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Show class matter according --«-Emtered at the postoffice at Ogden, Utah, as second ed Press, United Press, to Act of Congress, March 8. 1879, Member of The Associat | NEA Service and A. B. C. year. a Subscription price. $1.25 per month; $15.00 per fhe “Associated -. Press is exclusively all also the local news. it or to news dispatches credited entitled not use to the otherwise for republication in this credited paper of and FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1950 Ogden Pays Its Respects to Men Who Run the Railroads officials mingle with citizens in a real When railroad nice railroad town it is the custom for the railroaders to say ‘things about the town and for the citizens to say nice things in Ogden on about the railroads, and that is what happened Thursday. All- spoke with complete sincerity because of their solemn knowledge that as the community needs the railroads so do the railroads need the business and good : will developed within the community. | ber of cham n t the Ogde ~ George S. Eccles, as presidenof commerce, welcomed reflecting, Ogden’s the railroaders by presenting figures economic dependence upon the rail- s Ogden citizens should know but probably roads—figureall today Ogden Int. do no is 4,000. personnel the railroads’ The annual payroll is $16,000,000. Property taxes paid by railroads amount the oi to $347,000 a year. ‘Railroad transportation, of course, was in great part in Ogden of the military depots. responsible for the location The depots employ 10,486 persons with an annual payroll of s $32,000,000. They. make $11,600,000 in local purchase their bill for outgoing freight is $2,562,869. _ and ty In response to Mr. Eccles’ facts on the railroads’ migh contributions to the community President came forth with the statement that A. T. Mercier the productivity per worker in the Ogden §S. P. shops is the highest on the system and because of the willingness of the men here to do a good day’s work the company intends to make adjustments a comto insure maximum possible employment. Praises of munity’s working force is praise indeed. t Remarks from Mr. Mercier, Executive Vice Presiden Ambrose Seitz of the Union Pacific, President Wilson Mc- Carthy of the Denver & Rio Grande and President J. W. any reCorbett of the Ogden Union Railway & Depot comp costs flected the railroad officials’ concern over mounting of operation, the high rates that have to be charged to meet | the costs and the intensity of competition. “All we ask is equity of treatment for all forms of transportation,” they said, And all friends of the railroads agree they ought to receive it. eae CR. | Ogden, on the occasion of the Southern Pacific sponsored safety rally was happy to pay its respects to the men | PEE 1? ed who run the railroads. |