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A collection of yearbooks from Weber Normal College which comprise the years 1919 to 1923. Included in the yearbook are photographs of students, class officers, faculty, the Board of Trustees, athletics, and departments within the college. It also contains sections about the clubs and organizations within the Academy, literary pages, student poetry, and advertisements from local businesses. |
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Show OA JACOBS Vice-President ARVILLA PARRY President RUTH SCOWCROFT Secretary-Treasurer THE GIRLS' ASSOCIATION THE BEGINNING OF OUR SCHOOL YEAR found the Girls' Association wide awake, alive to the fact that a certain amount of "vamp- ing" must be done. It was with womanly intuition that we gave the first matinee dance of the school year on October 7th. Next came the annual "Girls' Show" on November 15th, which has always been a mystery to the male members of the school. After several weeks of preparation, the girls of each class presented acts that were superior to any vaudeville show. Of course, all of our masculine friends were barred from admittance, and we had a very good time without them-just for once. On December 12th, the girls entertained the entire school at the best dance of the year. The assembly hall was decorated to represent a snow scene. All those present said the hall was never so artistically adorned and the girls surely deserved the credit for the work. "Girls' Day," which was held on May 7th, was the climax of the story. All the boys became worried. They wandered about the halls aimlessly; they wondered which one of their feminine admirers was going to make a "date." The Association, however, in order that every member of the student body be present, "paired 'em off." Each girl asked her partner and the favored young gentleman enjoyed her confusion as she shyly and humbly asked his company for "Girls' Day." During the entire day the girls entertained the boys. In Devotional a play was given in the interest of suffragettes and in the afternoon various forms of amusement were enjoyed. An elaborate dancing party was the end of a perfect day. Weber's highest ideals are upheld by the girls so let's give three "hip-hurrahs" for Weber's girls! KENNETH FARLEY JACK CROFT President Secretary-Treasurer BOYS' ASSOCIATION THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 1919-20 will be noted in Weber history for one thing in particular-The Boys' Association. Though not organized under the best of conditions and this being a more or less "pioneer year," we have carried out most of the provisions of the Constitution. We have inaugurated several new events in Weber which no doubt will prove valuable precedents in future years. The organization was made secure in the latter part of November when the boys of the school met and elected officers, Kenneth Farley and John Croft being elected president and secretary, respectively. The first accomplishment was the securing of a lecture by Dr. Harding to the Association on the subject of "Morals." Pronounced as the most "rip-roaring," "side-splitting" event of a life time, was the Boys' Athletic Carnival. Boxing and wrestling were indulged in by the fellows. Mr. Tracy said the "battle royal" was the best thing he had seen in years. The most novel event of the year was the character ball given on March 19th. The dance was featured by elaborate decorations, special programs and the variety of costumes seen gliding around in the "Temple of Joy." The spring events were another athletic carnival, April 22nd, and a cross-country run, May 3rd. The carnival was featured by athletic contests. The cross-country run covered a distance of three miles and medals were given to the winners. Our accomplishments have not been as great as they might have been, but the organization has been solidly placed in Weber's activi- ties. Let us hope that the Boys' Association of the future will carry on the work started and strive to make the boys of Weber better citi- zens physically, mentally and morally. |