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Show eee + cet ae me ee ee By Bob "Thanks 1 FOR SALE Have; to the. Yenks, 1940 Pontiac Gad St. Sbek ths céniet ‘wore to mail the United Je from Fow many thieves. were Babats band? rt A the Inquire: erat of mine there me service to send 7th’ aad him, & Fron. Bee Crll 2 Pet that is eying eaton or “relish? A Ext. te or Washington ; pashan. betvocn’ Lo zen Ogden, Clothing warked Androw", Finder pleaso Mrs. or Grant, , ie rine Te a man waisnecs pilitery s secrets, he's not using his. head, . “But when he whispers - would he ba using iis CR TR yeeros ernment dey: shifty, 158. Ext, 4210, fm , amy What..tree.bears. fruit Washi ingeton, Call. Lois Baris, wrist watch, a pair » sneakers and a baseball -bat.:: womany aid the Post Atha aide ap to send? 5. Kemp RIDE} NEED in Ali Fron in, tne oversers. wrote as Lt. bo the United States? . Sanade. Ceo sane letter States ‘to Canada’ or- fron Coupe, Sepessong SOPs Anna Patkingon, obese and "Dean 6, contact Ext, ° stettiea tn 4228, * . FOR RENT Is thé shadow of rgd one “es . j alweys or. can, it J a An Sheet , .s ry a eA , 4 4 6 ee ace be ees iF twoe Mary sank rent.at 4 oy ingredient faeture of ice white, SOBWCCERD cream: in’ the manuSBD, He orn ne re renee for Phone 26 338... One. ant. has .two roonsg, living room: and kitchonotte, Coal ‘Which of. the following is. a on’ used as an has. 2 apartnonts 3176 Oden Avenuc, heater. hed Load | we lights. furnished, $32.50 per month, Also, a oneeroon apt. with cooking facilitics, light and gas heating furnished, $30.00 per Month, Private ontrance for) both. apertmonts. : : fe ON ‘In athorse rece withdraw .a "scratch" horse.. from the means to race. cn 4 » In a track sect. to “start from Scratch" — moans 9. stert. a race frim a station-~. Six-rowm house,. 1631 '— 27th St,. Thomas Doxcy, howe 2~5627. : ary position, ‘Bow is the word "scratch" Mrs. "used in e gane oF pilliards? , _ Here: are tws-inportant~ events Ancrican history,_. DQ you xnow years in (2) When which they oceurred: did the Pilgrins land Plymouth? ‘(b) “hon did the’ v.Ss. ek in the_ « Roons, ‘aks | a ” in 10. How do wires, * a 4 toe radio or (Answers -Answoom waves: travel, outside? — 90n pe.ze Halts. RP, Zoos, tho goes .there?’ thoro}t insi Go aangae 19) — oe SC Sontrv: 4 AVCe, of Bowling Albey, dotwoen. 26th and 27th Sts, SOUREARAT “3 430 MisSond seoond . house: back “re Voice: "You wouldn't. recogani ze ANYWAY. I In new her Cy! |