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Show RATES OF POSTAGE.POSTAL CARDS, 1 cent each, go without further charge to all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico. " Reply Postal Cards," with card attached for paid reply, 2 cents each. Cards for foreign countries (within the Postal Union) 2 cents each.LETTERS, to all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico, 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof. LOCAL, or "DROP" LETTERS, that is, for the city or town where deposited, 2 cents where the carrier system is adopted, and 1 cent where there is no carrier system.LETTERS and all other written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter sealed, nailed, sewed, tied, or fastened in any manner so that it cannot be easily examined, 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof.NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS (regular publications) can be mailed by the public at the rate of 1 cent for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof. Publishers and news-agents only, 1 cent per pound.PRINTED MATTER, in unsealed wrappers only (all matter inclosed in notched envelopes must pay letter rates), 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, which must be fully prepaid. Limit of weight 4 lbs., except for a single book, which may weigh more.ALL MAILABLE MATTER not included in the above, which is so prepared for mailing as to be easily withdrawn from the wrapper and examined, 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof. Limit of weight 4 lbs. Full prepayment compulsory.REFORWARDING.Letters will be forwarded from one post office to another upon the written request of the person addressed, without additional charge; but unclaimed packages cannot be returned to the sender until stamps are furnished to pay the return postage.REGISTRATION.Letters or packages can be registered by adding stamps to the amount of 8 cents to the regular rate.SPECIAL DELIVERY STAMPS, at 10 cents each, used in ad- dition to regular rates, insures delivery immediately on arrival at office of destination. These stamps can be used for no other purpose.MONEY ORDERS.For Orders not exceeding $2.50, three cents; over $2.50 and not exceeding $5, five cents; over $5 and not-exceeding $10, eight cents; over $10 and not exceeding $20, ten cents; over $20 and not exceeding $30, twelve cents; over $30 and not exceeding $40 fifteen cents; over $40 and not exceeding. $50, eighteen cents; over $50 and not exceeding $60, twenty cents; over $60 and not exceeding $75, twenty-five cents; over $75 and not exceeding $100, thirty centsFOREIGN POSTAGE.The rates for LETTERS are for the half ounce or fraction thereof, and those for NEWSPAPERS for 2 ounces or fraction thereof.To Great Britain and Ireland, France, Spain, all parts of Germany, including Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Turkey (European and Asiatic), Egypt, letters 5 cents, newspapers 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof.To Australia, letters via San Francisco, 5 cents; via Brindisi, 5 cents; newspapers, via San Francisco, 1 cent for 2 ounces; via Brindisi,1 cent for 2 ounces. China, letters, via San Francisco, 5 cents; via Brindisi 10 cents; newspapers, 2 cents for each 2 ounces. British India, Italian mail, letters 5 cents; newspapers, 1 cent for 2 ounces. Japan, letters, via San Francisco, 5 cents; newspapers, 1 cent for 2 ounces. A war tax of two cents is added to each fee for Money Orders.SUMMARY OF STAMP TAXES.In Effect July 1, 1898.Stocks, Bonds, Debentures, Certificates of Indebtedness, issued after July 1, 1898, per $100 face value . .$ .05Transfers of Stock, per $100 face value 02Sales of Merchandise, for present or future delivery on exchanges, per $100 .01Bank Check or Sight Draft .02Promissory Note and Time Draft, Bills of Exchange,(inland), Money Orders, for each $100 02Bills of Exchange (foreign), Letter of Credit, drawnsingly per $100 .04In sets of two or more, for each bill .02 Bill of Lading or Receipt for any goods to be exported . .10 Bill of Lading to be issued by express and transportationcompanies, per package ....... .01Telephone Messages, charged at 15 cts. or over . . . .01Surety Bonds 50Certificates of Profit, memo, showing interest in corporation, or transfers of same, per $100 face value . . . .02 Certificate of Damage, and certificates of port wardens ormarine surveyors .25Other certificates not specified .10Charter Party, per vessel of 300 tons 3.00Between 300 and 600 tons 5.00Exceeding 600 tons 10.00Contract, brokers' notes of sale or exchange of goods, stocks,bonds, notes, real estate, &c .10Conveyances, value between $100 and $500 . . . .50For each additional $500 .50Telegraph Messages 01Custom House Entry, not over $100 25Between $100 and $500 .50Over $500 1.00Custom House Entry, for withdrawal 50Insurance (life), for each $100 of policy 08Insurance (marine, inland, fire, casualty, fidelity, guarantee),on each dollar of premium charged . . . . .005Leases, For one year 25Between one and three years . . . . . .50 Over three years ....... 1.00Manifest for custom house entry, or Clearance for foreignport, per ship of 300 tons 1.00Between 300 and 600 tons 3.00Exceeding 600 tons 5.00Mortgage, between $1,000 and $1,500 25For each $500 additional .25Passage ticket to foreign port, costing not over $30 . 1.00 Between $30 and $60 . 3.00 Over $60 .... 5.00Power of attorney, to vote 10To sell, rent or collect, to transfer stock or bonds .25 Protests of notes and drafts ....... .25 Warehouse receipts .25 |