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Show 68 WEBER ACADEMY, OGDEN, UTAH Domestic Arts Domestic Arts IHand sewing. Various stitches and their application. Elements of sewing and their application. Darning and patching. Five recitations per week first semester, two hours credit. Domestic Arts IIMachine sewing. Instructions in the care and use of the sewing machine. Drafting, cutting and making plain underclothes. Five recitations per week second semester, two hours credit. Domestic Arts IIIAdvanced hand sewing. Working of monograms. Cutting and making of fine lingerie. Three recitations per week first semester, two hours credit. Dressmaking IDrafting, cutting and making dresses of wash material. Three recitations per week second semester, two hours credit. Dressmaking IIAdvanced dressmaking and drafting. Simple embroidery stitches used in trimming. Tailor made suits. Three recitations per week throughout the year, four hours credit. Art Needle Work IDrawn work and modern lace making. Three recitations per week first semester, two hours credit. Art Needle Work IIHardanger and the various kinds of embroidery. Three recitations per week second semester, two hours credit. WEBER ACADEMY, OGDEN, UTAH 69 Domestic Science Domestic Science I(a) Fruit work; canning and bottling. Study of fruits and acids. Making of jellies, marmelades, preserves, pickles and relishes. (b) Bread making: Study of yeasts and cereals, their food value and cost. Hot and cold bread, white and graham. Baking and care after baking. (c) A study of the kitchen and its utensils. Methods of cleaning utensils, glass, silver, china and linen. Practical work in making mushes and other breakfast dishes. Two lectures and two laboratory periods throughout the year. Domestic Science IICareful study of the different classes of foods, their sources, composition, cost, digestibility and nutritive value. Special attention will be given to the study of meats and vegetables. Table service: duty of waitress and hostess will also be considered. (a) The laboratory work, the first third of the year is devoted to the cooking of meats, vegetables and salads. (b) During the winter months a three course dinner is served daily. Each girl in her turn is responsible for setting, serving and waiting of the table. Two lectures and two laboratory periods throughout the year. Domestic Science III(a) Advanced cooking. Making of cakes, pastry and deserts. A study of their food value and cost. (b) Table etiquette, serving and waiting, planning of menus, combination of foods, working out color |