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Show The Secrets of the Health Garden By the Girls of the Physical &ducation OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL MAY 22, 1925 In the garden of happiness hoateh childrer pixy. White they are playiew to the garden «© fair, Littlo Mixes Ii-bealth chanced te come there She beoks at their glepthe then trices tm hog, And feels very sad when ‘nhe Hodes she eannet, Sie wants to te bealily hut docen’t ketw how. of her sow For i-health, end saduess are « part Rut watt! ir, in hut wives Shee tries if agarn, a health faary non et heie fore: One whe ie ever er willing te show, way the right astray, leat Volks to gu 4 few simpl rales e that if follwwed each dey. play. and to , I teecth her to eton, amd to sing it health ._ . Iivalitt Peiry The Bop The Thelmee Joece Porn Jude Fuorn Pardee Girl Lennie Shaw ' Virtt stretch thee muscles wonld drive ill-health Uf gan every day away. PhUSTURE PARADE Heten Vogel, toe Neloon, Dorothy Coop Norma Hill, Rutt Locked, Feen Pardee, Klean Posey, — Merrill, Evelyn Nice elon Semndntemme Wieder, Wienifred Yin | MeConnet!, h Tayhory deeds ~ bbewre lt nu Bebelit the pun im the clear Mine eky, lis cays bring bealth that will por din SUNSHINE DANCE Margaret Shaw, Mulla feveman, Mate! Green, Evelyn West. Lucille Beysnt, ui A glee of water every how Will give you twiee your wexal power, WATER PANCE Comnte Shaw, Lavon Streckler, Ime Noleom, Greve Dyrne. Rbeees Margy Pere Lofgrenn Pardoa Bealub ble Greeobend, tv Early to bed an! warty © rive Will make «4 man Healthy, Wealthy and Wite Sleep Dance Melta Howman v Cansly ceuers meny « pain And from excel. we whould refrain “THROW AWAY THE CANDY Viele Tayler, Mildred Heeder. Ormeda Stokes Opal vi In plane of candy and of meat Freeh green vegotabices we abould eat CAHKROT DANCE Veowa Shaw, Jessie Smith. Frieda Vernata T Crescent te Vlowence Leevi wit Sealka Morker, Rath Skeca, re |