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Show Wanted: more pullers, fewer riders. THE ACORN 21 SYNOPSIS OF DR. TANNER'S ADDRESS in Devotional Exercises. Seeking after the possibilities of life, gives us development and happiness. The gaining is better than the possessing. Certainty is death, while possibility promotes life in the highest sense. The old saying that "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush," is not true. Better say, that "A bird in the bush is worth two in the hand". The fact that the Lord put all the birds in the bushes is evidence of this. In other words, our Creator caused us to grow up in the midst of possibilities, while the certainties were withheld. Our first parents were cast out of the Garden of Eden to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows There were two boys in college, one was soon to fall heir to an enormous fortune the other was not so unfortunate. The rich boy neglected every hard task in school because his position in the world was assured; his companion worked diligently because he knew that effort alone could make his success possible. Many fortune tellers go about claiming to be able to foretell the events of one's life; but it is a fortunate thing for us that they fail in this. Our patriarchs, when they pronounce a blessing, do not claim to prognosticate, but they tell us of the great possibilities lying before us. and these promises aid us to make a success of life. The getting of a life's companion should be but a stepping stone to something higher; that is, one should not be content with the having, but should look each day for something grand and noble in his partner's character. Effort forms the basis of all true growth, and since possibility alone can promote effort, certainty must be death. A man had all of this world's goods that he could desire and when the Savior spoke to him he said, "Thou fool, tomorrow thou shalt die". Then let us thank God for all the possibilities he has given us, and take advantage of every opportunity; for they are given us for development. |