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Show JANUARY 30 | il | Darts Post 64-46.Win ee i In Prep Feature Game _ ‘ points on. ‘seven field goals and nine of 11 from the free ‘throws. ' Davis is the only Region One-Two over ‘mark ‘halfway as 6 the Darts Phil gave the teams a 5-0 reached Castle and Butch. Sommers, each with 12 points, paced the Trojans to their victory. Morgan trailed at the end of the first quarter and. had trouble «shaking: the visitors’ until the final period. BEAR RIVER ~~ ® the point. It was the first de- ‘feat of. the season for the Bears, who are now 4-1 and hold only a one-game lead in Region One. Ben Lomond was knocked into a tie for last place in Region Two it had a miserable - Ben Lomond, a S first quarter Weber by a 59-38 re and i Bounti- High by only one ear Davis game. ' In the Jordan Division of Region Six, the St: Joseph Jays strengthplace by '« North Summit, .the leader in” the| Jordan Division, dropped a 52-47 decision to North Sevier in a prac- tice game.-North Summit’s League eared ¥! j lb % gee wns 3 The “Ace atver “Stott r Ce 2 a 14181038 — abe pages Ben Lomond 4 14 BOTTA et nie Mii BS. Darts moved out 15 V1 1 Delang Torgensen ‘Totals 8 22 U0 SOs. 2B 47 ee ee 52 “$T. JO FP 5 front | to 0-36 at the end of the third _ Reid 5 0010 Totals .« Mar 1551 + FAB e 28 ; 14; Pease. oh eux. 2. Hanson, “Wis att Mertoldi 2 7610 Petersen 1 20 2 : 5 ae VE 28 34 82 | ‘ i worry RICH” SOPOaNN—@ tee was almost’ elim: 0 0 zl 23 11 6 52 Willard7 11-9 23 McCarver a Be wer and steadily increased the 15211242. nee - They were ahead 28-19 at Dugway ~* . ; halftime, and extended the margin | St. oJseph - | Period. n Lomond | 5 TEP hit 13. inated after the first quarter. The ea 21321 NORTH SEVIER. points |. “oF in ys ny AB Liang aechoineeeeh— remains at 4-0. bg rgan took over ‘sole possession Warren Christensen’s was tops for the Bears. ASGy | wyear Bis ¢ ree of third place i Summit DiVision of Region Six as it’ blasted “North Richy 51-39, holding the visitors to only 11-field goals. '_ The combination of Doug Moon, * Dave Cunningham sand Mike Gardher once again proved the fire- 14261947 > ‘works at Kaysville-as this trio hit North Summit North Sevier = a total of 44 points anc i ne boards for the ‘d gion Two-champs. Cu ningham 16. Moon had 15, and Gardner i WWW their hold on second ‘defeating Dugway, "51-42, here in Ogden.It was the first “breather” for the Jays in several weeks, as’ their most recent games have been’ of the one or two-point variety. ” River N—HKON ened OD ‘Bickwourt 0 Tone oe 16 17 22 32 46 ‘ful now have 2-3 records and trail Ogden eS AnD _as | nd lost to Bountiful count. oqo a —<t mt victory LEE 64-46 O-NO—-woUND ‘Kaysville. | The win CON—S%Xx0C0e0 easy ‘Bear River Jast night in a’game at 3 | prisingly today after a sur- " ~3 5-B. Weston 6 Lutz | © | Sea trailed 18-4 after the first | &isMmt' minutes, They played the L. Weston Braves on fairly even terms after Esterholdt x _ the bie ya was too much |' ) the Overcome. No Scot player hit i double figures Taat night. Nelson ‘ | Paul Willard. put on a fine per-: 11291739. - ‘Totals... 1726 North Rich 18, WR a. 300! ce last “night as he hit 23 Morgan 11 BI 2 HH MORGAN. 26 32 NO=N-—-NO=N, n" — RO-AwWoHOoON NOnsw Fh ain: wridefeabed 39 $1 | tl |