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Show MARCHING TO GLORY. (Tune—Marching Through Georgia.) Words revised by W. D. Chenery. Bring the good old bugle, boys, we'll have another song, Sing it with a spirit that will move the world along, Sing it as we love to sing it, many millions strong, While we are marching to glory. Join the ranks of honor, boys, the legions of the brave, Pledg'd to guard the heritage our great forefathers gave, From ev'ry foe that may appear our country let us save, While we are marching to glory. H. C. W. Chorus. Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee! Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free; Let us sing the chorus from the mountain to the sea. While we are marching to glory. MAPvCHING THROUGH GEORGIA. H. C. Work. —i —j- e£ ^3=£ ^ jst -*-* ^ w$ 1. Bring the good old bu - gle, boys! we'll sing an - oth - er song— Sing it with a 2. How the durk-ies shout-ed when they heard the joy - ful sound! How the tur-keys 3. Yes, and there were Un - ion men who wept with joy - ful tears, When they saw the 4. "Sherman's dash - ing Yan - kee boys will nev - er reach the coast!" So the sau - cy 5. So we made a thor-ough-fare for free - dom and her train, Six - ty miles in •0- -0- -&- \ iv a=fc z*=z4=4z i—r ■m TfT «fss £*£ _r\ -#— it ss Tf spir - it that will start gob - bled which our com ■ hon-ored flag they had reb - els said, and 'twas lat - i - tude—three hun • ■ ' ' ' K3 the world. a - long— mis - sa - ry found! not seen for years; a hand-some boast, dred to the main; (\ r\ p\ h- ( • fe£E£ -#—■ *=^ SE£ A. Sing it as we used to sing it, How the sweet po - ta - toes e - ven Hard - ly could they be restrained from Had they not for-got, a - las, to Trea-son fled be-fore us, for re- -0 -0- irr 0 0- ±z -0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 4= ! 1 ;-^_;_£: ^u- D. S. —So we rt 1 i li y- *,+ sang the cho - rus from At- Fine. Chorus. . ^ m 3=* m -j^- =£=£ -rt- ratf: ^=*= fif - ty thou - sand strong, While start-ed from the ground, While breaking forth in cheers, While reck - on with the host, While sist-ance was in vain, While fc -0-. -0-. 0- 4^= 0- 0^—0-. 0— 0 »- W 1 r- b/ \~- we were marching we were marching we were marching we were marching we were marching #-• 0- 0- 0- -vr—#-i—— thro' Geor - gia. \ thro' Geor - gia. / thro' Geor - gia. V Hur-rah! hur-rah! we thro' Geor - gia. I thro' Geor - gia. ) 0- -&- -#- Is -#-. Is. *s=fcz|c=^zic zm&m fcS Ian - ta to the sea, While we were marching thro' Geor • r, N-*, 1 S Zfc t3=U=k g| bring the ju - bi - lee! Hur - rah! hur - rah! =p= ^m r= m£ the flag that makes you free! £ _£' * * * ^" ■**** 1 The Best Patriotic Songs Illinois State Register, S America 2 Angel of Peace 12 Battle-Cry of Freedom, The 1 Battle Hymn of the Republic 5 Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean 6 Dixie Land 8-9 Firmly Stand, My Native Land 7 Flag of the Free 2 Girl I Left Behind Me, The 13 Hall, Columbia 4 Just Before the Battle, Mother 9 Keller's American Hymn 12 Marseillaise Hymn ...11 My Own Native Land 14 Song of a Thousand Years 16 Star-Spangled Banner, The 3 Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! 15 Vacant Chair, The 8 We're Tenting Tonight 12 When Johnny Comes Marching Home..15 Yankee Doodle 10 THE BATTLE-CRY OF FREEDOM. O. F. R. Geo. F. Root. e££e* i=fc 1. Yes, we'll ral - ly round the flag, boys, we'll ral - ly once a - gain, Shout - ing the bat-tle-cry of 2. We are springing to the call of our brothers gone be-fore, Shout - ing the bat-tle-cry of 3. We will wel-come to our num - bers the loy-al, true and brave, Shout - ing the bat-tle-cry of 4. So we're springing to the call from the East and from the West, Shout - ing the bat-tle-cry of P ^¥, S£ •u- -*■* * 3W SE i—j—.SF T~W le £PS 3t T-* f-f-f-'-1 V V 1/ •d—d- ¥ V ■ V~ •~d- Freedom; We will rally from the hillside, we'll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom. Freedom; And we'll fill the vacant ranks with amillion freemen more, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom. Freedom; And al-tho' they may be poor, not a man shall be a slave, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom. Freedom, And we'll hurl the rebel crew from the land we love the best, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom. i Un-ion for-ev-er, hur-rah, boys, Hurrah! Down with the traitor, Up with the star; While we §3 *lxJ.M* f,f r^«E m *-42l l^dtSLA-i-^J. £ m r r g v-y- rf=£ *S N- £=* SULftjUirfeNN =^=* -+>-jr ^—l~4 ral - ly round the flag, boys, ral - ly once a- gain, Shout-ing the bat - tie - cry of Free- dom. i f-F-f C C i i |