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Show ae aE ce te | STEAM LAUNDRY CO. <ittt > ~ bt ‘ts ae ie ms. ed > _ a » xu +s LATEST BOOKS AND MAGAZINES alwaya. on hand Aad SCHOOL AND OKKICK SUPPLIES Gannon Frank J, mining, res 663 25th. 25th. Cannon F Que, student Ogden High School, bds 663 Gannon Rosana B, bds 663 25th. Cannon Wm FE, waiter BF Cannon, res Mound Fort. ) | Xmas Novelties, WS Book Store, (See top and Charles J Ross Mgr, 2407 Washington ay. bottom edges of leaves.) Ganse James M, trav agt Oregon Lumber Co, bds Reed Hotel. Canyon Road School, 1638 Wash av. Capes Caroline (wid Daniel), res 2572 Wash av. Capes William D, car insp 8 P Co, res 335 Patterson ay. Capitol Hill Gree 1 Houses, (See adv.) Mrs M E Holbrook & Son Proprs, 458 25th. Carbonate Gem Mining Co, A Van Patten pres, J H Myers y-pres, A J Weber sec, S H Hendershot treas, 314 Utah L & T Co Bldg. Cardan Lionel B, cond, res 2608 Adams av. Carder Wm W, printer, res 2644 Lafayette av. Cardon Edna M, student, bds 507 Wash av. Jardon John, farmer, res 507 Wash av. Cardon John D, farmer, res 605 Wash av. Cardon John H, ice, res 437 Wash ay. Mrs Carhart Clem a Loan & Trust Bidg., Gannon Benjamin F, rest, 350 25th, res same. ay. Gannon Edward W, lab, resns Bernard 2 e of Grant Careswell te Hurd’s and Crane’s Fine Correspondence Stationery. Bric a Brac, Etc. av. Alice, clk J A Careswell, res 244 25th. Careswell Joseph A, books and stationery, 244 25th, res same. Carey, see also Cary and Corey. | Carey Edward, insp, rms European Hotel. Carey George W, car repr R G W Ry, res 149 W 21st. Carey Thomas J, salesman, bds Central Hotel. mise : gee Cain and O’Kane. Ganfield A Bradner, brkman R G W Ry, res 2757 Wash Ganfield Rose, bds 2506 Madison av. Cannon’s a ” 91 fee Wee Carhart Frank Grant ay. ©Larhart Carlew, «C2tlson —“arlson ©, student, bds 2351 M, student Ogden Grant High av. School, bds 2351 Carlson August, , Planing Mill, rear 145 24th, V-Pres Utah & Oregon Lum- Ogden, Utah. el LSS CIVS DBASE SILA a. 2 ie a he 52M e< CO » 2°> av. @ eS an) ig _ Sanford M, mining, res 2351 Grant av. see Corlew. Mrs Anna B, bds 566 21st. Annie, bds 190 21st. ber Co, res 1915 Grant ALVLS3 1VsG " BEST EQUIPPED BOOK, TOY AND STATIONERY HOUSE IN OGDEN og ST. CITY DIRECTORY. Cane, -s 4 --—~«~—Cw OGDEN _— a BOOK STORE TELEPHONE 7I!-F. A437 TWENTY=FIFTH ‘Ze SNS he TR Se a ee MEE AM a oR Eee = CANNON’S OGDE "OO 'L F “IT HVLN = "DaG1d e RO °S YVR D ORL I SLID °a IXV0_. LLP "GavWNivad Re es De Spe TE ue oetar ea aia te PI 3 | 43 os 3 oe a “5 OPEN DAY & NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 5 954 25th Street. ® os 8 |