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Show JLXlfj UlXiLi 1 JLiUfJ? X JBJEjIIjUN U XYlJ*i U0I1. Sal • ly. I ; seek no more the fine and gay, For each does but re. loved me. But now I'm bound to Bngh - ton camp, Kind Heaven, may fa - vor stran ger; The vows we've reg • is - ter'd above Shall ev . er cheer and break • ing. If ev - er I should see the day, When Mars shall have re . — - \-*0-0*-0>-lm--0h-(0> ^ -m- mind me How swift the hours did pass a • way. With the girl I've left be • hind mp. find roe, And send me safe ly back a • gain 'lo the girl I've left be hind me bind me. In con - stan cy to her I love The girl I ve left be • hind me signed me, Fot ev • ermore I'll glad ly stay With the girl I ve left be hind me. M*=S t r MY OWN NATIVE LAND. Wm B. BftADBUftV. 1. I have roamed o-ver mountain, I've crossed o • ver flood, I've traversed the wave-roll-ing 2. The right hand of friendship how oft have I grasped. And bright eyes have smiled and looked 3. Then hail, dear Co - lum • bia, the land that we love, Where flour-isb - es Lib - er - ty's strand; Tho' the fields were as green,and the moon shone as bright, Yet it bland; Yet hap • pi • er tar were the hours that I passed In the tree; 'Tis the birth-place of free - dom, our own na • tive home;'Tis the was not my own native land. West, in my own native land, land, 'tis the land of the free. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. JATHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHI|JG HOME. 15 B £ :9zz=Jt fagp^ga •i. When Johnny comes marching home a-gain, Hur-rah, 2. The old church bell will peal with joy, Hur-rah, 3. Get rea - dy for the Ju - bi - lee, Hur-rah, hur - rah I We'll give him a heart-y hur - rah I To wel - come homo our hur - rah 1 We'll give the he - ro $=!-- Chorus Solo m EE=E "-££ -Jt=S=i wel-come then, Hur - rah, hur - rah I dar - ling boy, Hur - rah, hur - tab I three times three; Hur - rah, hur - rah I m r~-ft m =fa The men will cheer, the boys will shout. The The vil-lage lads and las - sies say, With The lau - rel wreath is rea - dy now To 4—-fc_J- «E 3 ^U mm B£ // «=£E£E£ m~ -0—0- -0* 0. X=izz rttiF-p ±=fc =Ffc eSe Chorus Repeat ad lib. la -dies, they will all turn out, And we'll all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home, ro -ses they will strew the way, And we'll all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home, place up-on his loy-al brow; And we'll all feel gay, When Johnny comes marching home. m -*-z*' mm 23EE fcfiS #lf# 1 B-£ -v—v- 1—r ^ t-N I |P G. F. R. TRAMP! TRAMP* TRAMPI Geo. F„ Hoot, *tt* ^ H I^**7' ;' { I 4 i 1. In the pris - on cell I sit, Think-ing, Moth-er dear, of you, And our 2. In the bat - tie front we stood, When their fierc - est charge they made, And they 3. So, with - in the pris - on cell, We are wait-ing for the day That shall 3=t k,HV r\r r r c f -i |