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Show Weel <p Ze lst Lt. Henry R. Gope Gilbertsville, New York, tended school grammar was Dorn where he end high in ate school, He attended Albany Business College end then completed a course in ace counting with LeSalle Extension Univer~ sity. His voestion prior to the wer for 13.years was supervisor 2f the tabdule~ tion instell=tion in the genersl ace counting department of the New York rower and Lizht Corporation, ( On 15 Jan, 43 he was e. end Lieutenant attended Granite - $ehsol ~signod for six weeks is 7nd was t> Uteh ASF Denot, Recontly he received first licutcnant. Lt. commissioned from civilien City Engineer Cope's Officer in Charge of then ase Osden, his ».fficisl life: Sunply Utah, promotiin | to designation Stock Control Unit and his duties consist of super-~ visory control of the Adjustment Section and immediate supervision over Stock ' Rocords Section. Eis skiing, chief hobbies ' include golf Saturday, Jen. 1, was the lth anniversary of Mrs, Zelda - Rubonstein, she wes born in Irclend where she attended public schools 2nd Dusiness ccllese, She came to America fiftecn years married ago Now one year Yeoror's later Day in is a captain OAbh A and in the a recently where he hes years, been serving for threc Mrs, Rubenstein has :jne sister in London, %Mme in Ireland, and one liv~ ing in Denver, Colorado, Her main hobby is reading, is secretary to Captain is Officer in Char.ze of Division, NOTES Ce ae HERE AND THERE FROM Myers, who Stock Control fe was called, but before they hed a chence t> set there, Joe hed turned off the water, The excitenent lapsed after a few minutes, but it wes "hot" while it lasted! OSS | Welcone’ Connor! Mr, Chicf to wir Connor Werrant Major Adoloh Section, Mr, is tho now Officer in this Sec~ tion, He is assigned to Storsce Division, Storekeeping Brench, Warchouse Onersatisns Section, Unit Storekeepers Sub-Section, eer ~~ MAIL & RECORDS SECTION Have "shiner" those -12~ She Jxe Cucchi, custodian, is our hero for the week, Wednesdey morning the hot water pipe in the hallwey of Annex 2 broke and provided » nice hot shower for Chief Clerk Allan Warnock, who happened t2 be walking by, The Enginecr Emergency Squad Reet Royal a Army Medical Corps and has returned from North Africe 1930, Zclas has .ne so, aged 10, Hor fanily is in England, She has six brothers there-a11l doctors, One brother LL eee We wish to congratulate kobert Rk, Chrismen and Mejor W. Ehlers! ! wedaing wes - and PERSONALITIES last el cue Gece C KNOW YOUR OFFICERS mes ‘scl gheat Pl got you noticed the Nona Whiteis wearing derk it! glasses? (Continued Ask beautiful behind her how on page 13) she |