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Show GLOSSARY OF TERMS Flexible IND r Facility: A facility which is adaptable Rigid Facility: of approximately A classroom area thirty students. Accustical Floor atmosphere. Covering: designed Carpeting for cH Self Contained Classroom: manipulation of personnel Ungraded Curriculum: and has large, to accommodations provide a quiet mulitple sources, facilities of the to be department. teachers working together, in varying enhancing the educational program. A teaching situation where there is no to achieve the flexible grouping of students. Individualized Instruction: has been manipulated to meet experiences speed. Age the designed Department Resource Center: A collection of used by students, housed within the physical Team Teaching: Two or more degrees, for the purpose of to students. of groups small or size class The A teaching situation where the the varying abilities within a student follows a sequence moves through these experiences at little to do with his placement, of content classroom. learning his own rate of Phasing: This term has developed two different meanings within school. (1) it can mean a series of learning experiences which been grouped on a sequential basis, or (2) learning experiences grouped according to difficulity. Tracking: The the curriculum grouping of to fit each Video Tapes: The use within the school. T.V.: use The of use of of students group. according to ability and television equipment to produce audio television educational produced televised from productions within of the building visual district national our have or the broadcasting systems. te Film 14, Conference Loops: enable up A short film Telephone: to 1,000 A designed telephone students to to give with listen insight on microphones to and take a single and part concept. speakers in a to telephone conversation. Individualized Tapes: Tapes designed in an individualized program. Programmed the student Materials: can move Written through for materials them at _ ep student with their own use enough speed. as they. participate instructions that |