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Show Find what out? What'll be out soon. Money, who for and why? Do what? There's that funny noise again. I'll ask "Tom" about it. "Hey, Carmen! What's that?" "That? Oh, that's just something the girls' association's got up its sleeve. But there is plenty of room and lots of fresh air so it won't die and the sleeve is of good ma¬terial, so it won't fall through. Don't worry about it because we're gonna let it out in a few days, any¬way." Now wouldn't that just burn you up? AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Would you be so kind as to find out for me if the girls' association is going to have pins this year? I don't know the president well enough to ask her so if you would be doing me a big favor. I want one awfully bad, and I want to know now so I can start and save my pennies. A MEMBER. Dear Member: I asked the girls' association president about the pins and she said the girls can have pins if they so desire. If a sufficient number of girls want them, they will order them. Some girls have objected about the price, saying they could not afford them, but perhaps not all the girls feel that way. If you want pins, you girls- get together and start a campaign for them. At the next meeting bring up the sub¬ject and ask the pleasure of the girls concerning this subject. I think they would be awfully nice to have, so let's start a campaign for them, shall we? THE ASSEMBLY The assembly Friday was cer¬tainly interesting. During the pe¬riod of announcements, the fifteen girls up for queen were presented to the student body by the high everything else, Don Coray. Tom Broadbent, the king, passed his ap¬proval on them all but withheld his choice until the night of the Classicalia. Zeta Phi Zi then took charge of the remaining time and presented a very interesting program. We cer¬tainly like the piano selections by Miss Kathryn Fisher. We were glad to see Bella back again; she is certainly a clever reader, and we enjoyed her selections. Due to the fact that several numbers did not appear, the assembly was rath¬er short but none the less inter¬esting. The candidates were beau¬tiful. FIFTEEN COME SEVEN! Late Friday night the seven lucky girls were announced to the eager and waiting throng. They were greeted by loud bursts of applause and all that other apple sauce. I think they are very much the people's and students' choice. They are: Dorothy Foulger, Vella Fowler, Lucille Fowles, Phyllis Halverson, Gene Kimball, Arleen Nelson and Iris Smith. Next week we vote on one but remain in doubt who the lucky one will turn out to be until the night of the Classicalia. Now come on, let's have some snappy competition and advertising. —M. K. CUBS' COUNCIL We certainly like your cover de¬sign—haven't we seen something like that before? Anyway, it is very clever. Your material is well writ¬ten and we like your exchange de-partment. On the whole it is very cleverly written up—an excellent "pep" numbgr. You have an ex¬cellent representation of your sturents and they certainly are able to sling the words around. We liked it very much. QUEER THINGS There is a boy at high school who says he carinot change his mind because his intellectual ward¬robe will not permit it. There is another boy who when told that "all science books over ten years old are obsolete" pertly remarked, "Then why don't they wait till matters scientific are settled and then write the books?" This reminds us of another boy who complains that his dad will not buy an automobile because he is "waiting for the last model to be built." Another bright boy, apropos the changing of scientific ideas, says, "Well, anyway, I'm sure they will still leave us the multiplication table, the yardstick and the nomi¬native absolute." TWO COMPLAINTS Another boy complains thusly: "In our sociology class the book and the teacher tell us everything about, the development of the fam¬ily and family life but neither ex¬plains why a fellow has to wash his neck and ears every day. Why don't they get down to brass tacks? Our teacher did say with a grand flourish the other days, "Why, a boy is of the earth earthly" but that only begs the question. It does not get us anywhere." Another boy makes bitter com¬plaint about the rigid home dis¬cipline to which his parents subject him. He says for instance, "It is the rule at our house that one must eat what's set before him and ask no questions. And yet they don't sit very much before me. If they are going to follow a fool rule like that I think the least they could do would be to have plenty of steaks and potatoes and gravy and bread and butter and pie and ice cream setting around." March 7, 1928 OHS NEWS Stan Spencer ‘28 IMPRESSIVE AND BEAUTIFUL The assembly on Monday was the most impressive and beautiful held at the high school day. At any time during the period you might almost have heard a pin drop. It has been called the "pin- drop" assembly. It has been been suggested that we get a United States senator or the president at each of our weekly assemblies. NEW AUDITORIUM The beauty, impressiveness and worth-whileness of Monday's as¬sembly brings uppermost to our minds again the imperative need of a new and a fitting auditorium at the high school. There is nothing needed so badly in Ogden right now as more and better facilities for senior high school students. Please, Hon. Board of Education, build us an assembly hall and an auditorium. Senator Reed says we're worth it and entitled to it. OPERA CAST Tryouts for the opera were held on Monday evening and the major portion of the cast were selected. The names and parts will be an¬nounced in tomorrow's notes. The -school expresses thanks to Reed Gammell Mrs. Bernice Tyree, E. S. Smith and Miss Phyllis King, who assisted Instructor Ralph Peterson in selecting soloists. D. A. R. CONTEST At a contest held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Carver on Monday af-ternoon, Miss Jeanette Rosenberg and Wanda Preston were selected to compete in the intra-school D. A. R. contest this year. These stu¬dents will deliver their orations be¬fore the student body and D. A. R. women at the regular assembly at 12:45 o'clock Friday. The mu¬sic department of the school will furnish music for the occasion. REAL EDUCATION "Education must contain much besides book learning in order to be really good. We must ever remember that no keenness and sub¬tleness of intellect, no polish, no cleverness, in any way make up for the lack of the great solid qualities. Self-restraint,' self-mastery, com¬mon sense, the power of accepting individual responsibility and yet acting in conjunction with others, courage and resolution—these are qualities which mark a masterful people."—Theodore Roosevelt. SPLASH! Don't forget the swimming meet this Friday. There will be a va¬riety of events, some of which are: Crawl stroke; for form and for speed. Back crawl; for form and for speed. Back stroke; for form, Side stroke, for form and for speed. Breast stroke, for form and for speed. Diving, plain diving for form and fancy diving. All girls wishing to enter will please give their names to either Marion Hussey, athletic manager of the Girls' association, or to Donna Manning. All entries must be made by Friday noon. Everyone is cordially invited to attend come and see what the girls can do, fellows! Remember, Fri¬day at 3:45—all girls entering must be at the gym by 3:30. CUTTING CORNERS The American people are in a hurry. "Get rich quick," "Get there quick," "Hurry-up Yost," and similar expressions typify us. We all feel that way. People living on corner lots must needs fence them to keep us "off the grass." We just love to cut the corners. We "pay hawk" at street intersections, endangering our lives, so as to get there quickly. The "quick and the dead" has come to have a grim humor in American life. We make a mad scramble for dollars, for time, for seats, for tickets, booths, for lunch counters, for everything we want. We want it quickly and live in a nerv¬ous frenzy in trying to get there. Even in our speech we cut cor¬ners: we abbreviate, we combine, we shorten, we contract, we muti¬late. Parents, teachers, everybody concerned should take a little timf off to establish in ourselves habits of composure calm, steadiness, self-control. What's the use, after all, in hurrying? We just waste time by doing it instead of making time. "Haste makes waste." We waste nervous energy, we waste time, too often we lose our lives by our unseemly hurry. On every street corner, on "every business block, 9a every home we should have for a time the good old mot¬to: "Slown down." TENNIS TOURNAMENT The tennis players of Ogden High will have something to work for this year, as George Eccles, vice president of the First National bank, is going to give a medal, or some other award, to the winner of the boys' singles tournament. Mr. Eccles has been champion tennis player of Ogden for several years and is interested in the develop¬ment of tennis. Besides the boys' singles, there is going to be a girls' I tournament. Those wishing to enter will please hand in names to Milton Rawson, John Carver, or Warren Wattis. The tournament will be starting in a few days. —Warren Wattis. INTER NOS 1 On Friday, March 2, Inter Nos had a most interesting meeting. The business of the day was the election of new officers. The results were as follows: Imperator—Virginia Evans, re¬placing Warren Wattis. Scribe—Sue Evans. Quaestor—Mary Hill. Censor—Jimmie Noblitt. Regina Festivitatis—Lyzena Paine. We hope that our new program committee, consisting of Georgia Hopkins, Dee Jackson and John Carver, will tie as efficient as our former one. The following program proved to be exceedingly interest¬ing: The Ancient Aqueducts—George Fowles. The Roman As a Road-Builder—Bill Reeder. Via Appia—Georgia Hopkins. Luxuries Enjoyed by the Wealthy Traveler— Eleanor Wedell. We find great pleasure and en¬joyment in studying the life and customs of the Ancient Romans. Scribe—Sue Evans. CONGRESS Congress' plans for the Classi¬calia are all formulated. The sen¬ators after due consideration settled* the matters pertaining to congress' Classicalia participation. After this frivolous discussion congress turned to entertainment of more weighty matters. The an¬nual of debate was taken into con¬sideration. The senators plunged into the chapter on "convictions" and absorbed every word. Now they realize that, although it is a woman's privilege to argue on any¬thing she wants to, she should, if she would win, be firmly convinced of the truth and righteousness of her cause. But then, after all, what woman ever argues on the wrong side of the question? —Margaret Schmalz. FORUM As usual, something unusual took place in Forum last Monday night. Mr. Smith started the ball to rolling by calling on Willie Larsen for a two-minute speech on, "What I Got Out of Senator Reed's Talk." Mr. Larsen gave an interesting two- minute talk on that subject, and then called on some one else to give a talk on some subject. This person gave his talk and called on someone else, and so on until every one had had a chance to express himself. Mr. Hopkins orated on the in¬teresting subject of Love. Other members gave other qualified sub¬jects, some serious and some not. It is interesting to note that de¬spite the fact that Forum's mem¬bership is full, we still have about 12 members still on the waiting list. That's about all for this time. See you later. THE CLASSICALIA At last the time is approaching for the Classicalia. Who is your favorite for queen ? Bring your friends and come to the Chinese carnival. The price or" admission is only 50 cents per head. The dance will be a costume ball. See same place tomorrow for more details. March 8, 1928 OHS NEWS Stan Spencer ‘28 There are only two queen can¬didates left—Dorothy and Vella. The others—Lucille, Phyliss, Iris Gene and Arleen, will form thd queen's court, but it' is betweeri Dorothy and Vella! One will bq queen, the. other maid of honor. Oh, this suspense is terrible! GAMMA KAPPA With a lovely "Gamma Kappa is in session" sign gracing the door Gamma Kappa enjoyed a quiet afternoon with but one disturbance and that the welcome entrance oi E. Smith. Circumstances made it necessarfor the program to be conducted first. Jeanette Morell took th chair and the following prograri was presented: Tressa Jones; reac a short, clever selection, aftei which Louise Emmett played twbeautiful piano selections. I The business meeting was thei called to order, and President Larson introduced Mr. Smith, who ex plained the Classicalia to us, an urged club enthusiasm to be dis played in connection with the affair. Three new members were votet in. They are: Bill Reeder, George Fowles and Mildred Higgs —all excellent students and "live " wires. The meeting was then adjourned. —Lou Cecil McFarlane. _________ TENNIS Girls! Support your sex! So far only seven girls have entered the tennis tournament. Are we going to let Weber County High beat us? An inter-school tournament I has been arranged and must be supported. The following committee has been appointed to handle the entries: Eleanor Gager, chairman; Kate Greenwell, Kate Hanson. If you can't play tennis, ask one of the committee to teach you. Some other girls are also willing r to help. If application is made to one of the following beginners' corps may be started: Donna Manning, Carmen Garner, Vella Fowler, Jean Bailey. Come in, girls; let's play tennis! —"Tom" Garner. COUNCIL Council was held on Februarys 6 with President Hales presiding. The roll was called and the excuses were read. Since no specific reasons were stated the excuses were not accepted. Mr. Roberts said that only tw c clubs have given reports of theii membership and asked that that business be attended to immediately. He also asked for the club I presidents to hand'in the request¬ed data for the University of North Carolina as soon as possible. On motion of Mr. Rawson, the report was accepted. Mr. Rawson gave a complete re¬port of all plans for the tennis tournament. The report was accepted. It was moved and seconded that the necessary amount of money for completing the tennis court be appropriated. The motion was carried. It was moved and seconded that an amendment to the consti¬tution to place the editor of the O. H. S. notes on the same basis as other editors, be referred to the revision committee. The motion was carried. It was moved and seconded that the Junior High school member of Stellae be dropped from the club. The motion was carried. Council was then adjourned. -—Dorothy Foulger, Secretary. I JUST LOVE BOYS I just love boys! In fact, I think they are the most entertaining creatures! There is nothing more interesting or amusing than to watch the male of the species think he is terribly important or learned. He will spring a so-called "bright crack" and look around expectant-ly to see how big a hit it made. Oh! I forgot to tell you, if you 1 want to be genuinely amused you should watch the interesting creature when he is in the presence of the female of the species. Oh, it's just too darling, my dear! if she happens to be fond of poetry, our hero immediately brings poetry to school, and memorizes bits for her benefit. If she is musically in¬clined you might hear remarks lika this: "Have you heard Diane? Gee, but that's a keen tune!" And she, trying hard not to laugh at his taste in music, agrees gravely. Then the poor, dumb boy goes his way, thinking he has added another girl's heart to his already large collection. All in all, I sincerely believe that boys are as entertain¬ing as goldfish. Do you hhme me ? —J. R. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: I'm only a junior, and have been warned about love by you, but still I find I've fallen for a handsome captain. I am hopelessly in love with him. What shall I do, take poison or continue to be in love with him? He’s awfully nice and we’re going steady now--have been for two days. --Mary. Dear Mary: Well, so you’ve gone and done it, huh? Well, juniors have a habit of doing just the opposite from what they are told, so I’ll forgive you. Aren’t you glad you are a junior now? I’m sure he is nice so I wouldn’t do anything so drastic as to swallow poison--even if it is being done these days. Two days--that’s an awfully long time to be going steady, but wait until two months. I prophesy you’ll be “fancy free and heart whole” again. That’s the way with juniors. --Aunt Jane. The girls’ meeting Wednesday proved that the girls are showing a great deal of interest in school affairs. The swimming meet at the Weber gym was announced, after which Miss Irvine urged the girls to sell tickets for three one-act plays to be given March 30 at central, by the dramatic art class. Carmen Garner then announced the tennis tournament, asking the girls to enter that we might compete with the girls of Weber County High School. Mrs. Irwin told the girls about the art exhibit to be sponsored by the girls’ association, as it is done every year. She also expressed the desire of the club to purchase a picture this year for the school. The program was indeed extraordinary: A piano quartet was given by Luzena Paine, Mary Kearn, Anna Stone and Marjorie Faris. We are very fortunate to have little 4-year-old Gloria Malouf give two vocal selections. Mr. Smith spoke on “Opportunity for Women in the Science Laboratory,” in which he stated that there was an opening for women, as she is now taking up the occu- |