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Show 2 THE ACORN For a Shirt that's different Something that's new and smart come here. We select the patterns and material for every one of our shirts and then have them made by the best of shirt makers. No Riff-Raff in shirts here. S1.00, S1.25 or S1.50 will buy splendid shirt values here. Fred M. Nye Co. Clothiers and Furnishers 2413 Washington Allen Transfer Co. ALBERN ALLEN, Proprietor SPECIALTIES: Carriages, Drays, Excursion and Baggage Wagons, Bus', Moving Safes, Pianos, Organs, Office Furniture, Fixtures, Etc. Also Storage. Give us your order. Office, 412 Twenty-fifth Street TELEPHONE 22 None Better Made than Fryer's Chocolate Bon Bons We proclaim the fact, without fear of successful contradiction, that we supply the freshest and most desirable Meats, Oysters and Vegetables to be had in the open market. MUSIC every evening at The 322 25th Street Vienna Cafe We have one gross of Laughlin S3.00 Fountain Pens, which we are selling at S1.00 each, and will guarantee them to be equal to any other S3.00 pen made. Dee Drug Co. W. L. PORTER, Florist Cut Flowers Floral Designs a Specialty Opposite City Cemetery Just My Luck I got stuck up. I should have gone to the to have my barber work done Hair Cutting 15c Baths 15c two for 25c Give us a trial and be convinced 307-24th Street THE ACORN 3 A Good Place to Eat KENNEDY'S Open 6:30 A. M. to 12:30 A.M. 2454 WASHINGTON AVENUE KELLY & HERRICK Real Estate Life, Fire, Accident Insurance, Investments In connection with our staple and fancy groceries, we have the following good things to offer to the public NICE SWEET ORANGES CHOICE BANANAS AND APPLES PINEAPPLES, LEMONS DATES & FIGS T. B. Evans & Co. GROCERS 2364 WASHINGTON AVENUE BOTH PHONES 236 Fred L. Keller Wholesale and Retail Meats, Fish, Poultry and Sausages of All Kinds Both Phones 219 2478 Washington Ogden F. C. Woods & Co. Architects Phones 310 310K Now is the time to get plans for spring building. Special rates. Come early We Sell Lowney's There are probably more LOWNEY'S Chocolates and Bon Bons and other candies sold, than any other three brands of candies. There must be a reason for this. We have gone over the whole subject and now as a result handle Lowney's full line. Culley Drug Co. |