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Show Outstanding Local Athletes STANDARD-EXAMINER trophies, awarded annually to the best all-around athletes at Ogden High school and Weber college, will be presented Friday to the two athletes pictured below. Elmer Randall, shown tossing the discus, starred in three branches of sport during the school year at We¬ber college. Elton Knapp, pictured at the right, is the winner at Ogden High school. ART SHOWING IS ATTRACTIVE Beautiful Scenes Brought To Attention of Ogden People Silent, shadowy canyons, distant rolling hills green with under¬brush, laughing little waves, lap¬ping at the base of granite cliffs; sparkling, biting snow, reflecting vibrant lights coldly, bluely; soft, clinging, darting sunbeams, search¬ing through the leaves of hanging trees and spotting the shoulders of. scarf clad workers beneath; stern faced Indians; plodding, weary horses; beating drums; sailing boats nodding first to the right and then to the left as they are whip¬ped to the caprices of the wind— all within the range of the eyes for no more trouble than the turning of the head. Such is the optical treat in store for those who visit the Ogden Art society's display in the home of Mrs. Mark Brown, 8 53 Twenty- fourth street. It will be open to the public until June 1. Artists from all over the United States have consented to show their work at this display. Picking the best work from the recent Springville art exhibit, Mrs. Stella Wattis Bowman has gathered a notable collection. Maynard Dixon, Carl Oscar Borg, Charles Feiffel, Elizabeth Washington, Mary Butler, Helen M. Weisenberg, Emile Gruppe, Susette Keast, Bert Phillips, Walter E. Baum, Hortense Fernberger, Ben¬jamin Brown, W. H. Dutton, Eugene Neuhaus and K. Nunamaker have submitted a total of 42 paintings, to be displayed to the people of Ogden and to compete for the honor of having a picture selected by the Girls' association of the Ogden High school. OF WIDE RANGE Practically every artistic taste can be satisfied at thas showing, Everything but what is called modernistic work is on display. Rugged cliffs and melting mesas from jthe brush of Maynard Dixon and Carl Oscar Borg; leafy trees and dancing shadows by Elizabeth Washington; bleak Norwegian coast by Mary Butler; verdant hills by Eugene Neuhaus; ships and wa¬terfront homes by Susette, Keast and Helen M. Weisenberg; Emile Gruppe's famous giants of the forest, and Bert Phillips' stoic Indians make an extremely interesting and well rounded exhibit. From the viewpoint of an artist the work is of a very high stand¬ard. Fropi the viewpoint of a lay¬man the pictures are indeed a treat. Hung in the spacious front rooms of the Brown home and drawing light from the immense windows, the pointings rest in a perfect set¬ting. The picture which has probablyh received the most comment is "Bend of the Canyon," by Maynard Dixon. Showing the vivid reds and o purples of the desert mesa, Mr. Dixon has painted an inspiring sight. Rising from a slight growth of vegetation, which traces a strug¬gling water course, the cliffs seem to fairly spring from the base, their red sides contrasting vividly with the vegetation below. Then abruptly they end and an azure sky sharply outlines the top and brings out in bold colors the hues below. Mr. Dixon, who is a San Francisco artist, is widely known for his western scenic work; and his technic places him high among the painters of the United States. OF GRAND CANYON i Another painting along the same line which is very well liked is "Land of Mystic Shadows," by Carl Oscar Borg. Mr. Borg, one of the foremost painters on the Pa¬cific coast and gelf taught, has caught the Grand canyon at twi¬light with its sunkissed rims and shadow filled valleys. A giant cedar limb gives the effect of look¬ing through the trees into a bottom¬less pit. In "Old Stone House," Elizabeth Washington gives a perfect example of leafy trees, shifting shadows and soft colors. Miss Washington has shown her work at the Corcoran gallery in Wash¬ington, D. C., and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Mary Butler, president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, has a splendid painting in "The Lone Tree." Silhouetted against a bleak and storm slatted sky, a lone and beaten tree throws its challenge to the winds and seems to defy all nature. Another fine piece of work is "Giants of the Forest," by Emile Gruppe. Mr. Gruppe has painted a cross section of a small frozen stream banked with snow and guarded by gigantic trees. Be¬sides this, Mr. Gruppe has nine pictures on exhibition. Eugene Neuhaus, head of the art department at the University of California and one of the few who •have had their pictures reproduced in the catalog of the all-American exhibition at the California Palace of Art, where he hung his work , by special request, has submitted : 'Summer Day," a study in shadows and soft tones. MISS IRAS SMITH, who takes the part of Yum Yum in the Ogden High school performance of 'The Mikado,'' Gilbert and Sullivan opera, to be presented in the Orpheum theatre on April 18. |