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Show 28 WEBER ACADEMY, OGDEN, UTAH supplied with everything that goes to make up a good working library. Additions both by purchase and contribution are being made to it from time to time. Equipment LABORATORIES The Academy is fairly well equipped with physical apparatus to illustrate the prescribed courses. The more important items are a Wimhurst electrical machine, a Becker analytical balance with weights of precision, Ruhmkorff coil, movable coils, electric motor, Wheatstone bridge, rheostat, Geissler tubes, lifting and force pumps, adjustable inclined plane, galvanometer, electromagnet, sonometer, lenses, chemical thermometers, a variety of primary batteries, and a set of apparatus for students' use in the laboratory. The laboratories, physical and chemical, are in the basement of the new building. The rooms are well lighted and ventilated, and supplied with steam heat and electric lights. The cabinet contains a representative collection of lead, silver, gold and copper ores, and concentrates from the mines and mills of Utah and adjoining states; a variety of igneous rocks from Central and Southern Utah; specimens of the more common minerals and metamorphic and sedimentary rocks; a number of cretacious and tertiary fossils; a number of Utah stuffed birds and mammals; and a representative collection of land and marine invertebrates preserved in fluids. Domestic Science and ArtsThe Domestic Science department occupies the south half of the first floor of the old building and consists of a large cooking laboratory and demonstration room, dining room, and pantry. The furnishings are new and of the best prac- WEBER ACADEMY, OGDEN, UTAH 29 tical material. The cooking laboratory contains four large coal ranges; specially prepared student desks furnished with utensils; cabinets, sinks, and tables. The Domestic Arts department occupies the north half of the first floor of the old building. It includes a large sewing room and cutting and fitting room. The department is furnished with nineteen sewing machines, electric iron, models, etc. REST ROOM The rest room is supplied with conveniences for students, who are seized with sudden illness or meet with accidents during school hours. Here proper care will be taken of all who need administration or medical aid. CARPENTER SHOP The Manual Training department is well equipped with benches, up-to-date tools, and machinery for giving a good practical course in carpentry. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL The Commercial department is well supplied with apparatus for carrying on this line of work. The bookkeeping room contains ample and modern office desks, bank, wholesale and jobbing offices. The typewriting room is well filled with standard typewriters. Students' Societies DebatingEvery year there occur several inter-school and inter-class debates, and to further the interest and to increase the efficiency in debating, debating societies are formed. |