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Show FIRST HALF-YEAR™ certifies. thatieu. AZZ... Sood ne i TE having con ploted in a satistastory for scribed manner “7 Cy ities all the studies . he clann. /... — pre — dropped we to PROMOTION a This cortifier: thal. —’ Lele Le. Sf .. = See fosr arp ~T - me te ot fe Le, tu s satisfactory manner heaving all the completed etudlies pre” } _petibed, for for - the Acta. Ogden City Public Schools, te hereby ; grade, Pramated to retained—tn diopped—to- Se a< “Teachers will cross oot words that do not oe ; eo- («= ifieate to-your (eather upon - apply. _ —— ’ “School, he eS _ tm _ = ~ ae eae Teacher, < After you have carefully inspected each report please sign your name in the proper space on third page, The | always be made by the eame person and in the same way, ae the signatures are carefully compared each month by The value of Ue nf made every #tx weeks dependa uponthe Interest taken tn by parents Should anything appear tq call at i carefully comparn record, , oe BELOW “M” OR Oe: 4 ”" . it with your : ae w. “ IN ~ MARKS ON TIEAREDAN- GUR LINE AND THE CHANCES ARE HE. MAY NOT PASS UNLESS HE IMPROVES, PLEASE RETURN THE REPORT CARD PRO | & child's KARL HOPKINS, wepectotendent. Innert. word “fot” tf child te not promoted, a. once and conault with the teacher concerning it. Note the Method of Marking and tre this e—~ ee lmaarete aint en, Ft tering next grade. 7 hee eel y E- _ tL unsatisfactory you are requested _ — He it if Je aR Pope te it — : : IN . OF pee SECOND HALF-YEAR CERTIPICATHR awe ri 2, t@—,)* ‘~ ~ — ' ee — abt i el promoted to réetalned—tn- Ogden City Public Schools, le hereby = se et “**% This —_ « = PF |