to be added to the scholarship fund for pros- |) ' pective teachers. o The same program will be ‘of| fered tomorrow evening at school beginning at 7:30 My EES AIRS Revi ew, |