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Show 20 THE ACORN lish classics. One day when asked by a visitor what he was reading, he replied, "A wavering novel." Some Puns on Names. Why was Rider Haggard? Because he let Rose Terry Cooke. Why is George Canning? To teach Julia Ward Howe. How much did Romeo? It depends upon how much Juliette. What ailed Harriet Beecher Stowe? Bunyan. "What's the matter with your hair Madge?" asked a visitor on seeing the child's hair wound up in curl papers. "Why," says Madge, "you see I have to do this because my hair is natcherly braidy." A Wise and Fervent Prayer. "A teacher in one of the colored schools in the south was about to go away for a season, and an old negro poured out for her the following fervent petition full of pathos and earnestness: "Go afore her as a leadin' light, an' behind her as a protectin' angel. Rough-shod her feet wid the preparation ob de gospel o' peace. Nail her ear to de gospel pole. Gib her de eye ob de eagle dat she spy out sin 'far off. Wax her hand to de gospel plow. Tie her tongue to de line ob truf. Keep her feet in the narrer way an' her soul in de channel ob faith. Bow her head low beneaf her knees, an' her knees way down in some lonesome valley where prayer and supplication is much wanted to be made. Hedge an' ditch 'bout her, good Lord, an' keep her in de straight an' narrer way dat leads to heaven." Ex. Charity. It never was loving that emptied the heart, Or giving that emptied the purse. Selected. Santa Claus is here again To gladden every soul. He gives us diamond scarf-pins when We'd rather have a ton of coal. "Did Jones make a success in giving memory lessons?" "No, most of his students forgot to pay him." Modern Society. "The Two Babies or "Zion is Growing" Have you heard of "Baby Terry" little one, And of little "Baby Bitters," Charley's son? They are both so blithe and gay, That we hear their papa's say, "You are Zions future strength," little ones. Notice A series of three dancing parties will be given during the year, on the following dates: Dec. 23, 1905; Feb. 23, 1906; March 22, 1906. All our friends are invited. Edna M. Cardon, '99, Alumni. THE ACORN 21 Yes, Zion is growing, O this we all know, Although the bright skies are all gloomy with snow, It stops not the stork as he flies thro the skies, It keeps not our mother from making mince pies, It stops not the smile on our dear teacher's face. But Terry and Bitter these lines must retrace; They're true to the cause and the work they'll roll on, They are opening the way of a new coming down. Our hearts full of sorrow to them we extend, For the midnight parades they will have to attend. E. B. '07. |