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Show e r a ‘ C | ul s t e Ge g n i t i h c a e T “ “Tear m ing problems or _working out learning By ED HUNT more quickly than The Weber District has as ds the ; ommend poking * con- new data. would be possible for one teach- ready pioneered in buildings cept of team teaching used in They even fed. Saturdays to er involved with a large class with flexible space arrangeZ 8B th District an ef- plan, evaluate and discuss team alone in the conventional way. ments to accommodate almost teaching methods and controls. Learning In depth which is any size group from 150 to one Last summer the seven particihis is a question that may be pated in a lengthy workshop, possible for fast-advancing stu- at any specific moment. d acgprately through a and during the Christmas vaca- dents is another satisfactory re-| Objectives of the project inported research pro-|! tion spent three full days devis- sult of the team method, accord- clude the comparison of results spearheaded by the ing changes to insure program ing to Mr. Jarrett and his teach- obtained by present and past, ers. = team teaching methods used in mior High School in improvement.— A student who desires may the Weber District, and a reAll team mientbere agree that under thegf teat teacher method, read widely in supplemental view of the logical sequence of f . pecially dedicated stintents ipline problems di- texts including college books if subject matter units and spei ee minish to a great extent. They it fits into the general context cial nee for such a ache h Fn t persona ing mee Ps ae :view with a loud and attribute this to the fact that of the work. students recognize and under-| “ALSO CHECKED | os stand the purposes for which “He is not given a free hand; Provisions for various “3 | |r William R. Boren, superin- they work. with no limits or guides,” the|t erident of the Weber District, ach teacher not only has a ‘school official said, ‘‘but..we dois -has a strong faith in the major in education but is not place any obstacles ape individ te ‘ bos enching, which also an field expert in some specific path if he canal sorb subject and can be utilized for large class lectures. This means: that all teacher. skills can be j more efficaciously used. 1g come general,” he THE LINEUPS te nd district can move Team members are: Mrs. *xe ‘fa than effective s canbe found or trained Clarence Ledingham, Judith Jolley, Collene L. Keyes, and Melvin Cheney, English; Robert ‘ice x ne two years. : io shcept is Sof reason enough for Colvin, Vernal Bench and Bruce thai At the completion of te tae re Griffin, social studies team. fal , ect ene in schools through| rch roj omes more | Sea Dr. Boren said that one dras- new concept as it babar the state. Proof of its efrefined will prove to,be a most | feetivenéss is required, and the tic revision in administrative effective way of educating chil- and perhaps state-wide. thinking on team teaching has roject to be completed in 1966 dren for the modern ‘world | Assisting in the projec : ppapected. fo supply much of been made since starting of the its many exacting demands.with ‘the following consultan method at Wahlquist in 1968. The Wahlquist team ‘seems to | James Shaver, “At first we thought that this ve te TEAMS ! concept would result in_teach- belieye that further chan es. in cation, Harv: buid ings Helmut Holton ossor.. of | Seven teachers in two teams ing larger groups, but instead curriculum and school Utah | ‘King closély together are in- we found that best results were wil I result in widespréad use education and Par | Pas { this:program of teach- achieved with smaller groups’ of the team teaching methods. }Stata University, and liam Slager, professor of 1 ish a und ae studies even down to individuals,” hej} lish, University of Utah, | said. Each is spending a min : ra Sealers. One. or more tegchers of ‘the ‘of 15 days a year on th Cw icy Jarrett, Wahiquist prin- team can meet with a group of St LIMITS REMAIN ate oe : hbe- students all having the same ps So interested in new tech problem or who are going at 1e-|the same rate of speed through nee that the group i the my material, Jet % _heip Half = the — is ae BAS ‘ |