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Show patient, caused of Dr., pact is an unwritten point of a dog tor’s alleged killing of his candoctors Mrs. Abbie Borroto, in official positions ~*~ = 7? to be sent out. They will ™“~ aw * =. ‘j}not be sent if he is convicted, or the jury disagrees, or there is an appeal of a conviction. The medical men have agreed to let Dr. Sander have an unpreju-| diced day in court. Medical Ethics The meeting will be of the house of delegates of the New Hampshire state medical society, numbering | between 30 and 35 doctors. These *;men are the ruling body of medical practice in this state. The question to come before}. them is whether Dr. Sander has violated medical law, more properly called medical ethics. This ‘;medical law is fully as strict as legal laws, and frequently more ‘| strictly enforced. The house of delegates will meet | ° in closed session, discuss Dr. Sander and issue a statement on their decision. There is no appeal. They will consider whether Dr. Sander has made himself unfit in| . > s -| | the eyes of his fellows by giving. ib hsiagi te - ready under SPOR Tes — all over the United States to take an immediate position on _ the charges. By Howard W. Blakeslee +an air injection, something that in New Hampshire doctors agreed all the evidence to date cannot that action, no matter what it Associated Press Science Editor be, should be taken at a MANCHESTER, N. H., March 9 have any other effect than harm to might state rather than county level. a patient, and death if enough is (AP)—The New Hampshire state No statements for publication '|medical society is set to meet pos- injected. have been made. But influential Its possible that the state medsibly by the end of this week to doctors have indicated that they ical society’s action may be forebelieve there must be discipline in act on medical punishment of Dr. stalled by the state board of regisorder to make clear the principles Hermann N. Sander, if he is ac- tration, the legal body that licenses of the medical profession. quitted in his mercy murder trial. doctors to practice. The state board The trial brought a surprise to was ready to consider Dr. Sander’s Sander’s fellow doctors, under nearly all doctors in New Hampcase before the trial, but deferred the laws of medical ethics, can be action. There has been no an- shire in evidence that the patient of the board’s post- was already dead when the air was more severe than his jury. They nouncement injected. trial plans. cannot do more than recommend But that still leaves Sender's colleagues asking: -| cancellation of his license, but that An Extraordinary Case | If this were not an extraordinary “Why did | he do it? It doesn’t might mean his ruin for his procase in the entire history of med- make sense.’ | fessional career, anywhere in this icine, the initial action would come Ang Sit ious make sense” -; country. from. the Hillsboro county med- were Dr. Sander’s own words when The plans were made last month. ical society, of which Dr. Sander he testified that he had injected air. The notices calling the meeting are is a member. But the” ee a sensation Making sense in every medical conduct ethics. © beeen gr by the first reports bd Sander’s et y a M y t l a n e P e r e M‘Cosotme SeFvrom Fellow Doctors 4caused | the code of |