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Show THE ACORN 25 end with neither side scoring. In the second half the Ogden girls made six points, making the score 6-0. One week later the Logan girls came down to Ogden to play a return game. Both teams had been working hard and there was great hopes for victory on each side. For a long time Logan was ahead but during the last five minutes Ogden gained three points making them one ahead, 6-5. The Athletic Association tried to arrange for games with Provo and Salt Lake but for many reasons they could not. It might be well to say a word about the players. First, the Captain, Lizzie McKay. She is recognized by all basket ball people who know her as one of the best guards in the state. Her accuracy in throwing and catching, and her clean playing have made her a favorite among the students. Izzie Pearce and Lucille Parry are excelled by none as forwards. After getting the ball other members of the team depend upon Izzie and Lucile to score. Mina Parry and Mary Higgin-botham are always ready either to guard or score. It is to be hoped that they will be with us again next year. The boys have also made a good record this year. It is not meant by this that they won most of the games Played, but that they did as good as could be expected under the conditions. When they first got out to practice this year, things looked rather dark. But two of the players from last year were at school this year and a number of new men. would have to be roped in. There was a good deal of material to Pick from but it was all small. The first games were played here at home against home teams. Two games were played with Hooper. Both resulted in victory for the Academy, the first, 18-11; second, 36-22. A practice game was played with the Deaf and Dumb School in which the Academy won. The first game in the Interschoolas-tic league was played at Ogden, between the Academy and the B. Y. college of Logan. In the first half the Logan boys had an easy time but later on the W. S. A. got up steam and held them down to twenty minutes of good hard fighting. The game ended 22-11. Then came the defeat from the Provo boys. The difference in the size of the two teams was one great point in Provo's favor. Had the Ogden boys played their usual game the score would probably not gone so high against them, 39-14. After another week of hard practice came the game with the L. D. S. U. The Academy boys showed that size was all that held them back. It is unnecessary to say that L. D. S. won for that was a foredrawn conclusion. A second game was then played with the B. Y. C. at Logan. This game was a surprise to all. It was thought that Logan w.ould have to fight hard to gain victory. The game resulted in another victory for Logan. Then it happened that the Agricultural college wanted a game. Arrangements were soon made and the. first game was played in Ogden. This game showed what the Ogden boys can do when they meet anything their size. The game was very close, the Academy winning by but one point, 14-13. The Academy then played them a return game in Logan on the B. Y. C. grounds. The game was not so hard as the one had been in Ogden. 18-14. In giving a history of the players |