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Show MUSIC WEEK March 20-27 is Beethoven week Tb. Iti;;h school has already been; , V ' fo,,owin musical events Concert--Baldwin Radio com¬pany. March 22. Concert—School orchestra, Mar. Concert—East High school band. March 2S. U \ssi( \Ll \ PAGE.\XT 'The Classical in pageant at: the < wMlcalia will be the most gorg- out niul beautiful Ogden has over !." 'ays Miss Reva Beck of ' the pusoant committee. Fifty cos I tunic were rnted Thursday from I i Salt Lake co.stuming house and i "very effort is being made to make fhii the most artistic and success- i carnival ball the school has '\or sponsored. FOSTORIA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Kressler of Fostorio, Ohio, who entertained tome of our boys at Fostoria last Itin.', made the high school a pleas¬ant visit Thursday. They first h*nr<! our band in concert at Lewis Junior, then visited some of the departments of the high, then made a pleasant call on Supt. Hopkins. They have recently bought an oranjre grove in California and will! live there a portion of the year.' They are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wiley Cragun while in Ogden. CHOOSING A VOCATION In choosing a vocation one needs not be wholly misguided. He can for instance (1) note for himself whether lie is inclined toward men¬tal activity or physical activity. One's interest may be in books, in study, In reflection or it may be in tools, outdoor work, athletics, I physical strength, etc. Here there I generally a cleavage that marks the first step in choosing a vocation. Affain C2) one may take note of llil social interests. One who (likes people, who enjoys conversation, argument, leadership, etc., has a ba i.s upon which to select his vo¬cation. Many, many vocations re¬quire ability to meet, to please, to direct, to persuade people. One who is what we may call "anti- BOClal," who is not particularly interested in social relationships DOT In people generally, should on general principles, not hope to iuccce'1 in a vocation or profes¬sion which demands these quali¬ty. FREEDOM VS. LICENSE The constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but it does not guarantee license. This is aptly illustrated in an editorial in Col¬liers Weekly. It says truly "Free¬dom of speech does not permit lit- tle boy.s fo chalk dirty words on MSBk walls, and it does not sanc¬tion the'recital of salacious divorce testimony by newspapers. "Liberty is never absolute. It II WBpered by decent restraint or It la lost. If publishers and edi- tort hc themselves unfit to ex- orciM tho freedom of the press, tb»y wi'l lose it quickly and there *>ll be lew to mourn the loss." SELF-CONFIDENCE Confidence in one's self is one Of life's greatest, assets. We should never forg.-t that. The veteran tducrtor, James E. Hughes of Canada says the prayer "O Lord, help me to have a high opinion r>f myself" is a very wise prayer. II « says that a child should never tv told of r s faults, his weak- OSMM but ever of his virtues, of his strength; he should ever be 1 encourage i! never discouraged. The no-, of ' teacher and the l>ar< n- l(t to kindle, the fire of course. hone, filth and confi¬dence in th" hart of the child sod that God and nature will do the rest. PURPOSE OF TESTS An educator of prominence said recently, “The only excuse for a test or an examination is to discover where the child needs help.” This thought needs emphasis and realization in every school. BIG BUSINESS Public education is the biggest business in America. We should never forget that. For it we have set apart eight billion two hun¬dred million dollars of property and over, a million men arid wom¬en as teachers. Over twenty-seven million bi>ys and girls are engaged in America in the great enter¬prise of securing an education. LETTER TO BOB Dere Bob. Wei Bob I hev wen to the S. A. It. contest and Phil Fink wcl you no who I meen one it. He got a medal and it; was made out of bronze and it shure was gud lukin to. Emerson and Frank end Cliff all tide for 2nd place ho I gess thet none uv thni got it, i ut they all deserve the onor— don't, you think! Jim Neil and Bud Walker were in it too but. they VeetPJW and not quiet gud eiUif i jt>ot .that 'the hole bunch of '.vtlfc'e awful'gud. You no I!ob jfa goin to enter that thcre'jpKt but then I th'ot thet if I sta? out thet jt mite guve the rest of the young orators in the school a chance. And you cant be a tig in this worrld you no Bob. Tou remember what Pres. Wilson sed at the batle of Gettys-burg—"Never crpr.s a' bridge til you get to it. and then maik shure thet it is saif." Wei thet is what I ani doing—I thot thet if I <en- I'.ored this here contest thet I mite 4'.et beet so I stayed' out and now i am going to congratshulate Phil. - am stil youre friend.—S. WEDNESDAY EVENING, TESTS OPEN TO UTAH STUDENTS Newspapers Sponsoring Patriotic Oratorial Movement Principal A. M. Merrill of the Ogden High school has received a communication from the Los Angeles Times relative to a na¬tional oratorical contest on the constitution of the United States for high school students, fostered by a group of American news¬papers. The Times is sponsoring the Pacific southwest zone, com¬prising Arizona, California, Ne-vada and Utah. Utah has been divided into seven competitive districts, among which are district No. 49, com¬prising Box Elder, Cache, Weber, Logan, Ogden and Davis, and dis¬trict No. 50, comprising Rich, Morgan. North Summit, South Summit, Park City and Wasatch. Prizes of $25 for first place, $15 for second place, and $10 for third place will be given the winners in each of the district contests, to be held about April 29. The winner of first place in each district will then go to Salt Lake and thei winner of the state contest will go to Los Angeles to compete with state winners of Arizona, California and Nevada. The winner of the Pacific-south west finals then goes to Washing¬ton. D. C, to compete for the United States national champion¬ship. International contests will follow. Any subject designed to increase interest and respect for the con¬stitution is in keeping with the rules of the contest. Prizes for the Pacific-southwest finals to be held in Los Angeles on May 13, have been fixed as follows: First, $500, and a trip to Europe; second, $250; third ?10Qi fourth, $50, and $25 to all remaining places. This is the first time in the four years since the contest was originated that Utah has been sys¬tematically organized. OGDEN WHO! WHO! The queen contest is over. The queen is elected. And still a mute question mark follows the word "who". The ballots cast in Friday's election have been sealed and filed away with their own secret until next Friday when the official count will be made. Then, if members of the counting commit¬tee have good poker faces and strong power of will, the result will remain a secret until "her royal highness" dons the regal robes and leads "the procession across the Berthana promptly at 9:30 p.'m., Friday, initiating what is to be the most gorgeous page¬ant ever attempted at the annual traditional event. This queen contest will give tis plenty of food for verbal relax- ation during the big preparation ! week wrhich is now upon us. Owing to the courtesy of the Berthana management, construc¬tion and decoration will continue during the entire week, making it possible to accomplish this phase of preparation after school hours and with a minimum of interference with school work. TICKETS FOR CLASSICALIA It is urgently requested that all who wish to attend the Classicalia purchase tickets before Fri¬day, Clubs and individuals are asked to report sales daily. The next big question is, "fho will win the ticket selling prize?" The contest closes Friday at four o'clock. THE NEW CALENDAR Wre have received a copy of ! the new thirteen-month calendar. The new month is called Liberty and comes between February and March. Each month has 2 8 days. The month begins always on Monday and ends on Sunday. Each day of the month always falls on a certain day of the week, i. e. the 7, 14, 21, and 28 of every month always comes on Sunday. Knowing the day. of the week one would always know the day of the month. This sort of calendar would soon do away with calendars. All holidays and all anniversaries would always fall on the same day of the week. This extra day comes at the end. of the year or rather betvien the old year and the new and is called New Year's day—an inde¬pendent legal holiday pot included in any week or month. The new calendar has much to recommend it. We think we shall adopt it. OIL DEMONSTRATION O. B. Taylor, technical expert gave the afternoon classes in auto mechanics on Thursday a non¬technical lecture and demonstra¬tion on motor oils and gasoline, using a hot plate having a tem¬perature of 800 degrees Fahren¬heit, showing how oils form car¬bon in gasoline engines and drew therefrom some interesting con¬clusions. A practical demonstra¬tion was also given showing how the action of cold weather on motor oils congeal consequently they do not lubricate thoroughly in winter wreather. All the stti- dents were intensely interested and were all of the opinion that Mr. Taylor sure "knows his oil." CLEAR VISION It is apparent that Ogden stu¬dents foresaw that Randolph hoopsters could not cope with the Ogden Timers. For that reason they didn't take the trouble to attend the game. It was a very small crowd and a rather list¬less game as second ' team men played the major portion of it. ! The Randolph boys were small and stood little show against the full-grown Ogden boys. The score of 43 to 19 only partially indicate the unevenness of the match. IN THE TOURNAMENT Ogden goes to the tournament as a runner-up, but that doesn't indicate that we are coming out of the little end of the horn down there. We play Dixie the first night, and unless we miss our guess we are' going to beat Dixie, which is considered one of the strong teams. The second night we shall play the winners of the Pleasant Grove-L. D. S. contest—most likely the L. D. S. We shall beat this team, too— (if we can). ASSEMBLY REPORT President Fife presided at the regular Friday assembly. Announcements were as fol¬lows: Gilbert Beck announced facilities for obtaining costumes for the Classicalia and urged ev¬eryone to attend; Jay Glen an¬nounced the game with Randolph; 'Dorothy Coop announced it was the last day for orders for Girls' Association ping; Emerson Thatch¬er announced that there are only two weeks left in which to get pictures in the Classicum; Presi¬dent Fife announced Central's op¬era ''El Bandido", Wednesday evening. The program was as follows: The "Co-ed Orchestra" ployed several selections; Margaret Schmaln and Philip Finkleatein, winners of the D. A. R., and S. A. R., respectively gave their winning orations "Equal Op¬portunity for Women", and "Pill¬ar of Tolerance". LETTER TO BOB Dere Bob. Wel Bob another day has pased and I am stil triing to find out just who wil be the kween of the Clas-hic-cala and I am stil in the dark. I fliped a nikel to see who I wold vote for and the darn thing stood on edge —then what do you do! Wei I am not going to wory about it eny longer so I gess thet Mr. Merril wil hev to ask my opinion if I dont offer it. Today as usual we had a as¬sembly and it shure was a darn kene one two. There was som gurrls band or maybe you cal it a orkestrea anyway it played alot of pieces for us and they shure wer swell if you ask me about it. The next time thet we hev a gurrls orkegtratg, I arn goiing- to sec thet our dear leadtf doeej frot flert with Cecil our dear Presedent. I bet tfeet if his par- S ttats new about it thet they I wold be verry angry and maybe he wold get bawled out. Then we listenned to the winers of the oraratory contests and thsi shure wer ful of gud information for the students of this here skool espsshially me becuz I tuk it all m what they sed I meen. Mar- , garet shure noes her stuff when it euros to worn ens, rights but I am shure thet she was rong be¬cuz you no Bob thet the men hev always run things around this here world & they wil always continnue to no matter if the women do think thet they are the big ones. I gess thet she thot thet she was telling the truth but you i and me—wel we no better dont we Bob! There is goiing to be a game tonite after skool about 7 oh clock and I am goiing to be the ferst one to get in the gim. if the teem wins this here game they get to go down to the terne- ment and I think thet they hev erned a trip dont you Bob! You no thet in the last game the feller what is named after you got his leg hert but he is beter now and I "gess thet he wil play tonite. I nothet if he doesnt play thet we wil lose the game becuz he a verxy gud player—wel Bob Ute hole darn teem is gud players and all of them deserve sum of the onor and the glory thet goes to the victors of eny' kind of a contest. Enyway I no thet we wil win becuz I am goiing and when 1 I go thet meens the hole skool is goiing two. Wel gudby untel next Lime Yore frend: S. |