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Show "RIBUNE, Friday, September 29, 1950 ‘es to | ———s UNWILLING ous or n Connally OR UNABLE? & Rearmament of Europe Hits Snags By Felix Belair Jr. A recent report to the ceonomic cooperation administration by a WASHINGTON, Sept. 28—West- seasoned observer now in this ern Europe, although practicaly country put it this way: “defensesless,”’ is either unwilling “Western Europe regards itself or unable to undertake a rearm- as practically defenseless and, .}ament program of the dimensions whether from a feeling of apathy suggested by the United States or futility, feels no strong inclinunless this government foots the ation to do much about it. The _| bill, according to official intelli- general feeling seems to be that .|gence reaching here lately. the United States should underThis theme that has been run- write the.defense of western Eu-|ning through diplomatic corres- rope and then Europena countries -|pondence, is confirmed by observa- might consider the measures they »|tions on the ground by representa- would be prepared to take to deNew York Times Writer tives of several agencies other than the State department. The same reports reflect a_ strong European opinion that war will on the continent. before -|eome _| western Europe has had time to | prepare—perhaps in less than a year. fend themselves. “Wurope, in fact, seems to have assumed the same attitude of. de- pendence upon the United States in military matters that it has already assumed, with some en- couragement omic from us, in econ- matters. SEER CN erento of j|the senate foreign relations committee, declared the time had come \for the United pressure Th (D., Tex.), chairman a west and States “to put the the Europeans — heat” for: on the far” greater “We cannot avoid some responsibilty for this European attitude, exertions in the common mobilizaparticularly the case of Germany. tion of the west. At the root of the trouble, many As the Germans do not hesitate to point out, we have spent five years officials here believe, is the fact in inculcating anti-militaristic at-| ‘that western Europeans generally Cy npn é prowduieetind BOO: PO ang either uninformed of -their feel that Germany should change| danger or, knowing it, suppose its point of view abruptly.” | |that nothing effective can be done This seeming inability of west- aDOUT IEE: Recently there has cy a ‘dis ern European leaders to take con-| certed defense action in the face position among government > exof the recognized Communist perts here to go slowly on the threat to the continued indepen- subject of continued economic dent existence of whole nations aid, even in support of European goes far to explain the decision |} rearmament. The reason has been of to} la new set’ of calculations indicatKurope as a consultant of the} ing that western Europe may be a economic cooperation administra- net earner of dollars in the next tion instead of as its administra- few years, in view of the conLOD, {templated spending on armament . Only the other day, sen. Tom here, otSS Paul G. Hoffman to go | | | | | | |