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Show 2 4. vision of a faculty member. Failure to attend this class will result in the person's being dropped from this organization. Eligibility of the cheer leaders shall be the same as that 5. perscribed for other Student Body Article II Section 3 of the Ben Lomond Constitution, A head cheer leader shall be chosen by leaders, Article III Officers High the in School cheer Committees Section I. _ Assembly Committee a. The Assembly Committee shall consist of the class vice presidents, Secretary of Associated Students, Vice President of the Associated Student s, and other members as designated by the Student Council and faculty members as long as there are more student representatives than faculty members, Section II, The Pep Assembly Committee shall consist of Pep Club Officers, Cheer Leaders, and Pep Club Advisor, and the Secretary of the Associated Students. Section III. The a. Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall consist of five members, the President of the Associated Studen ts, the Treasurer of the school, and two appoin ted members of Student Council, and the Princi pal, Section IV. The a. Election Committee: The Election Committee shall consis t of the Secretary of the Associated secretaries of the classes, Secretaries of the Boys! and Girls! Association, Student Body Officers, and a facult y advisor. Section y, Social Committee: &. The Social Committee shall cons ist of class presidents, Historian of the Associated Stud ents, two students elected by the Student Council, and three faculty advisors, assistant principal, and the Student Council Advisor, Article Section I, No student shall offices shall be IV Regulations hold more than one major designated as follo office. Major Officers of the Associated Students, Senior, Junior ws: and Sophomore Class officers, Girls! and Boys' Assoc iation officers, Pep Club officers, Cheer leaders, and editors of publications. * |