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Show erere aetna : errr aH oere 3 re « set e eee TS »). ETT — an age vt least program. on $2,500, | a year- ) Others. in were,~- attendance be for an enlargement of the staff O. K. Hine, Idaho, Joseph Parker, and the year-round. program. Montana, and Paul Shriver, Colo| -C, Col. rado administrators. é “Walls of the central school under e, | Rite Ri ke PVA Ot eo = LEAL 8 88 PRE SADDER E- Bohd. HEED FH EEEE S-2:-2-F-4 _ Harrington, was also Dr. national in administrator construction attendance. Géorge Stewart-of Ogden, were to be of brick senior forest ecologist for the. U.. Si Forest Service, described ‘import; ance of soil. conservation measure at a: meeting of the Salt Lake Ki He illustrated his address. wanians. with slidés. R. E. Edens, Ogden Kiwanis president, presided: serve to West, Slatérville ‘Farr ere RD 9-2 68 EDD ESC 5 / Se rado. OSS Be the round basis and induce one city | ‘school board to appropriate funds to the program were agreed. on in lems affecting WPA administration. a. meeting of the Ogden Recreain-Utah, Montana, Idaho and Colo- tion Council. The increases | would ™ SS operate at by budget reation Darrell J. Greenwell, of Ogden, Utah state WPA administrator, was in Salt Lake City, discussing prob-° oe “ rs —_—-—- ER Efforts to inerease the city’s rec- | 96 YEARS AGO it Was crete trustees décided at weekly $2,000. | con: County meeting of the structure an increased cage, amg aa Marriott instead_of announced. their t6 make despite prick, Harrisvill and cost of ae 50 YEARS AGO had been. elected - Fire had destroyed a barn an Reid Evans t the Art Club at Weber killed a valuable horse owned by presidenof High School..F; J. Westergard was -R. D. Brown, 2032 Jefferson. | the club adviser. - H.L. Bell, who had been appoint. | Mae L.° Layton, 19, 3238 Grant, ed assistant superintendent of the | and George I. Porter, 20, Rt. No, 4; “Southern Pacific Railroad Co. at had enlisted in the Third Signal Sparks, Nev., had left to take up Company of the Army. They were his new duties. to be stationed at Fort Lewis, A large force of men were at | > Wash. |