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Show YOUR HAIR Are you as careful of it as you might be? Marchand's Hair Tonic is a dressing, a scalp cleaner, and a hair invigorator. It keeps the hair from growing harsh or dry. It removes dandruff, and it stimulates hair growth. One size only, 50c Wm. Driver, Druggist, 2453 Washington Ave. Everybody Eats Kolitz Candies, Ice Cream and Sherbets They are so good you know. We sell cut flowers. SPECIAL Friday and Saturday only, May 20th and 21st. Street Hats, Tailor-made and School Hats at 25 per cent discount from regular price. Our beautiful and complete line of trimmed and pattern Hats are certainly values. Come and see for yourself. Leader Millinery. Mrs. S. E. Lyon, Prop. 2351 Wash. Ave. The Handsomest Hats the best hatters make are here. Spring Blocks in Stiff and Soft Hats, $1-50 to $5.00 FRED M .NYE, CLOTHIER. CRUSHED STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM at DRYER'S 25th St. TO GRADUATES: Would You Like a Start in Business? If so, take out an endowment policy with the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. OFFICE, 208 Eccles Building, Ogden, Utah. Write for information. Riverdale or Phoenix Flour You Will Consume 1000 Pounds of Flour in ten years fact! that's the average consumption per capita in this country. Why not use the best flour you can get? That is to say, why not use R1VERDALE or PHOENIX brand? That the RIVER-DALE or PHOENIX is the best in every sense of the word thousands of users year in, year out, attest. Made by Ogden Milling and Elevator Co. ALLEN TRANSFER COMPANY, ALBERN ALLEN, PROPRIETOR. SPECIALTIES Cabs, Bus, Drays, Excursion and Baggage Wagons, Moving Safes, Pianos, Organs. Office Furniture, Fixtures, Etc. Office 412 25th Street. STOEAGE. Telephone No. 22. |