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Show HERE are this year's winners of the Thompson scholarship for the University of California. Above, left to right: Mabel Reynolds and Fay Hopkin, graduates of the Ogden High school this year. Below, William Hutchins and Helen Grace, former Ogden High school students and now sophomores at the University of California. (Photos by Rabe and Link-Tiffany) STUDENTS TO PICK OFFICERS Ballot Drawn Up For Ogden High School Election Student body officers of the Ogden High school for next year were nominated Thursday. Kent Bramwell, Keith Corry, Elliot, Sampson and Rex Greaves, were nominated for president; Louise Emmett, Tillman Johnson and Dorothy Wallace for vice presi¬dent; Audrey Clark, Jeanette Mor¬rell, Jack Norback, Walter Foul¬ger and Margaret Nordquist for secretary. Because of other school duties, Miss Wallace withdrew from the race. The final election will be held Friday, May 4. Delegates to the student body convention, who se¬lected the candidates, were: Lorna Martin, Margaret Price, Donna Ramsden, Elma Rosevear, Bob Archer, Orva Worman, Bernice Thorstensen, Willie Larson, Earl Cardon, Roland McCorville, Kate Greenwell, Fern Borup, Mar¬ian Hussey, Jeanette Rosenburg, Jim Russel, Wallace Johnson, Fay Wilson, Florence Sessions, Charles Sneddon, Henry Berghout, Harold Lundy, Dorothy Robinson, Chester Anderson, Verde Whittington, Charles Dunn, Rex Greaves, Julius Hansink, Robert Follard, Louise Jay, William Smaltz, Teresa Jones, Hazen Welker, Sterling Stahr, Florence Stevens, Allan Farber, Bob Hodgson, Ben Griffin, John Jepperson, Elliott Sampson, Eleanor Waddell, Paul Skeen, Pearl Ball, Don Corey, Dwain Wright, Spencer Burrows, Ruth Yorgason, Milton Rawson, Gene Kimball, Dan Johnson, Dorothy Foulger, Oliver Ames, Dick Barker, Darrel Hunter, Theodore Alexander, Furris Robinson, Mary Anderson, Sue Evans, William O'Connor, Carl Phillips, Keith Corry, Louise Em¬mett, Glen Wilkinson, Phyllis Halverson, Blanche Halverson, Nelly Welch, George Thorstenson, Aud¬rey De Bloois, Sabra Wright, Hessel Stowe, Robert Schatz, Laura Danvers, Fay Jones, Clifton Lund, Byron Sheffield, Marjorie Ridges O. H. S. TO LOSE CAPT. DOCKLER Colonel Cunningham To Direct R. O. T. C. Work In Ogden Captain Carl J. Dockler, com¬mandant of the R. O. T. C. at the Ogden High school, has been ordered back to his regiment in Fort Riley, Kansas., at the close of the school year here, it was an¬nounced today by W. Karl Hopkins, city superintendent of schools. The superintendent received a letter from Senator Reed Smoot in which the senator said efforts to have the captain retained were un¬availing. The adjutant general in¬formed the senator that the cap¬tain is needed with his command. Captain Dockler has been in Ogden four years. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Cun¬ningham of Council Bluffs, who has had experience in R. O. T. C. work in both university and high .school, has been assigned to the high school. O. H. S. Players Give ‘The Mikado’ Tonight THE Gilbert and Sullivan light opera, "The Mikado," will be presented this evening at 8:30 o'clock in the Orpheum theatre by the music department of Ogden High school. The cast has been rehearsing for the past six weeks and everything placed in readi¬ness. First performance was a matinee this afternoon. Special costumes and stage set¬tings carrying the true spirit of Japan had been obtained. A great¬er number of students are partici¬pating than in other years. Mark Robinson is supervising the production, which is under di¬rection of Ralph J. Peterson, mu¬sic instructor at the high school. Le Conte Stewart, art instructor, designed the stage effects. The Or¬pheum orchestra will play the eve¬ning accompaniment. Taking part, are: Principal characters—Iris Smith, Blanche Heed, Gladys Anderson, Helen Miller, Gordon Larson, Kent Bramwell, Lee Cain, Don Corey, Royal Harrop. Sue Evans, piano accompanist. Chorus—Alta Byrne, Stella Chrisman, Audrey Clark, Alice Em¬mett, Beatrice Emmett, Margaret Ellingson, Sylvia Hurst, Louise Ja Pearl Lorance, Esther McGuire, Geneva Morehouse, Lillian Parrish, Myrta Peterson, Melba Pfisterer, Avon Poulter, Elaine Shelby, Eliz¬abeth Shulz, Maren Stephens, Stella Stratford, Verna Taylor. Helen Walters, Vera Wells, Retta Woods, Harriett Wolley, Modesta Williams, Sabra Wright, Sadie Wade, Naomi Allred, Rosemary Barber, Winna Brewerton, Eunice Danvers, Margaret Durant, Eldora Ekins, Virginia Evans, Helen Dumpke, Virginia Keating, Julia Liddell, Edna Maw, Edna Nelson, Erma Reardon, Ethel Stevens, Florence Williams, Violet Williams, Miriam Wirholz, Thomas Adams, Melvin Atkinson, Clyde Buehler, Glen Burt, Arnold Crouch, Harold Felt, Walton Foulger, Harold Furgeson, Arnold Garr, Charles Housley, Charles Jay, Roger Kingsford, Gerard Klomp, Austin Malan, Les¬lie Norton. Randall Peterson, George Wake¬field, Roger Woods, Myln Woolley, Wayne Fisher, Henry Bell, Verde Whittington, Odell Child, Keith Coray, Herman Hanson, Otis Hulse, Hessel Stowe, Weldon Shurtliff, Jay Thompson, Glen Woddard, DeLoyd Cazier. R. O. T. C. UNIT MEN INVITED Salt Lake chamber of commerce, at its weekly luncheon Wednes¬day, will have honor students from the five R. O. T. C. units of the state as its guests. Ogden High school, Utah Agri¬cultural college, University of Utah and the East and West High schools of Salt Lake will be rep¬resented. Five officers from each school will attend. Colonel Gordon Lar¬son, Captains Allen Farber, George Hartog, Milton Rawson and Cliston Lund of Ogden High school will make the journey. Special guests will include: President E. G. Peterson of the Utah Agricultural college; Presi¬dent George Thomas of the Uni¬versity of Utah; W. Karl Hopkins, superintendent of Ogden schools; George N. Child, superintendent of Salt Lake schools; George A. Eaton, assistant superintendent; Bruce E. Millikin, principal of the East High school and Fred A. Keeler, principal of the West High school. Richard W. Young will preside it the luncheon. GIRLS OBTAIN BORG PAINTING Beautiful Scene of Grand Canyon Intended For O. H. S. Gallery The Girls' association of the Ogden High school has bought "Land 1 of Mystic Shadows," by Carl Oscar Borg, from the display of the Ogden Art scoiety in the home of s Mrs. Mark Brown, 8 53 Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Bork is a Los Angeles man and one of the foremost painters on the coast. He specializes in desert and canyon scenes. "Land of Mystic Shadows" is a panorama of the Grand canyon and carries all the deep tones of twi¬light m contrast with the brilliant surrounding peaks as touched by the setting sun. The picture has a large cedar limb breaking up the skyline, and gives the effect of standing in a torest and looking across unmeasurable space into the depths of tne earth. So realistic is the painting that one can feel the glow of the sun as it lingers on the further rim S purple shadows into the void below. Through the gloom, the bottom of the canyon seems to be faintly outlined and the longer one looks the more surer does that belief become. The picture will be hung in the gallery at the school. The gallery, which was inaugurated by the Girls association, has been setadily enlarged. Programs Are Prepared For Baccalaureate, Commencement Principal A. M. Merrill of the Og¬den high school today announced the program for the Baccalaureate and commencement service to be held Sunday, May 20, and Thurs¬day, May 25. The Baccalaureate program will be held in the Egyptian theatre, starting at 11 o'clock The following program has been prepared: Processional, Loren Wheel¬wright; overture, "Mereille," by Gounod, O. H. S. orchestra; invo¬cation, solo, "Song From the Hugenots," by Page, Jesse Beeson Free¬man; selection, "Olaf Trygvason," by Grieg, O. H. S. boys' glee club; violin solo, "Legende," by Weniawsky, Junior Lindquist; selection, "Pilgrims' Chorus," by Richard Wagner, O. H. S. girls' glee club; address, "What Does the Young Man Say," by the Rev. Ray S. Pum; solo, "Life," by Pearl Curran, Jesse Beeson Freeman; bene¬diction; postlude, O. H. S. orches¬tra. The program for the commence¬ment exercises, which will be held at the Paramount theatre at 8 o'clock, is as follows: Selection, O. H. S. orchestra; in¬vocation, A. B. Foulger; piano solo, "Polonaise in E Minor" (McDow¬ell), Sue Evans; salutatory "Your Night," Louise Blake; selection, "June" (P. A. Schnecker), mixed double quartet, Rosemary Barber, Stella Christman, Helen Walters, Myrta Peterson, Don Corey, Thom¬as Adams, Lee Cain, Melvin Atkin¬son; French horn solo, "My Song of Songs" (Clay Smith), Thomas Broadbent; reading "Sohrab and Rustum," Gene Kimball; violin solo, "Minuet" (Mozart), Owen Champneys; tenor solo, "The Last Song" (James T. Rogers), Don Corey; oration, "The Unconquerable Spirit," Grant Syphers; clari¬net duet, "Serenade" (Titl), Gor¬don Braund.and Samuel Pierce, "Beauty's Call to You," Fay Hopkin; presentation of graduates, Principal A. M. Merrill; conferring of certificates, Superintendent W. Karl Hopkins; class song, class; benediction, A. B. Foulger. FOUR STUDENTS GIVEN AWARDS Announcement was made today by Principal A. M. Merrill of the Ogden high school of the award¬ing of the Thompson scholarship of the University of California to two Ogden high school students and two former students. There are six awards given each year and Ogden has secured four out of the six this year. Fay Hopkin and Mabel Reyn¬olds are the two students who have received the honor and Helen Grace and William Hutchins who are members of the California stu¬dent body at the present time are the otheri two. The scholarship was founded in the honor of Williard Dawson Thompson by his mother and car¬ries an annual endowment of $600 for each student, to be paid in ten monthly installments. The student receiving the award must excell in academic and schol¬astic work and be a resident of Utah. Miss Helen Grace won the Thompson award once before. At the time she graduated from the Ogden high school Miss Grace was recommended for the scholarship and received the award. Both Mr. Hutchins and Miss Grace are sophomores at the Uni¬versity of California. The scholarship committee is composed of Dean Bruce of the English department and Dean Lipman of the graduate division of the university. |