Title |
1950 Edward I. Rich Diary |
Creator |
Rich, Edward I. (Edward Israel), 1868-1969 |
Description |
This collection contains 74 diaries of Dr. Edward Rich and his wife Almira. They begin in 1892 and run through 1965. The bulk of this collection centers on Almira's diaries that run from 1897-1947. During that time she documented her personal life and the medical practice of Edward, the community of Ogden and national events such as the outbreaks of WWI and WWII. The diaries also include newspaper and magazine clippings, memorabilia and pins. |
Subject |
Diaries; Ogden (Utah); Rich, Edward I. (Edward Israel), 1868-1969; Rich, Emily A. C. (Emily Almira Cozzens), 1871-1954; Medicine--Utah--World War, 1914-1918; World War, 1939-1945 |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
1950 |
Date |
1950 |
Date Digital |
2014 |
Temporal Coverage |
1868; 1869; 1870; 1871; 1872; 1873; 1874; 1875; 1876; 1877; 1878; 1879; 1880; 1881; 1882; 1883; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918; 1919; 1920; 1921; 1922; 1923; 1924; 1925; 1926; 1927; 1928; 1929; 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962; 1963; 1964; 1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969 |
Item Size |
3.75 x 6 inch |
Medium |
Diary |
Item Description |
black spiral bound book |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States, http://sws.geonames.org/5779206, 41.223, -111.97383 |
Type |
Text |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. |
Language |
eng |
Relation |
https://archivesspace.weber.edu/repositories/3/resources/199 |
Rights |
Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit the Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Sponsorship/Funding |
Funded through the generous support of the descendents of the Rich family; Edward I. Rich, Emily Almira Cozzens Rich |
Source |
MS 74 Special Collections, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Format |
application/pdf |
ark:/87278/s66rda6p |
Setname |
wsu_rich |
ID |
84689 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s66rda6p |
Title |
096_August 7-10 |
Creator |
Rich, Edward I. (Edward Israel), 1868-1969 |
OCR Text |
Show —me=eal i peer tn | De Buyysyes jo suas ayy Aq pemopeys-rea 0 | SUleq SSOT Jo asuas 94} JO yUNODDe UO ai90 ; “UIS SSe OU O18 JUSWIAAPeIEq Jey} UT ATIUIeT SITY 0} pepue}xe sertyeduAs ysedeop inQYIOM sem SY} peusIUy oaey T Sux yysnoy aay T ‘Op 0} att OATS 4SpIp noyy, ‘q8nomy} ‘BuIsuis ul urol ay yysru ee 194 “OrNqiju0D Ysno1y e arqissodurt juapiserg MexpItyo ste) Jo Surrear SPIEYSIY SI8.119A0- 0} sassaoons ray . ereur 8 Ne UeYY as0Ur sem SPleyoty seisig inguyzed = = +UapIseid . se sty ul JO 9s0y} OF. =e. =: Ne “ie t wey SUIAIT ‘gaya MT S}UBPUsoSap SII uonsarp eee ayy jo Seljlioyjne Tero yey} uses, 0} estdims~ ay} ‘sepeoop ouTU ysowe “YOINYD sty jo aotAres ae : . ey Sy + ath as Hse) PIROM UlOyM I COST 04 ‘wosutqoy Ul petizew YseyaorTy isusoeeee spreyory if sr 24} “Tayour 4194} 0} 08 ysnuz Suturex tours 5 ay JO > auog sey ay sy Fae ‘qUSLI ei ‘= “UISY} 0} pzreay 83 SEM atr cra” ae oon 22191} 19 wry rounos SI $4} Puy Alearey oury step 203 yrpeza ayy jo iy STI PeTeoAar Pd = TF et sey “HEa} Burpueysyno STY JO au0 sem AyeXory Ul snoafeimoo SIY Ul oyeys 0} 8¥eIs wor pnyssooons popnyour nits . -dnisenis ae any io ou ee Juy aac nes. dine eae we : ae a aye oe ou 2 Sc : SSNTNIYTIp sutayxa Japun ge : ve: aogg the pe eetue a 20 yomy g ueadoing sy} pe ©" gee BssS000n sem ay autem snorqnoy = mP SIGL 6 9167 wozy suotsstpy — 9} Sutpue}.)no Sy} jo suo sdeysreg sMs.t SIU} Ul e1ey Masts lejep aus Up~ ‘pexeA0o ueeq Apeaie sey AydeaZoiq sty os “SIPUBYOIOW pue Surrey “Ste0X TT Joy uorser yey} ur serueduioo FFL STH FO FTPY 4SaIy OY} JO sotjtarjoe cess UL sty Jo Yonu SIT ‘Spreyory UIPUPIY B10a5 Jo Suissed me . S) =stt afi = S 36 ( a t ‘eu Jo ureyo ayy ul yur Suoms e se JajeM JO JaiMsesl}, pue J0JeIIp se Sutarzes oF “AH PUB AyuNoD ee00J, soz soyeM Jo juew ~F°1°A®P 94} UI e}UeUINIysUT sem oy ‘osTy 0S @® Aanyues ayy go un} 84} edozeq ysnf{ amnyersisery 9 e4s 04} 03 aay deriea 8 Se soulod 41 ‘Yoanys “UoT}e1eUues jueseId ues ay} Suowe ueusajeys repje,, afqerauen __ e se ATUO spreyory juepiseig umouy oaey | oyM pereyoy Yorym ‘ayy sty fo Jey ATreou ‘sresk 84} Ul AdIAJeS bp UkY} e10UI perIeAoo eAjaMy, ay} Jo TouNOs b: ®4} 0} UdT}OAep BZurpueysyno ue Aq peyreur ‘ely Injesn pue suo e& asoja eB oO} ssulsq. —s_‘SquTeg Aep-zeqje Jo ys1myQ snsep Jo youny BY}. JO BATOMY, BY} JO loUNOD eyj jo juepiseid Gee = # ae a ad a pyprh TM eyg ‘seh = ' | UIeT9y} se jUOWTUIEACS 94} Jo uoNN{TYsU0D oy} Jog pueys aM » A tt £ 4 42. | 3nq ‘Aa04sTyi YornyD+ UT We}T eo payejost ue se you sreadde ayy sty quStr uMo seq} UL sontanoe yoy Ayjsomajou peystduosoe evey oym SUOSpURIS PUB SUOS 0} YoI0} ay} UO SuIssed e x x X e074} S}I YIM seyei¢ peu, Jal li 3 oe pue ‘YonyD 24} Ul seorjyjo yseysry ey} Jo auo Ul Jeyyey seUOId snorlzsn{I sty Surpesoons® Jojye ‘ose ue Yons 4e sarp uew e yons usy "668T PUR gEgT UT ‘spreyorY -q UITyUerg ‘ayyey sty Aq prey ueeq ose pey uortsod YOY ‘ATE, ey} Jo TouNCD ay} Jo yep -Iseid Se CHET Ul YRTUIG yseqTy ef1005 yuep -EJUaseided & Se aT200 , WL WOT #4 JUS SEM OSTe Tep pUE ‘Preoq TOOYSS BTe0O T, 94} JO “uUPUIIEYO se 19,8T PUP “Tequreut e se uasoyo sem oY FeY} JOR, OUy Aq Peo.UeplAs se ‘sa}elIOSse sTy UT eoUepITUOS pestdsur seuueu pue sajoereyo ajoym sty —SSPUTYJAoMISNIy :aq ATqeqoad prnom psom yeyY = “P4OAA e SuTs & UT paqisosep aq 0} pey AyITeUOS iad spreyory “yj e810e5 zo ayouASY Oy} JT GE JO o8e Ajrea Ajaaty~ -kT AI 24} 18 Yoselsyed & paurepso sem pue ‘6g SBM ay aroyeq Aottepiseid ayeyg efs00y, ay} ut” Topesunos & sem afT ‘ase sIy e0tm} usayjeq Uejeq sejndsip jo r0je0I1pn{pe ue se pueuisp: Ut SPM pue ‘AzreuoIssiu ewoy ke se SulAIes._ pepessid SPM ead e UITIIM pUe ‘cy Jo age ATIe0 ay} ye -IS8tgq pepeasons aTy “yomnyD ey} ynoysnoy, yom edure; jo szostazedns se pajoe 19} 2 pue ‘ojduray, aye 3 eSg ay} Jo yueptseid sueak BI@Aes J0J sem apy “YornYD ay} 0} youetm “Eq SurjoV Se ew} & 10F peAres yng ‘Ue D sIY JO Yyouersjed ATuo jou sem spreyoIy sepry ‘plo Jo rapz0 yeyoreryed ay} jo _ ure}jed ay} ATasopD Os smoys yey} YOunYyD ey; ul Ayjurey sayjoue pur 0} q eo 0} yorTIIp st 47 “jnoysno1y} pemoys sjuepueosep sty yey, YOINYD 9Y} 0} UoTJOAep esleues ey} Ul UOWoRy J@PT® Ue peuTepso sem ay ‘YyNOK oWEI)x~9 sit JO. }UNODDB UO AY}IOME}OU sem aoIAJES YOINYD = “siyes sty so Ayruey feuordeoxe sty ut eprid Sy ‘Jaeay spreyory jueptserg ul peyeutuop ~sid uorjowe yotym aSpnf oj prey st 4 : ‘AyTuey aury SIU} Ul UOT}IPeI OUTy Oy} seIsEp ysoysty ey} UI ul wy SUIT IJ NJ Se UOTJepusUIUIOD jsoUTIeM JOT sTTed sieeA 9014} eUuly sty Sulmmp wity 0} uory -OASp SUTITJUN asoUM puke ‘afI Sty Jo sIe9X 4se ay} 0} YONU pappe jey} srojoey yUsUtWOId aiem drysuotueduioa pue aed Sutaoy esoym ‘s8uljoH Asjegq 0} petizeut sem spreyory Aq Yeap JO sjusujzedep ‘PI8lf WMO s}t UT JUepuedepur AT NZ eUO YoRe ‘YII0; 49s of p.ed/ gSPADYDIY *4 SDI09C) JUSpIso1g Ajuo 2 Y| 9. moj ‘f@ 8102p yuepiserg ‘1761 ‘oz AINE uO ¢ (| < é| c ¢ ) “Ladgsad. Fe ere Ai ee > |
Description |
This collection contains 74 diaries of Dr. Edward Rich and his wife Almira. They begin in 1892 and run through 1965. The bulk of this collection centers on Almira's diaries that run from 1897-1947. During that time she documented her personal life and the medical practice of Edward, the community of Ogden and national events such as the outbreaks of WWI and WWII. The diaries also include newspaper and magazine clippings, memorabilia and pins. |
Subject |
Diaries; Ogden (Utah); Rich, Edward I. (Edward Israel), 1868-1969; Rich, Emily A. C. (Emily Almira Cozzens), 1871-1954; Medicine--Utah--World War, 1914-1918; World War, 1939-1945 |
Digital Publisher |
Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA |
Date Original |
1950 |
Date |
1950 |
Date Digital |
2014 |
Item Description |
5.5 x 8 in. leather bound diary. |
Type |
Text |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned at 400 dpi with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. |
Language |
eng |
Relation |
https://archivesspace.weber.edu/repositories/3/resources/199 |
Rights |
Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit the Special Collections Department, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Sponsorship/Funding |
Funded through the generous support of the descendents of the Rich family; Edward I. Rich, Emily Almira Cozzens Rich |
Source |
MS 74 Special Collections, Stewart Library, Weber State University |
Format |
application/pdf |
Setname |
wsu_rich |
ID |
96482 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s66rda6p/96482 |