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Show CONGRESS. Congress held its second meet- in? Monday night. This was carried on with all the enthusiasm Sw pep that characterized our first meeting. The constitution itommittee presented clauses for the approval of the senators and , were given until next week to . complete and assemble the con s:iiution. Forum has challenged Congress to a debate. Congress has accept- t e>d. If you want to hear one of the ; snappiest debates in the history of high school just be on hand > when Congress debates Forum in the near future. R. O. T. C. ASSEMBLY. The R. O. T. C. was given a surprise assembly this morning. The unit was marched into assembly hall immediately after roll. call. Two selections were rendered by the hand, after which short talks were given by Principal Merrill, Captain Dockler and Judge J. A. Howell. Each of these spoke of the value of the training offered in the unit, and encouraged the boys to be 100 per centers in this work and as near this mark as possible i:; all school work. LEARNING AND MASTERY. Instructor Dan Nelson gave an interesting talk before the faculty Tuesday morning. He advocated the dividing of subject matter into units and then striving for the mastery of the separate units. He d- lored the idea of working for a 'passing grade" and also the tendency of some students to work to "get by." He suggested such a change of attitude as would enable ...e learner to feel that he is study¬ing for himself and for "mastery." WILL SERVE THE CITY. Tomorrow thirteen students from junior and senior high schools will be inducted into the various offices of city administration and will be the officers of Ogden— mayor, commissioners, chief of police, attorney, engineer, etc, for the day. This will be a very prac¬tical lesson in civics. Attorney Joseph Evans will administer the oath of office, ALL IN READINESS. The city school principals met Tuesday afternoon and completed all tho details for the big boys' parade on Friday. This will ex¬cel any parade ever put on by the schools of Ogden. ELKS TO ENTERTAIN. Tonight from 7:30 to 9 o'clock the Ogden Elks will entertain the junior and senior boys. As there are about 2000 boys in these schools the Elks will have a big' job, but they say they are pre¬pared to show the boys a royal good time. Every boy should take advantage of this entertainment. MODERN YOUTH. It was the mornr after the night before, That Sally came dragging in at four. "See here, young lady,' her mother said, "Don't waste any time getting to bed." But Sally doddled and took her time, And told her mother a brand new line. She chewed her gum with an airy grace Every chew making a sillier face. Until the fond parent her patience lost, And said "I'll get you to bed at any cost." But Sally doddled all the more Till the clock went round to half past four. She told her mother the things she'd done, And how she'd had just lots of fun. They'd gone for a ride in Bill's old bug, And she'd had a drink from a whisky jug. Her mother gasped for a breath of air And fell into Pa's old rocking chair. "Mv heavens,' she said, "you didn't do that? If you did, young lady, I'll knock you flat. You'll be lucky," she said, "to get out alive If you're not in bed by half past five. But father, hearing this noisy talk, Came from the bedroom without his socks, "What's all this racket?" he ven¬tured to say, "It makes one think 'twere the middle of day." "Oh Pa,' the mother said with a groan, "Slap that smarty on the side of the dome. She didn't get inside that door Till the clock had struck the hour of four, And when I tell her to go to bed, She just sits and Shakes her head. She argues and tells me the things she's done, Until I'm so nervous I'd like to run.' Pa looked for Sally with a shake of his head, But, sorry to say, she'd gone to bed. —Vernon Newman. Ogden High School Notes MAY. 5 Fair is the weather, In the month of May. Lilac blooms with heather. Fair is the weather. Children play together With laughing faces gay. Fair is the weather In the month of May. THE LAST SPEAKER. The state chairman of the In¬ternational Oratorical contest tele¬phoned Wednesday from Salt Lake that the draw for speaking places in the contest on Friday evening had been made and that Philip Finkelstein would be the last speaker of the evening, the seventh. We hope the old saying, "the last the best of all the game" holds true. AT KIWANIS. The Kiwanis club had as speak¬ers today two high school boys, Frank Rose and Philip Finkel¬stein. The former spoke on "The Torch Bearers," the latter on "Tolerance." The speeches were well received. We think it par¬ticularly appropriate that the boys should be privileged to ap¬pear before the club during Boys' week. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY. A special high school assembly was called today at 12:45 o'clock to Tiear the famous pianist, Fred¬eric Dixon. The grand piano used on this occasion was courteously furnished by the Beesley Music company. ONCE PUNY. Judge Howell told the R. O. T. C. boys Wednesday that as a child he was puny, that he had a palpitating 'heart; that it was an assumed fact in the family that he could not live long. At the age of 12, he was sent to a military school, where he soon obtained a good degree of physi¬cal fitness. At the age of 15 he was in sound health and was pre¬pared to enter college. From that day to this, natur¬ally, Judge Howell has been a Rooseveltian advocate of physical training. The high school R. O. T. C. has no greater friend than Judge Howell. WILL OFFICIATE TODAY. Glen Harding, Joe Fakler, Walt Slater and Jack Calvert are rep¬resenting the high school today as officials of Ogden City. . All the prominent officers of the city are filled today by junior and senior high school boys. A. C. DAY TOMORROW. The Utah Agricultural college holds its annual high school day tomorrow.-A number of scholastic contests will be held but Ogden will not participate in any of them. We shall send over a num¬ber of athletes who will take part in the regional athletic con¬test to be held on Adams field. TENNIS COURTS. Gilbert Beck is chairman of a committee from the student body that is planning some tennis courts for the high school. This subject has been often considered in the past and "Gib" says, "Thi3 time it has to go." NO PICTURE. Committees from the Girls' as¬sociation and club women, con¬cluded at a meeting held Wed¬nesday evening that it would 'be inadvisable for the Girls' associa¬tion to buy a picture at this time. There seemed to be some doubt about the advisability of purchas¬ing any picture in the present ex¬hibit and they concluded to re¬frain from purchasing until next November. A FINE TALK. Roy Dickerson of Kansas City gave a most interesting and inspirational talk before the high school student body Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Dickerson gave statistics showing the value of a high school education and made an appeal to the students to re¬main in school. "Do not leave school," said he, "unless you can get $45 a day job. Unless you can get at least that much it will not pay you." He continued his appeal also on the ground of their increased power of rendering service to their fellow men. Mr. Dickerson closed his ad¬dress with several illustrations of the non-American propaganda that is being- disseminated throughout the land and urged the boys and girls to stand firm for American traditions and ideals. Mr. Dickerson was brought to the high school by Albert Ward and Dr. Styles Wherry, being in¬troduced by the latter. THE BULLETIN BOARD. I had been informed that there was going to be some excitement going on up at the old Ogden High school. As I had never been there, I decided I would visit the school, and thought I might get in on the fun. I entered the east front door, walked up the steps and stared. After a few minutes of this oc¬cupation. I walked on, shutting my eyes to get out of the dizzy state that had just overtaken me. I tried to go on down the hall but I could not resist the temp¬tation of going back to examine the object of my wonderment. I went close, and upon touching a part of it. found it to be a black¬board. But only here and there could this be seen. All over it were signs, papers, and even a box. I read a few of these signs and wondered if this sort of adver¬tisement paid, for in a way it was advertisement. "H. C." read one sign—and that was all. What could this mean? Perhaps it was a rider's club, and "H. C." meant "Horse Collar." Next came Gam¬ma Kappa. This sounded like Greek to me, so I went on. But I was beginning to wonder what the excitement was going to be, so I looked around and found all the students walking leisurely along, paying no attention what¬ever to all these signs. Then I spied a black and white sign with a Z, three straight lines, and an O with a line throug"h it. I immediately decided that upon entering the club room, a mem¬ber had to make these signs with his fingers, as a sort of pass¬word. I then saw an old torn sign, "Get your costumes for Classicalia." As there was a prisoner on this, I naturally thought the Classicalia was a nearby jail house. "Junior meeting tonight"—at last I had found one that I knew I could understand. I walked down the hall pondering over this last. Soon I came to another board, bare in comparison, and I knew I had solved my problem. The excitement would be a con¬test to see which club could get its sign on the east bulletin board first. I was partly correct in this —it was a contest. The juniors and seniors had a tug-of-war over the street car line. Benowitz. Ogden High May 6 SPRING. Birdfe singing Flowers blooming- Bells ringing Striplings looming Bubbling streams Skies of blue Lakeside gleams Whispering, too! Sunbeam teases Scented breezes Springtime! —Gene Kimball. HEAR THE BAND. Ogden's famous R. O. T. C. will broadcast tonight in the Og¬den tabernacle. The broadcast¬ing will be more effective if the house is full, so all Ogden people who like to hear the band should avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing them at 7 o'clock. Free. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Ogden has 11 teams entering the tournament for school cham¬pionship honors. The following pairs are entered: Rondell Tan¬ner, Russell Bjorklund, Vernal Johnson, Milton Ramson, Gilbert Beck and Bud Walker, Vellys Woods, Lee. Cain, Don Corey, Paul Skeen, James Neal, James Doon, Laurence Trousdale, Gordon Lar¬son, Cecil Fife, Dan Johnson, Blaine McMurrin, Delbert Teeter, Daniel Taggart, Blaine Morse, Kenneth Skeen and Clifford Fretwell. QUEER SPECTACLE. The R. O. T. C. boys came to school Thursday in civilian clothes in order to have their uniforms pressed and in shape for today's parade. They surely made a queer spectacle in march¬ing. Assuredly the uniform counts for much in appearances. COUNCIL REPORT. President Fife presided at the regular council meeting. The roll was called and the minutes ap¬proved. Gilbert Beck, chairman of the committee for getting tennis courts. giving an approximate estimate of the cost, and present¬ing ways in which cost might be lessened. The report was accept¬ed by motion. There was some discussion about getting money from the school board, but it was moved and seconded that the discussion and sat up under the wagon. He heard the breathing of many ani¬mals, but he felt strangely bold. (Copyright. 1927, by T. W. Burgess.) The next story: "Peter Meets My Lord the Elephant." be tabled. The motion was car¬ried. The meeting was adjourned by motion of Mr. Rawson. DON COREY, Secretary Pro-tem. SCIENCE CLUB. At the weekly meeting of the Science club held at the home of Cecil Fife, topics were given by Spencer Walker and Cecil Fife. The first named, considered the question of deforestation in con¬nection with the present Missis¬sippi river flood. 'He pointed out that practically all great floods are due to the carelessness and ruthlessness of man in removing forest growths. He also called attention to a recent development along the line of terracing which i prevents excessive run off of wa¬ters and thus serves to control the flood situation. Cecil Fife gave an interesting talk on the recent successful de¬velopments in television. He out¬lined the underlying theory of the apparatus that transmits liv¬ing images ovejr wires and through the ether, making it possible for l the person one one end of a telephone line to see the person _to whom he is talking: |