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Show BEST IN COUNTY JUNIOR ‘Pits Wahlquist squad junior high football | won its third championship o right, Craig straight this year. county Front. ard Isakson, Second Gordon Stratford, Jerry Hagen, row, TS Jerry Kinney, Brett Costley, Bruce Eaten "Dean Hlee fildon Moporhorice Kent. ‘Wood, Ronald Taylor, Larry Judkins, Wendell Williams, RichRich. David German, David Steven Devereaux, — _ HIGH LOOP Stark, Roy Petersen, Dickemore. Tatton, Douglas Lynn Giles, Jensen, Kent ‘Tucker, Lyn Frandsen, Lee Back row, Ted Campbell, head coach; Joe Quintana, | ‘Shawn McKinney; Tom Geilmann, Kenneth White, Stephen Rhees, Steven Sugimoto, Bob Gilles- pie, Dean Neville, Gordon. Evans, Travis Crowther, as Mike Trunkey and Jen: Peterson, assistant coach, eee ee fp Wehquist Odi ge ES SUS EO Names. _ 22 Honor Students | _ | FARR WEST ~ Five eighth and fe ‘hinth grade students at Wahlquist | Junior High School have been} a ee re teen or Ate oatve in a \e% {si00 ‘ ana niet *a Dads, Da ud hters us e De ag ae clas® Party Scheduled Me | ae to the high honor roll for} Maintaining a straight “A” grade | vin Anoth all. ersubje17cts,made the honor roll when. they averaged ae eli Wt in their ‘Studies, xhe ee a FARR WEST—The annual Fath- . High honor. students, are. Dean wil ers and Daughters party for stu- Martini, Karen Kump, Mary Thomp- i) be. eld.oo PTT ON ‘dents at the Junior High} $0”, Faye Henry en! School will beWahlquist held tonight at 7:30, ES “ers. eoae is in the school gymnasium. , Le DRS Ronald Driggs will be master of ‘ceremonies and the program will consist of games, a waltz contest with ‘prizes going to the winners. Pie and ice cream will be served after the party. i) The party is- sponsored +by the| Girls’ Association with Jenell Gar|ner, president: Janice Phillips, vice { | president: and Diane Berrett, secu Sige and Janet Saun- tees eR ee fa noms ie ee |