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Show HENSLEY CORTEZ President ELLA ROBINSON STERLING WHEELWRIGHT Vice- President Secretary The Associated Students FOR 'THE STUDENT BODY ORGANIZATION, the year 1924-25 has been more eventful and has seen the fulfillment of higher aspirations than has any other year of student body history. High goals have been set, and high goals have been reached. The big problem that has faced the officers this year has been the one of carrying on the activities that necessarily accompany every successful college year, and of doing so with an organization and treasury greatly handicapped from the first day by limited financial resources. Only the pioneer spirit of service and cooperation of the Associated Students has made possible the signal achievements of this year. The student body activities have been promoted with a two-fold purpose in mind: First, to provide opportunity for development of participants, and to furnish the necessary social pleasures; and second, through the medium of activities, to make the power of this institution felt in the community. The influence of Weber has always been manifest in the scholarship and up-right characters of the thousands who have passed through her halls of learning. It has taken the popular appeal of athletics, however, to place Weber College before the eyes of the people of the city and state. The bringing here of the Phoenix football team, the successful promotion of the intersectional game, and the victory of Weber have all been of immeasurable value in the furthering of the college cause. The establishment of the Junior College tournament under the auspices of Weber has placed the school and its gymnasium prominently before the citizens of Weber County. The Board of Control THE BOARD OF CONTROL-the Student-Faculty governing body of the College- has been very busy this year due to the many really big activities that have been undertaken by the small student body. Games, rallies, tournaments, and contests of various other sorts have required its attention. It has had charge of student body finances, student discipline, appointment of officers, and student awards. As an intermediary between the students and the administration it has been able to maintain a spirit of harmony at all times. President Aaron W. Tracy and Professor John Q. Blaylock have been the Faculty representatives on the Board while the Associated Students have been represented by five members: the President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the Student Body, and the presidents of the two classes. Public Service Bureau THE PUBLIC SERVICE BUREAU, under the direction of Miss Gladys Blaylock and Miss Josephine Manzel, has been unusually active this year. Through the efforts of this bureau thousands of people throughout the county have enjoyed the singing, playing, reading and speaking of the many talented students of the College. In connection with the missionary club the number of programs presented approaches the two hundred mark. In some instances five programs have been furnished in one evening. No other one agency has contributed so much toward placing College talent before the people, nor has any other agency given so many the opportunities of expression that make attainment worth while as has the Public Service Bureau. The officers this year have efficiently carried out a work of great importance. |