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Show 12 WEBER STAKE ACADEMY, than fifteen hours per week, nor shall changes in registration be granted, except by special vote of the faculty. (b) Applicants for admission to the Preparatory course must present to the committee on credentials and entrance examinations satisfactory evidence of their pro-motion from the seventh grade of the public schools, or pass an examination in the studies of said grade. (c) Applicants for admission to the Missionary course must present a call signed by the First Presidency of the Church. A recommend from the bishop of the ward will be accepted until the letter from the Church can be obtained. COURSES OF STUDY The following Courses of Study are offered for 1907-8 1. A four years' Classical course. 2. A four years' Normal course. 3. A four years' Scientific course. 4. A four years' Commercial course. 5. A four years' Domestic Arts and Science course. 6. A three years' Bookkeeping course. 7. A three years' Stenographic course. 8. A one year's Special Bookkeeping course. 9. A one year's Special Stenographic course. 10. A two years' Missionary course. 11. A one year's Preparatory course. GRADUATION Students will be given certificates on the completion of the Preparatory course as herein prescribed. Those students completing any of the four years' courses will be given a diploma. The standing of students in studies pursued is deter- OGDEN, UTAH. 13 mined from the daily records of recitations, views, and final examinations. No student will receive credit to-ward graduation in any study in which percentage of excellence falls below 60; nor shall any student be graduated who does not attain an average of 75 per cent in all stud ncluded in the course. Students who do not graduate with the class in which they enter, will be held to all the requirements made of the class with which they finally graduate. Since changes may be necessary from year to year, students who register for any course will be permitted to graduate in the course as laid out in the year in which they register. LECTURE COURSE The lecture course of the Academy is now five years oldfar beyond the experimental stage. From a very modest beginning it has grown to become the foremost lecture course in the West. The best talent on the platform has been secured each season, and in the past such celebrities and artists as Prof. S. H. Clark, University of Chicago; Edmund Vance Cook; Alton Packard; Spillman Riggs; Dr. George E. Vincent, University of Chicago; Dr. Thos. E. Green; Lou J. Beauchamp; Rev. Sam Jones; Maro, the magician; The Dunbar Concert Co.; Rogers and Grilley; Prof. John B. DeMott; Dr. Richard G. Moulton. University of Chicago; Prof. Geo. Riddle, Harvard University; Jubilee Singers; Albert Armstrong; William Jennings Bryan, and Bertha Kunz Baker. Next season the course will open about October, and the committee announces the following numbers: Mr. George R. Wendling; Prof. Frederick Starr, anthropologist of the University of Chicago; Prof. John B. DeMott |