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Show cing, two wills of exten-'| ” Ogden and Weber aredaeigibed to the high schools battle it out for Region Two honors, ee will engage in ay 100 | WHA be “practice” Fe ont coaches in Regién One. fear he ‘machine Coach Earl Fergusori , ie -puttogether at: Box Elder. = _ Other games throughout the state: ee they serve Friday are: to let the know just where the power. yo., Morgan Bountiful at at Evanston, East, Provo at } illard, Granger at Granite, Judge at. schools will a emorial at Elko, Murray } Olympus, North. Summit at~ Pleas-| ant Grove, me at Wasatch, Orem at Bingham, © or cane, tion, ron ama § on ingville at Hurri- Fork at Grand Junc- at Le Nev. ».. North at BY High. \e Oe "LEAGUE GAMES| stad is a completee schedule of ior, league games for teams in Regions One and Two.» Sy " Sept, 25-~Ben vali 4at,Bounti iS ful South Cache at ‘This ¢game is achesuied Don Box. r at ogee , at Ogden Stadium. i A | 1!vis,Oct. Baie at. Bea ked a toughy for Lagan :4 E oeth, Cache, its, opener—Highland.| ‘aa b. is Weber, Bountiful atet River, Tegarded as mee of est North Cachie at -Box the state. 0 enna eet + Oct. 7—North Cache at ee Box ee 3 p.m. Friday at the Westmin+} Elder at Ogden, Weber at Bountiful, ster College-Stadium in- Salt: Lake Citys ore: r Bear River at South Cache, Davis at Ben Lomond. Oct. 15—Box Elder~ at BearvRive cr, eetateal at Davis, Weber at . South: ooo at North _ against | © bes chile we __INPREGION ‘ONE |‘ent Bsa Rivet Bears laur ao land-| Cach ,B Be Tremont tS Boe art ‘opens. its+_ Vet. Season at 8 p.m. Friday against the Jordan Beetdiggers at. Jordan. } Rive _ This~.week’s° a ion, feams. a staste of. action: opportunity to, é * ee ‘a y iy _at Logan. Bountiful, Box for. the! a ' 40 t7 at Box uth Elder, Logan at |Bountiful, Ben. Lomond at Weber, | NIN. Pisen f . ; c Bear River at North Cache. |. Nov. 6—Davis at South Cache, Ogden at North Cache, Weber at Lo- | gan, Bountiful at Box Elder, Bear| | s time ‘coaches’ must River at Ben Lomond. ir best: “eombinations. “Hip, teinchchl be “play for vance mn games ‘are'over, ee the a ny |