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Show 24 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT" (b.) TrigonometryThe trigonometrical functions, general formula of plane and spherical trigonometry, solution of plane and spherical triangles, practice in the use of logarithmic tables. Last two-thirds year. HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. The Orient and GreeceRequired of second year students in the Classical course. A general survey of Oriental nations, with special reference to their contribution to Western civilization; the development of the Athenian constitution and the institutions of Sparta. The citystatewith reasons for its development. Athenian culture will be studied as the highest type of Grecian civilization. The contact with the east, and the spread of Hellenism. The text will be supplemented by lectures and library work upon special topics. Five hours per week, first half year. Botsford's Orient and Greece. RomeRequired of second year students in the Classical coarse. Primitive Italy, the beginnings of Rome, the monarchy, the aristocracy and the republic; the empire, the introduction of Christianity, and the invasions of the barbarians. Special attention will be given to the political history and to the development of Roman law. Text, lectures and supplementary work. Five hours per week, second half year, Botsford's History of Rome. European HistoryRequired of third year students in the Classical course, and of fourth year students in the Normal couase. The Holy Roman Empire, the Crusades, the feudal system, the Reformation, political revolutions, and the growth of ideas of religious liberty and political rights. Two hours-per week throughout the year. Adams' European History and Supplementary. English HistoryOpen as an elective to students of English literature. The ancient history of England, the conquest by the Germanic tribes, the consolidation of the nation into one state, and the constitutional development, will be considered. Two hours per week throughout the year. United States History Required of third year students in the Normal course, and of fourth year students in the Classical course. The period of discovery and exploration; colonial period, Revolutionary war; the political, constitutional and industrial WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. 25 development of the United States. Three hours per week through-out the year. Channing's United States History, and research work. Civil GovernmentRequired of third year students in the Normal course. Origin and development of American institutions, the Constitution of the United States, State constitutions and governments, ballot reform, civil service reform, etc. Two hours per week throughout the year. Political Economy- Open as an elective to students who are prepared, The principles underlying production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of wealth, are discussed. Bullock's Introduction to the Study of Economics, DOMESTIC ARTS. Sewing During the first term of the first year, instructions are given in plain hand sewing, basting, back-stitching, hemming, over-casting, felling, gathering, French seam, button-holes, loops, eyelets, patching, darning, etc. Each student is made familiar with the management of the sewing machine in running seams, hemming, tucking, ruffling, quilting, binding, etc. The student makes a set of models covering the full course in hand and machine sewing. Second term, first year -Drafting patterns of undergarments, etc.; making skirt, drawers and corset cover, and fitting and finishing a dress of wash material. DressmakingSecond year; drafting from measurements patterns for waists, sleeves, skirts, etc.; practice in cutting, basting and fitting, and general dressmaking. Art NeedleworkThird year. Instruction is given in the various kinds of embroidery, drawn-work and modern lace-making, |