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Show THE, VACANT CHAIR. 1. We shall meet,but we shall miss him,There will be one vacant chair; We shall lin - ger to ca- 2. At our fire-side, sad and lone-ly, Oft - en will the bos-om swell At remembrance of the 3. True, they tell us wreaths of glo-ry Ev - er-more will deck his brow, But this soothes the anguish 0-1-0- ^^ £ -•—#- =t=t tttttt'l 0. 0. 0-J.p- p m p p. t=t= FTt 1/ 1/ 1/ D. C- jTtf shall meet, but we shall miss him, There will be o?ie vacant chair; We shall linger to ca- . Fine. J>—fe-M e——^r-^r^_^\ J!_ W 3 -*—5-5—— ' '»•—e>- ress him, When we breathe our evening prayer.-When a year sto - ry How our no - ble Wil-lie fell; How he strove on - ly Sweep-ing o'er our heart-strings now. Sleep to - day, 0 *=*: a - go we gath-ered, Joy was to bear our ban-ner Thro' the 0 ear-ly fall-en, In thy f- feE^ ress him, When we breathe our evening prayer. *=E=F Eg ffi J^zjz m ^M rf. it Z0ZrZ D.C. mm ru - in lie. his mild blue eye, But a gold - en cord is sev-ered, And our hopes in thick-est of the fight, And up-hold our country's hon-or, In the strength of manhood's might, green and nar-row bed, Dir - gesfrom the pine and cy-press Min-gle with the tears we shed. J AT f > .r? - - . P p ,p f P^P^-l X tt £z £ E^ »*ri c cLl- 1 U P- £ =t5=S=F fS i f) Allegro. DIXIE LAND. Dan. Emmet ^^^^^=^^4^^^^ 1. I wish I was in de land ob cot - ton, Old times dar 2. Old Mis-sua mar-ry Will, de wea-ber, Will-ium was 3. His face was sharp as a butch-er's clea-ber, But dat did / p am not for-got-ten, Look a- a gay de-ceab-er; Look a- not seem to greab 'er; Look a- way! Look a-way! Look a-way! Dix-ieLand. way! Look a-way! Look a-way! Dix-ieLand. way! Look a-way! Look a-way! Dix-ieLand. d^^r^^^f^^^ fc—fc- ^ In Dix - ie But when he Old Mis - sus Land whar' I was born in, put his arm a-round'er He act- ed the fool-ish part, And 3BJ #- r Ear - ly on one frost - y morning Look a-way! Look a-way! Look a - way! Dix - ie Land. smiled as fierce as a for - ty pounder, Look a-way! Look a-way! Look a - way! Dix - ie Land. died for a man dat broke her heart, Look a-way! Look a-way! Look a-way! Dix-ieLand. Chorus. Den I wish I was in Dix-ie, Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray! In Dixie Land, I'll take my stand To lib and die in i ^ DIXIE LAND-Con. jpfofcD^^^OpT/^^l I. - - v v r Dix - ie; A-way, A-way, A-way down south in Dix-ie, A-way, A-way, A-way down south in Dix-ie. Is I k I r- *-.••■£*■. | r ♦ ♦ ♦. ft =*=* » I ray, A-w J=fe FTT^ ^ S S V V 4 Now here's a health to the next old Missus, And all de gals dat want to kiss us; > Look away! etc., But if you want to drive 'way sorrow, Come and hear dis song to-morrow, Look away! etc. 1TP-I—'T br^ » n ^ tririr PP 5 Dar^s buck-wheat cakes an' Ingen* batter, Makes you fat or a little fatter; Look away! etc., Den hoe it down an scratch your grabble^ To Dixie's land I'm bound to trabble. Look away! etc. JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE. MOTHER. , { Just be - fore the bat - tie, Moth - er, I am think-ing most of you, / 'L J While o J Hark! ^ ( Now be - fore the bat - tie, Moth - er, I up - on the field we're watch-ing, With I hear the bu - gles sound-ing, 'Tis may God pro-tect us, Moth-er, As am think-ing most of you, the en - e - my in view, the sig - nal for the fight; He ev - er does the right. r^L"4 f f i i £=£=£=? ±-£-J=£=±=£ EE £ I 4_-_ tffrrt^iritl^ Com - rades brave are round me ly - lngv Hear the "Bat - tie Cry of Free-dom," K S2# i *=? -H—J^ :£=t tjrr Filled with tho'ts of home and God; For How it swells up - on the air;.... Oh, rrs rs>—• i^M^mm^m well they know that on the mor-row yes, we'll ral - ly round the stand-ard, r ^ Some will sleep be-neath the sod Or we'll per - ish no - bly there. ... \f ' \f -U-Jy Fare-well, Mother, you may nev-er m you may never, Mother, Press me to your heart a - gain; But mm l\ ■ . KriL k ^ , gg-gggggg ^^ l oh, you'll not for - get me, Mother, (you will not forget me) If I'm numbered with the slain. _#—0.0 000***- ,J 0—+ £—fc_ V III |