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Show COLLEGE HAS HONGR BANQUE seception Tonight and Bacéalanreate Sermon Tomorrow : S<venty Honor and Persons stadents, guesta in tins e . m of ‘ Meat tert r the ia in the " of mémba Weber-<Oitegs' : banquet comprising faculty college cafe- ho eoncinding ovent annual stident-body honor iy. “obert inivter 1. Burton and President were was Aaron given acted to as toast- introduced W. cach by Tracy. Touria sroup of gtu- Gent activities Those Bivinge tha Lonats and ceunbisdiris Wore: B8tudou, Sere eae M4 ii ang Miss Kthe! Holmren: «A*'bell awarda, Frank -LOuUriinens baskeotonil awards: Kay mond rice: Uraitia awards, Heeeey 1. ‘Layior, Miles Heth Winkler, Ruler Mudge and Casper Wooda: Herrn iudent ivan nowspaper) 86 Jdot awards. liens spor wards, iiemry ~ J0urnal Watus, Thérma JOnes, Acorn Jovating: aW A “Us. Ernieet Ward, Ruion Budge. eritertained with a Voce! sdlo. and laater Hinch- clif ded banquet the in group Whe dgdomestio “pger S o'clock VOrally liver tie singing, served by sclence Tho eirle nh profesor, | at will .nweTmmruag college's of department! Mrs. Lydia Tanner. Butiday atiernocn Levi “Pdger-Youug, of BrirGUating. 2 Un)- dee e wink ., be in given by Lhe college audlitorticeaeeemprene lic ta cordially invited to Attendance. Vocal numbers willbe Bioward Emme Shope, Mier Woeodland and chorus, and. some Huinhers under the lester Valba the tivds, collage mrciits nai Pincheliffr. be ollered by wvillieae na beonediction by Mayor gE os ls: yep ‘Ge Wipe nine. Tonight oat 7 Hicte! itigelow, will! class be host to and _tnvited | o'élock. President in. the Tracy the graduating guests. |