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Show 18 TENTH ANNUAL REPORT THIRD YEAR. FIRST SECOND SEMESTER SEMESTER Theology......................................... t5 t5 General History..................... 3 3 Algebra II........................................... 5 5 Analytical Chemistry........ 5 5 Geology.................................. 5 Trigonometry................................. 5 Mineralogy............................... 5 Astronomy.............................. ... 5 The figures indicate the number of three-quarter hour recitations per week. tIndicates the number of half-hour recitations per week. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. THEOLOGY. L. F. MOENCH. R. T. HAAG, Preparatory. The theological course is arranged with a design to prepare students for missionary labors, both at home and abroad, and to establish faith in the hearts of the student together with the cultivation of pure and moral principles, to fortify these against the vices and evil allurements of the age. The principles and ordinances of the Gospel together with the life of Christ, of the Apostles and Prophets constitutes the principal work for the Preparatory Course. In the Theological Department a strict analysis of the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants is made; their doctrines compared and principles expounded, together with choice passages bearing upon the same, committed to memory; the object being to make the students WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. 19 thoroughly familiar with their contents and to impress their sacredness upon their minds. The first year is designed to cover the historie, prophetic and moral parts of the books; the second, the principles and ordinances of the Gospel; the third, the Priesthoods with their various degrees and branches, together with quorum organizations and duties; the fourth will be devoted to missionary experiences in preaching and expounding the plain principles and ordinances of the Gospel, and in giving the students such practical experience as will enable them to do the greatest amount of good in the missionary field. SUNDAY SCHOOL COURSE. The Sunday School Course as mapped out and granted by the Sunday School Union Board to be taught in the Weber Stake Academy will be given and to which all will be eligible who will furnish recommends from their superintendents endorsed by their bishops. The course will begin November 1, 1897, and end June 10, 1898. The first year term will be devoted to the theory of teaching; the second, to the practice, and the third to the acquisition of theological matter and the practical application of the same. L. F. MOENCH, READING. Applicants must be able to read clearly and intelligently any selection in the Franklin Fifth Reader. The aim in this course will be to make of the students clear and forcible readers, and some of the minor principles of elocution will be considered. Five recitations per week throughout the year. The Franklin Reader is the text book used. RUTH E. MOENCH. |