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Show oMS.5, | tinned from page of ea fall on wes 87 years Maxine 14) Christmas old, day. Milt's % 4%. , uncle (Rosie) Johnson ing On one man, In her co the same thing. The Lt. Donavin, Merle Sackett won't put a Marine and we "ate INVENTORY AND CONTROL o t> ant Tertives, ant Bosokmillcr The acein, Messrs, wey our branch, is and God Speed on his trip Uteh 2 c#se, luclry we would man is Merine.e... Lieuten~ to back LicutenEast, Liaison Section is on the movo ts, Kinder end Tertipes, plus Hurley end Devis are mm their threuh concentrate settle for enything do.mean one certsin ~ Welcome is and Idceho, 5 * . «os ‘ \ 4 SUBSISTENCE SECTION Hveryone heving successfully recovered from the effects of too much celebrat~ ing sre now settling down to start the New Year vut richt by more efficient work, | Mrs, Hell heving returned rec»vered to work from her this week, recent illness, Ooservations: Major Hall, snd his frequent changes in smoking habits, pipe, ciser, eigarette, The Wheeler brothers and their droll amusing storics, Gunde quist and his vride in Logan, Utenh, Devis and his 200 white lozhorns, Norn Smith end Hurley with csr-zrief, Girls, how about tips for next week's HetieM, STOCK giving your news items? ACCOUNTING reportor LaVin Hogcan hes béecn wekine herself up eat night singing "My Ideal"; and sperking of sleep, Chloe Campbell is lysing plenty. No letter for two months, Does aircraft csrrier The end BRANCH, Welcome beck, Captain Hammond and Lt, Grant; we hope you head a wonderful tine, gtorious we are Lt, Frank M, Brown, ing the absence of a vory nice "boss" We wish Lt. 2ur 0.1.0. Captein indeed, Patane Hemoond, would settla dur- Hach week his nee is in tho He is oither coming or ¢ ving "WNows", or getting a new girl. le*ving for QM Schocl, This Geanmp time Lee, he is more where thet bc? holidays omee We missed little have nnrve gone, scttlcd back Mrs. been Blley .ut mn and Edyth sick ie 18 leave Boy, did .uf Section smell god during the holidays!’ The cirls ail came wonring thoir Christues perfumes and colognes,., ‘course that soon blew Iver and we are new trick t> the usual Lifebusy end White Kin, scent, Bt ges If you c#ll the #°s rationing section and are greeted by "Lenot Morgue", don't be alarmed. It hannoened to an unsuse pecting victim the other day, Gas is pretty "stiff" business, I guess, C & EB New Year Resolution: "Keep covered for % quick 1944 Victory." Virginia, in ‘ made down, can know normel fashion; thet is 211 except me certein 281 who hes been recoiving orchids from 9 certain Yankce home on furlough from North Africe, .Wondere... is it reel this tinc? Tanney wh? this week, Maurine Buxton walked in the office. after the holidays, sporting; 2 disanond,. she hes 2 svarkle in her eyes thet almost out-shines the rin,! anyone tem |