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Show COLUMBIA, THE GEM OF THE OCEAN. Spirited. wm m ■** *-op-^—-f-f *=* I i*. n -*1* f> K ^'J1^ 1. O Co "jH~# -*—qg^g^S: r Uo-lum-bia, the gem of the o-cean, 2. When war winged its wide des-o «la-tion, 8. The star-spangled banner bring hither, The home of the brave and the free, The And threatened the land to de - form, The O'er Co-lum-bia's true sons let it wave; May the shrine of each pa-triot's de - vo-tion, ark then of freedom's foun-da-tion, wreaths they have won never with-er, L 4-.4lf -0- &LJ0-J0- 1 (—W&- m—m- ■ A Co - Nor its •0r:0. world of-fers horn-age to thee, lum - bia, rode safe thro' the storm: stars cease to shine on the brave: T 0 0 + With the May the \0 \0 z=3z±±&&=tt ttF 1/ \0 10 \0 U W m *=* ju &. *-f-;J^-£ ^SBS^ mandates make he - roes as - sem-ble, gar-lands of vie-fry a-roundher, serv - ice, u - nit - ed, ne'er sev-er, .0- -0- 4^-m- P When Lib-er • ty's form stands in view; Thy When so proud-ly she bore her brave crew, With her But hold to their col - ors so true; The .0. r» | £: a. ban-ners make tvr - an - ny trem-ble, flag proud-ly floating be - fore her, ar - my and na - vy for - ev • er, When borne The boast by the red, white and blue; of the red, white and blue; When The Three cheers for the red, white and blue; Three ■f=m f r ^-^L k^* S^£ -*-*- P- vr *-*- ^ I f f I =* £_*- g g_ -% x x JL_i % r ■g-x-x- ** the red, white and blue, the red, white and blue, the red, white and blue, -0- J0- f U \W When borne by the red, white and blue, Thy The boast of the red, white and blue, With her Three cheers for the red, white and blue, The -0- J0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- J^0L W \% 0. XX 0- £ X x j/^y H hp- £-?* ff S^ I m l" r* * > at=it 3tE£ f *=*? ■<S— u0—0r make tyr - an - ny trem« - ly float - ing be - fore and na - vy for - ev - I ble. When borne by the red, white and blue, her, The boast of the red, white and blue, er, Three cheers for the red, white and blue. na Fr1 r ; e r U 0 1 u FIRMLY STAND. MY NATIVE LAND. ' NAGELLI. With energy. ^ . f?£fcg ifeifcb?^ -•—. 3E -t zE± Ft* ==* 1. Firmly stand, firmly stand, my na - tive land, Firmly stand, firmly 2. Safely dwell, safely dwell, my na - tive land, 8afely dwell, safely 3. Sing for joy, sing for joy, my na -tive land, Sing for joy, Sing for 01L& 0? | g. j- rr ryz-p^ap^ i J=± ±*i IS ifclfc^: S^ -*—-V- p v-fi- stand, my na . tive land, Free in heart, and true in hand, All that's love - ly dwell, my na - tive land, May thy sons u - ni - ted stand, Firm and trne for- joy, my na - tive land, In thee dwells a nb - ble band, All thy weal to 75*- Eg 4 4 -1-r- * * ^ - *H K- *^ ^ ^ £ ^^fefeE3* -K-#- z^mm t ¥ cherish; Thus shall God remain thy friend, Then shall heav'n thy walls defend, Freedom 1 ev-erj God for-bid the day should rise, When 'tis said our freedom dies! Freedom! cherish j God with might will guard thee round, While thy steps in truth are found, Freedom I ^mtm Freedom! Freedom shall not per Freedom ! Freedom die f Oh, nev Freedom! Freedom shall not per I ish! er f ish! m *m Firmly stand, Safely dwell, Sing for joy, firmly stand, Firmly safely dwell, Safely sing for joy, Sing for A * i & 3Ti; w ¥ 9 stand, firm-ly dwell, sale - ly joy, sing for I33E jGlJ. r J stand, dwell joy, my na • tive land, my my na - tive land, my my na - tive land, my £ -&-W ^ 0 t 0 p A na - tive land, na • tive land na - tive land f^rf T^ t tit f |